Commander Saveron: Little gold dots

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Sarah Eccles

Jan 10, 2021, 5:33:33 AM1/10/21

(( Mountain Range "The Space" / Verdant Galaxy Gardens ))


There were of course plans for more than socialising and ‘fun’ at this particular event. Crew of the Constitution should be accustomed to that by now. As Jalana glanced at him and gave him a significant look, Saveron returned her slight nod. There was no more optimum time. 


Rajel: Evening everyone! May I have your attention?


And she got it, because who would refuse the Commodore? No doubt most had been anticipating this moment; it was just a question of when. As Jalana read out the ribbons to be awarded Saveron handed out the boxes containing the coloured ribbon bars. 


He wasn’t a hand-shaker, being an active telepath, but each box was accompanied by a small bow of acknowledgement, a frank look from grey eyes. The bow to his daughter with her Scientific Discovery ribbon might have been a micron deeper, even as she eyeballed him slightly. He hadn’t even been aware that ribbons could be awarded to civilians, but what T’Sera chose to do with it was up to her. 


Rajel: Last but not least, all of you... of us, have participated in this momentous event. Two new species, one of which came with us so it was us allowed to study him further and learn about him and his people. The path is still long for mutual understanding, but the first step is the one we took together. And for that everyone who participated in this mission - be it during shore leave or not - is awarded with the First Contact Ribbon. Now as that is quite the number of people, these boxes are delivered to you directly. ::Smiling:: A big congratulations to everyone, I am proud of every single one of you!


Each box had a person’s full ribbons in it, but as people cheered and he handed out the last of them Saveron came to stand beside Jalana again. 


She raised her hands and applauded for them all with a wide smile, and her eyes shining with joy and pride.


Anyone: response


After a moment she raised her hand again.


Rajel: I know you want to celebrate but we are not done yet. As you may have noticed Alex is not here with us, he has been transferred and so his position has been vacant. But not for long. I am grateful and thrilled to announce that the position of First Officer has been filled by Saveron.


The Vulcan bowed rather more deeply, to Jalana and to the crew.


Saveron: I am honoured to serve the Constitution in this way. 


Anyone: response


Rajel: And this is where I will hand the reins over for the rest of the official part to our newly minted First Officer. ::She smiled to Saveron and stepped aside to the table where a couple of boxes were still remaining.::


It was an unusual juxtaposition, but presumably Alex Blair must have become accustomed to it. 


Saveron: Thank you, Commodore. ::He said formally.:: I have the following promotions to announce.


He suspected that Jalana wanted to hand out the pip boxes because she liked giving congratulations up close and personally.


Saveron: Firstly, Ensign Kvash is hereby promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. 


The Anthropologist had demonstrated her value since joining the crew, but particularly during the last mission. 


Any: ?


The applause died away and Saveron brought to mind the next promotion. This was, illogically, the one he would have wished to hand over himself.


Saveron: 1st Lieutenant T’Aven is promoted to Marine Captain. 


Given how often they relied on her, to hold the bridge, it was a promotion long overdue. But that was T’Aven’s nature, the nature of many Vulcans. Do the job in front of you with a minimum of fuss. 


Any: ?


Saveron: Ensign Tann Ilix is promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. 


After a rocky start the Tandaran Intelligence Officer had kept his head down and worked hard; his efforts had shown in his results. 


Any: ?


Saveron: Finally, Ensign Imas Heeka is promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Lieutenant Heeka is an exchange officer and this promotion has been made in conference with the Cardassian Military. It will translate to the appropriate rank upon her return to Cardassian service.


Any: ?


Saveron: Congratulations are offered to those crew newly promoted. Please convey your appreciation of their achievements. 


That was the cue to applaud.


Any: ?


Saveron: That is the completion of the promotions for this awards ceremony. ::He said solemnly, before catching Jalana’s eye. Right, this was a celebration.:: I understand that there are seasonally-appropriate refreshments to sample and activities to undertake, as well as ‘Giftmas’ gifts for everyone underneath the excessively large tree. 


::He nodded in the direction of the giant, decorated pine.::


Saveron: You are all instructed to partake of these offerings according to your preference. Dismissed!


Alright, maybe it wasn’t quite how Jalana would have done it, but she had given him free rein. 


Any: ?




Commander Saveron

First Officer

USS Constitution-B


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