Cmdr. Sarah Mason- That's an order

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Melanie Strobel

Feb 6, 2017, 8:54:56 PM2/6/17
to Conny IC

((Astrometrics Lab, USS Conny))

(OOC- This is about 5 hours after the briefing in the Observation Lounge)

::The Marchlands. It was an area that belonged to the Federation, but was nestled neatly between two other factions. Crossing over the border of the Beta Quadrant, Sarah was excited to explore strange new worlds like Starfleet had always promised she would. But the thought of Klingons so close to them was discomforting and she didn’t want to be caught with her proverbial pants down.::

Mason: Unless my geography is off, that space shares a border with Tholian space, no?

::Sarah asked the question, but she already knew the answer. She didn’t look at Five as the projection widened to show more of the area. The Beta Quadrant would bring a whole different set of challenges for them no doubt.::

Phyvas: Let's find out.

Mason: So what do we know about recent Tholian activity?

Phyvas: They're usually quiet unless someone enters their territory. According to this, it seems like the Tholians are so xenophobic that they make Cardassians look like galactic diplomats. ::she uttered the Cardassian crack with a bit of resentment, given the history of her people.:: Do you consider them a threat?

Mason: Well Starbase 104 is much closer to the Klingon border, but I don’t think we can completely discount the Tholians can we?

Phyvas: You never can tell, Commander, with the Tholians. They'll be aggressive one moment, and passive the next. They don't think in terms as we do. According to some of the earliest recorded contacts dictated by Captain Jonathan Archer, the Tholians were a faction in what he referred to as "the Temporal Cold War". In 2268, The USS Defiant responded to a distress call by the Tholians only to be found by The Enterprise under the command of Captain James Kirk a few weeks later. According to Captain Kirk's log, the Defiant appeared to be trapped in a temporal anomaly of some kind, which he suspected was a trap set up by the Tholians. There is, however, a Tholian Embassy on Earth. It stands to reason that there's some form of cease fire agreement between the Federation and the Tholian Embassy. Given our past dealings, however, I'd rather be prepared for the worst.

::Sarah contemplated it for a moment. Her mouth puckered up, and she bit her lip just the slightest amount. It was her deep thinking face. Finally she turned to Five and knew she had a good suggestion.::

Mason: I would consider working tag team with security and Intel to see what you can find. Hopefully it’s nothing, but as you said.. it’s better to be prepared. 

Phyvas: Certainly, Commander. There is something else, Commander.

::Sarah had been focused on the image showing Tholian space, entranced by the mystery of the species and their intentions. She barely had heard Five and didn’t really acknowledge her statement until the image began changing and zooming in to a planetary system.::

Mason: Hm? What am I looking at?

Phyvas: The Cait System, Commander. Home of the Caitians, and a Federation member system. It's also home to one of the largest Dilithium mines and refineries in Federation. In fact, it provides the largest percentage dilithium for Starfleet. It might be wise to establish a direct line of communication with them once we have command of the starbase should anything happen to them.

Mason: Ah yes, a potential target for attack then? Any other systems for us to consider?

Phyvas: Yes, Commander, two others near the boarder. Oneamisu, which is home to a campus affiliated with the University of Hurkos. It specializes in Interstellar Law and Political Science. The other is Pelleus V, which is a Federation system, but they enjoy their privacy. I doubt they'll be of much concern. The people of Pelleus V seem to only make contact when they need something.

Mason: Good work! Go ahead and save this progress for the briefing ::beat:: and if you don’t mind, save a copy for me as well?

::There was a silent pause as Five presumably did the work that Sarah asked her to do. Sarah liked to see so much headway already.::

Phyvas: There you go, Commander. It's saved, and a copy was sent to her private computer in your quarters.

Mason: Good work, Ensign. 

Phyvas: ::smiles:: Thank you, Commander.

