Lt. Cmdr Ch'Nilmani - New Responsibilities (1 of 2)

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Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani

Jul 5, 2024, 3:53:08 PM (18 hours ago) Jul 5
(( Consitution-B, Captain's Office ))

No matter how often Diz'mim was in the Commodore's office (which was not
that many times so far), he was not sure what to do. There was no desks,
no familiar structure of a starfleet commanding officer. If anything, it
looked like a recreational room you'd find on the lower decks of the ship.

In the long run though, he did get comfortable and the trio had a
productive meeting.

Rajel: I believe we have a plan then.

Herren: We could do it now, if we wanted? As it happens, we have a gap
where most of our chiefs will be unavailable going by their calendars.
::She smirked slightly:: Although if we’re not ready I could also
engineer such circumstances again.

Ch'Nilmani: I'd prefer to spring it on them. If we're going to go
through with this, they need to get used to split changes.

Rajel: Yes, agreed. Let's do it right away. Things like that shouldn't
wait after all.

Herren: Very well.

Diz'mim grabbed his PADD to update everything while Jalana called the wasn't right either.

Rajel: =/\= Rajel to Department heads, as well as T'Ama, Park, Ada and
Yirah. Find your way to the Observation Lounge immediately. Rajel out. =/\=

Herren: Should we be direct with the purpose of the meeting, or…

Ch'Nilmani: Oh, no. Half the job is trying to figure things out. It's a
good way to start.

Rajel: Oh let them wonder for a bit, why we call them in. Keeps them on
their toes. Let's head over.

They stood and made their way to the Observation Lounge.

(( Observation lounge ))

The trio arrived before the rest and had quickly taken up the positions
they had wanted to. Diz'mim had noted that Ba'el was present but that
didn't matter. The observation room hadn't been it would
get the grape vine started if anything.

Once everyone had arrived, Diz'mim placed his hands folded on the desk
to watch.

Rajel: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We called you here
because you are in charge of your departments and-

Herren: ::Clearing her throat:: Jalana, without wishing to be
confrontational I think you are incorrect on that point.

Ch'Nilmani: :: shaking head with a smile. :: I would have assumed a
Commodore wouldn't have made such a basic mistake.

The Commodore was having way too much fun with this and it took
everything for the Andorian not to burst into a grin. They had to keep
this going as much as they could.

Rajel: They aren't? ::She looked into the round and then straightened up
again.:: Oh right, yes.

T’Ama: ::tsking:: You know good and well we’re not in charge of our

Herren: According to schedules our chief medical officer is in their
office giving testimony to the Federation Medical Council’s Subcommittee
on Colony Health and Safety, our chief engineer and head of operations
are currently in the middle of installing a new central ODN line for
command functions. And we don’t have a chief science officer. Funny how
schedules work.

Park: ::mumbling under her breath:: hilarious…

Rajel: Azura Ada, it's my pleasure to reinstate you as Chief of Science
with all rights, privileges and responsibilities. Congratulations. ::She
smiled to the woman.::

Ada: Oh. Oh! Thank you.

Rajel: T'Ama, while I do hear that there maybe a certain cheek we may
have to address at some point, that is not today. ::She smirked at the
young woman:: Today we are impressed with the work you have put into
your position as OPS Officer and we reward you with promoting you to
Assistant Chief of Operations. Congratulations.

T'Ama: ::nodding slightly:: Thank you.

Anyone: response

Rajel: Ellie, you have had all your hands full on the planet, but I have
only heard good things - I will count the grumbles of a Klingon Warrior
as good thing as well. You have handled yourself well, stayed calm,
professional and all that despite being pulled in all directions and
being hurt yourself. This dedication and professionalism is what we want
to see in a leader. So it's my pleasure to promote you to Assistant
Chief of Medical. Congratulations.

Park: I… Thank you so much!

Anyone: response

The surprise on Ellie's face was interesting. There seemed to be a lot
of emotions there but Diz'mim decided that it wasn't something to pry in.

Rajel: Indrid, you had your hands full during this mission but you did
not give up until a solution was found. You thought outside the box,
utilized resources and listened to suggestions from around you. That is
what a leader should do. So we decided your place is at the side of the
Chief, Azura, and you are hereby promoted to Assistant Chief of Science.

Ch'Nilmani: ...and I appreciate everything you have done for the crew
since you have come on board.

Yirah: response

Anyone: response

Rajel: ::smiling she nodded to them all and looked to T'Seva.:: You
already are Chief, but since our Security Chief was just called away on
a family emergency I'll entrust you with the care of the Security
Department on top of your regular department until we find a suitable

T'Seva: Thank you, Jalana.

Anyone: response

With that done, Ch'Nilmani watched as their new responsibilities started
to sink in.

Rajel: Great. Now that this is done... Laria, Commander Ch'Nilmani I
trust you can take it from here?

Herren: Of course, Jalana. They’re in good hands. We will return your
new assistant chiefs in roughly the same condition that you left them
with us.

Ch'Nilmani: We've got this.

Park: Better be in the same condition! ::giggling lightly::

Anyone: Response

Rajel: Fantastic. Have fun everyone and congratulations again.

And now they were alone and facing the command staff. It was time.

Lt. Commander Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
First Officer
USS Constitution-B NCC 9012-B
'17 Simming Prize Laureate
'22 Simming Prize Laureate
Simming Prize Trustee 2021-Present
he/him (player & Character)
Discord: itwasntme
Trillian: jonathans223
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