Lieutenant JG Lystra - Thanks, Doc

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Jul 5, 2024, 10:37:19 AM (23 hours ago) Jul 5

((Sickbay, USS Constitution-B))

She’d felt the tug on her body from the transporter but as she shook on the biobed she was only vaguely aware of those around her. At least one familiar voice was present but it was like hearing it through a closed door. 


Ashra: Anaphylaxis.  ::she frowned slightly::  I suppose it would be a moot point to ask if you've come into contact with any unusual substances - however, whatever it is, it's entered the lungs. Have you smelled or inhaled anything unusual in the last several hours?

A groan of discomfort slipped from her as she shifted on the biobed to try and settle in. 

Lystra: Stooooo ::aborted sneeze:: pid mushrooms. Got a whole facefull of them down on the demon planet, but I’ve been sneezing and sniffling since shortly after I beamed down. 

The new doctor enlisted a nurse to fill some hyposprays while she sniffled, then realized she’d have to breathe through her mouth for the time being.

Ashra: We'll need tetrahydroxyzine, 500 cc's, and cordrizine, 1cc should do. ::To Lystra:: Not to worry, Lieutenant, you'll be as good as new in no time.

She gave the physician a nod. She didn’t know they’d gotten a new doctor, but they were here so they clearly knew their stuff. Not just anyone got assigned to the Constitution. She groaned and started to cough. It felt like she was standing next to a partially exposed plasma conduit that was running at full capacity. How much was she sweating? 

The press of a pair of hypos against her next later and she let out an audible sigh as she felt the medicines fighting back against whatever vile thing that planet had used to try and kill her. 

Lystra: Thanks, doc. 

((ooc: Since Lystra isn’t exactly feeling well and they’re moving away removing the other tags between Terpes and Ashra since she’s not listening to their conversation.))

While the new doc talked with one of their colleagues she closed her eyes and tried to breathe through her nose again. She sounded like one of those old pneumatic pumps with a small air leak, but at least she wasn’t feeling like death incarnate. 

She heard someone moving towards her so she opened an eye when she heard the new doc’s voice again. Terpenes seemed to be working on another piece of equipment nearby. 

Ashra: How are you feeling, Lieutenant?

Lystra: ::She nodded gratefully and pointed to the right side of her nose:: Much better, doc. I can breathe through this nostril again. 

Ashra/Terpes(optional): Response

She was grateful for the respite and to not feel like she was burning up from the inside anymore. She felt around her face and it seemed like some of the swelling had started to diminish as well. 

Lystra: I’m Lystra, welcome aboard. Oh, and I appreciate you saving me. 

Ashra/Terpes(optional): Response

She gave him a mostly serious look and shook her head. 

Lystra: Oh no, you don’t understand. Me and planets don’t get along. I was born in space and find them entirely horrible. Horrible design. Everyone has different settings and you can’t adjust them. Give me an artificial gravity and environmental controls any day. ::She grumbled:: I’m pretty sure the demon planet was trying to get back at me for all the things I’ve said about planets over the years but I can’t prove it. 

Ashra/Terpes(optional): Response


Lieutenant JG Lystra

Tactical Officer

USS Constitution-B NCC-9012-B

Writer ID: A239410TR0

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