LtJG Ellie Park- Please don't hate me!

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Mel Strobel

Jul 5, 2024, 9:16:17 PM (12 hours ago) Jul 5
to Conny IC

((Brew Continuum, Deck 8, USS Constitution-B))

Ellie had just finished messaging Indrid and Laria when she saw there was a message from Lystra waiting for her. There was a surprising flutter in her heart and her stupid grin was back in full force as she clicked to read it. 

=/\= Private Message =/\=

To: Ensign Rachel Flores & Lieutenant JG Ellie Park

From: Lieutenant JG Lystra 

Pleaaaaaaaase tell me you both saw T’Aven’s shipwide?

If you haven’t, buggy race. On the demon planet. We can have up to three people. Soooooo, who’s with me? The three of us on a buggy would be badass, dangerous and nigh unstoppable!!!

I’ve been stuck in Sickbay for almost thirty hours. Pleaaaaasee say yes!!


P.S. Since this is a normal race and not holo training for an insane mission I’m guessing the buggies won't have phaser cannons. So I call dibs on driving. 

=/\= End Message  =/\=

Ellie frowned. On one hand, part of her was relieved that she had not seen Lystra’s message until after she had already accepted Indrid’s invite because she wasn’t really sure how she could have ever chosen between them both. And well, wasn’t THAT a surprising insight! On the other hand, she felt awful seeing that Lystra was stuck in Sickbay and she hadn’t visited her. 

She noted the time and made a split second decision before she could talk herself out of it.

((Sickbay - sometime after the messages and Lystra’s convo with Laria, but before the next day with the races))

Ellie had had to change clothes, after making a mess of her last ones. As she wasn’t on shift, she wore a basic outfit of burgundy flats, dark wash skinny jeans, and a pale blue fitted tee. Her hair was up with an intricate braid looping her head. In her hands, she held a covered plate of something. A surprise as it were. She tentatively approached where Lystra was, resisting the urge to look at her chart.

Park: Hey you ::she smiled softly, hopeful::

Lystra: Response

Park: I come bearing gifts! 

Lystra: Response

Ellie approached Lystra’s side and lifted the lid to reveal freshly baked cookies. She shifted nervously for a moment before a glint of pride twinkled in her eyes.

Park: I made them myself!

Lystra: Response

Park: Yes, well it’s two fold. One, I know you’re probably miserable being in my Sickbay. But also, I’m hoping you’ll forgive me for not being able to ride on your buggy?

Ellie bit her lip and pointed her green eyes at the Boslic, giving her the best puppy dog eyes expression she could muster.

Lystra: Response

LtJG Dr. Eleanor "Ellie" Park

Asst. Chief Medical Officer

USS Constitution-B

Writer pronouns: She/They

Character pronouns: She/Her


NOTE: All thoughts and actions of my character are purely IC and are not a representation of my OOC thoughts and feelings.

Discord: melbelle8070

Trillian: justmel118

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