LtCmdr Atan T'Seva, Shuffling PADDs

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Jennifer R. Povey

Jul 4, 2024, 11:17:24 PM (2 days ago) Jul 4
((Observation Lounge - Deck 1, USS Constitution-B))

T'Seva considered several purposes for the meeting. She was pretty sure the senior staff were stable for now so, for once, she had no idea. Making her way into the room, she nodded to the Commodore as she spoke, but she also glanced around.

Anyone: Response

Rajel: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We called you here because you are in charge of your departments and-

Herren: ::Clearing her throat:: Jalana, without wishing to be confrontational I think you are incorrect on that point.

Ch'Nilmani: Response

Rajel: They aren't? ::She looked into the round and then straightened up again.:: Oh right, yes.

T'Seva was, in fact, the only actual department chief here as chief of tactical. Or was she.

T’Ama: ::tsking:: You know good and well we’re not in charge of our departments.

Laria looked down at the schedule for department heads that she had pulled up and listed off where the absent department heads were.

Herren: According to schedules our chief medical officer is in their office giving testimony to the Federation Medical Council’s Subcommittee on Colony Health and Safety, our chief engineer and head of operations are currently in the middle of installing a new central ODN line for command functions. And we don’t have a chief science officer. Funny how schedules work.

Park: ::mumbling under her breath:: hilarious…

Anyone: Response

Rajel: Azura Ada, it's my pleasure to reinstate you as Chief of Science with all rights, privileges and responsibilities. Congratulations. ::She smiled to the woman.::

That, T'Seva had rather expected. Ada had been sick, she was better now, and anyone who tried to argue it was anything else in front of *her*...

Ada/Anyone: Response

Rajel: T'Ama, while I do hear that there maybe a certain cheek we may have to address at some point, that is not today. ::She smirked at the young woman:: Today we are impressed with the work you have put into your position as OPS Officer and we reward you with promoting you to Assistant Chief of Operations. Congratulations.

T'Ama: ::nodding slightly:: Thank you.

T'Seva didn't know T'Ama well, but whatg she had seen of her was solid. She'd make a good ops chief some day, that one. She looked tired and was clearly recovering from the eye injury, but all of that was temporary.

Anyone: Response

Rajel: Ellie, you have had all your hands full on the planet, but I have only heard good things - I will count the grumbles of a Klingon Warrior as good thing as well. You have handled yourself well, stayed calm, professional and all that despite being pulled in all directions and being hurt yourself. This dedication and professionalism is what we want to see in a leader. So it's my pleasure to promote you to Assistant Chief of Medical. Congratulations.

Park: I… oO Don’t know what to say! Oo Thank you so much!

Anyone: Response

Good. Park was excellent...and T'Seva liked her quite a bit.

Rajel: Indrid, you had your hands full during this mission but you did not give up until a solution was found. You thought outside the box, utilized resources and listened to suggestions from around you. That is what a leader should do. So we decided your place is at the side of the Chief, Azura, and you are hereby promoted to Assistant Chief of Science. Congratulations.

Another good choice...but when did Jalana make bad choices? T'Seva supposed the years of wisdom from Rajel helped.

Yirah/Anyone: Response

Rajel: ::smiling she nodded to them all and looked to T'Seva.:: You already are Chief, but since our Security Chief was just called away on a family emergency I'll entrust you with the care of the Security Department on top of your regular department until we find a suitable replacement.

Wait. Lystra had a family emergency? T'Seva actually frowned slightly...she had a lot of respect for her and hoped that the emergency was nothing too terrible...that nobody had died...

The frown vanished after a moment. Jalana was right that there wasn't a suitable replacement right now, and running the two departments together was common, albeit normally on smaller ships.

But from suitable replacement, it sounded like Lystra wasn't coming back.

Out loud all she said was...

T'Seva: Thank you, Jalana.

She couldn't look upset about increased responsibilities...although no doubt those who knew her knew she was upset about something quite different.

Anyone: Response

Rajel: Great. Now that this is done... Laria, Commander Ch'Nilmani I trust you can take it from here?

She stood up along with the Andorian first officer.

Herren: Of course, Jalana. They’re in good hands. We will return your new assistant chiefs in roughly the same condition that you left them with us.

They had already explained why they were there. Now they were just waiting for the other shoe to drop, to explain to them the new initiative they were focusing on. Something that might even catch the two department heads present by surprise.

Ch'Nilmani: Response

Anyone: Response

Rajel: Fantastic. Have fun everyone and congratulations again.

With that, the commodore left to go handle the other duties of command while they handled the orientation.

Herren: Now then. I’m sure you’re all curious what all being an assistant chief entails. Or a chief, although the two of you ::She nodded to T’Seva and Azura:: already know what is involved.

Park: Yes, please!
Anyone: Response

Ch’Nilmani: Response

Herren: Exactly, most of our chiefs are very busy people. As you can see by how not here they are. So there are tasks that will fall to you all. Sir?

She glanced to Diz’mim for permission to distribute her stack of extra PADDs.

Ch’Nilmani: Response

Herren: Those of you who know me well will be unsurprised by the present I have for you all. PADDwork. I know this is thrilling stuff, but please try to contain your excitement.

She circled the table, starting with their chief of tactical and security. Laria set a PADD down on the table in front of her, briefly glancing to make sure she had the right one.

Herren: For you, Lieutenant Commander.

T'Seva took the PADD, glanced at it briefly. Looked like the department roster, or part of it.

T’Seva: Thank you.

Next up, the reinstated CSO.

Herren: Here you go, chief science officer.

Ada: Response

Herren: Welcome to department leadership, enjoy your new PADDwork.

When she got to T’Ama, she tried to offer a friendly smile. It probably wouldn’t help the lieutenant’s mood. But she tried to remain encouraging and lighthearted.

T’Ama: Response

Herren: Congratulations Indrid. Although you’ll have to share with your new chief.

Yirah: Response

Finally there was the new ACMO, Lieutenant Park. Laria double-checked one last time to be sure she had the medical document before handing it over.

Herren: And for you, doc.

Park: Thanks!

Herren: Ensign Ba’el… guess your department head had a conflict as well. Unfortunately, I don’t have any paperwork for you.

Ba’el: Response (if any)

She returned to Ch’Nilmani’s side.

Ch’Nilmani: Response

Aha. The XO was delegating some of the promotion review duties. She tucked the PADD under her arm carefully...she would go through them as she could, knowing this would likely be a project that took, at least, a few days.

Ch’Nilmani/Anyone: Response
Herren: You also should not be surprised that I’ve called down to the Saloon to have this meeting catered. Congratulations to all our new department leadership!

Park: Thank you! ::looking at the others:: And congratulations!

Anyone: Response

Ellie made her way over to her fellow newly promoted folks.

Park: So that was a thing!

T’Seva: I believe the Commodore made mostly good choices.

A slight bit of self-deprecating humor.

Ada/Yirah/T’Ama/Any: Response

Park: ::chuckling:: Honestly, I was trying to figure out if I had done something wrong that I was about to get into trouble for!

T’Seva: No. One thing about Jalana...she praises in public, but the carpet calls are done behind closed doors.

Ada/Yirah/T’Ama/Any: Response

Park: Response

T'Seva: Embarrassing her crew is in her style. Humiliating them, never.

Ada/Yirah/T'Ama/Park/Any: Response

T'Seva reached out for a tray of hors d'oeuvres, offering them to her fellow officers.

T'Seva: And feeding us well...there's a reason Sarek calls her pod mother.

Ada/Yirah/T'Ama/Park/Any: Response

LtCmdr Atan T'Seva
Chief of Tactical
USS Constitution

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