LtJG Ellie Park- Competitive Streak

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Mel Strobel

Jul 4, 2024, 3:23:12 PMJul 4
to Conny IC

((Brew Continuum, Deck 8, USS Constitution-B))

Coffee. Coffee was good.

Ellie sipped on the nectar of the gods while she finished the last of her mission reports and hit to submit them. She was surprised when a message popped in as she was placing the PADD back on the table.

=/\= Ship wide message =/\=

To: The Crew of the USS Constitution-B

From: Marine Captain T'Aven


The Flight Department invites the crew of the USS Constitution to a desert race on Drever IV.

The race will be undertaken with provided Argo Buggies along a predetermined route through the Drever IV Desert in the southern hemisphere. Each Buggy is suitable for two to three people. Form your own team, participate and best your fellow Crew members. Take dry heat of the environment into account.

This invitation encompasses Officers and Civilians, as well as guest of Paoike Colony shall you chose an inhabitant as your partner.

The race will begin tomorrow, noon board time. The Saloon will provide refreshments. Coordinates are attached.

=/\= End =/\=

A race? Ellie bit her lip- she wasn’t exactly jumping at the chance to return to that planet. Afterall, it had tried to kill her and apparently Lystra too! The thought that Lystra had been in such a state twinged her heart more than she’d ever care to admit to, but she pushed that aside. A race did sound kind of fun. And honestly, she was incredibly competitive.

She was just wondering who might want to race with her when a message popped in and she grinned like an idiot. It was Indrid!

=/\= Message =/\=

To: Laria Herren and Eleanor Park

From: Indrid Yirah

Did you hear about the Agro Buggie race? Do you want to be on a team together?

=/\= End Message =/\=

Ellie didn’t know Laria all that well- never really having the chance to spend much time with her. But she seemed to be friendly with Indrid and that was good enough for her. This might be the perfect opportunity to get to know the other trill better!

=/\= Message =/\=

To: Indrid Yirah and Laria Herren

From: Eleanor Park

I’m so in! Meet at the transporter room tomorrow? 

PS- If one of those creatures comes after us, we are SO emergency beaming ourselves out of there…

=/\= End Message =/\=

Yirah/Herren: response

Still smiling, Ellie pulled up the coordinates and started researching the terrain along with the Argos. 

((timeskip- Next day- Ellie’s Quarters))

The invitation had said nothing about requiring uniforms, but it had very specifically specified the desert climate. With that in mind, Ellie had taken care to dress in comfortable clothes for the task. She wore olive green, skinny cargo pants, with a white fitted top (her commbadge secure on it) and brown combat boots. She also had sunglasses hanging around her neck and a cute khaki colored sun hat. 

Looking at herself in the mirror one more time, she nodded and made her way to meet the others.

((Transporter Room))

Park: Hey guys!

Ellie waved as she approached the Trills.

Yirah/Herren: response

Park: Sorry if I kept you waiting. I’m not late am I?

Yirah/Herren: response

LtJG Dr. Eleanor "Ellie" Park

Asst. Chief Medical Officer

USS Constitution-B

Writer pronouns: She/They

Character pronouns: She/Her


NOTE: All thoughts and actions of my character are purely IC and are not a representation of my OOC thoughts and feelings.

Discord: melbelle8070

Trillian: justmel118

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