::There was an awkwardness within Sarah. She wanted to ask Five about her nickname, or rather she really had wanted to ask her earlier but the Ensign had left to take a nap. Now was her chance to ask, but it somehow didn’t seem appropriate. Well. There was no time like the present.::

Mason: If you don’t mind, Ensign.. I have been curious about the origin of your nickname.

Phyvas: My nickname? Oh, one of my teachers at the Academy had trouble with my name. He called me "Five Mary" one day. ::gives a shrug and smiles:: It caught on and, my classmates started calling me "Five".

Mason: ::giggling:: I guess that’s one way to get a nick name

Phyvas: ?

Mason: Fortunately my name is relatively simple to work out. I did get called “Ginger” quite bit though, but I suppose that was all on the color of my hair 

Phyvas: ?

Mason: Well, I do appreciate you indulging my curiosity. I wanted to ask you earlier, but you just had to go and reveal you were being an insomniac..

Phyvas: ?

Mason: Try to get back on a regular schedule. ::pause:: that’s an order!




Commander Sarah Mason

First Officer

USS Constitution-B

Community History Team Co-Facilitator/Training Officer


(OOC- Messengers: Skype- strobel.melanie, Yahoo-, GTalk-, AIM- melislethargic, Trillian- melaniestrobel )

NOTE: All thoughts and actions of my character are purely IC and are not a representation of my OOC thoughts and feelings.


Feb 7, 2017, 9:37:28 PM2/7/17
to connie main
((Astrometrics Lab, USS Conny))
::Five had gotten the answers she wanted, and a few more that she wasn't expecting. Her short time with the new First Officer went better than she anticipated. She rather liked Commander Mason. The simple meeting took a more personal and friendly turned.::
Mason: If you don’t mind, Ensign.. I have been curious about the origin of your nickname.
Phyvas: My nickname? Oh, one of my teachers at the Academy had trouble with my name. He called me "Five Mary" one day. ::gives a shrug and smiles:: It caught on and, my classmates started calling me "Five".
Mason: ::giggling:: I guess that’s one way to get a nick name
Phyvas: You're telling me. ::Chuckles:: How about you? Any unusual nicknames?
Mason: Fortunately my name is relatively simple to work out. I did get called “Ginger” quite bit though, but I suppose that was all on the color of my hair 
Phyvas: ::grinning:: Ginger, huh?
Mason: Well, I do appreciate you indulging my curiosity. I wanted to ask you earlier, but you just had to go and reveal you were being an insomniac..
Phyvas: It's no problem, Commander. I understand.
Mason: Try to get back on a regular schedule. ::pause:: that’s an order!

Phyvas: Yes, Commander.

((USS Constitution: Security Office))

::Not one to put off things, Five headed to the Security Office right away, hoping to catch up with someone from Security. Since there was only one person in security that she knew, it was Lt. Commander Atan T'Seva she was hoping to find.::

Security Officer: Can I help you, Ensign?

Phyvas: Yes, is Lt. Commander Atan T'Seva in? I need to speak with her.

Security Officer: One moment ... ::Taps comm badge:: =/\= Lt. Cmdr Atan T'Seva, please come to the Security Office. =/\= ::Looks to Meira:: If you wish to wait, she should be here shortly.

Phyvas: thank you.

::The wait didn't take long. When T'Seva walked in, Miera smiled and stood.::

Phyvas: hello Commander.

T'Seva: response?

Phyvas: I'm here by the recommendation of the First Officer. I was doing some research on the Lembatta Cluster and the Marshlands in Astrometrics when she came in. ::Hands over a datapad:: This datapad has a summary of my findings. It shows that the Marshlands are boarded by Klingons on one side and Tholians on the other. There's also three Federation systems near the Tholian Border. One of which, is quite valuable: The Cait System.

::Meira paused so that T'Seva could process the information so far.::

T'Seva: response?

Phyvas: Yes. Commander Mason is concerned about the Tholians. The information we have on them is ... not much. She suggested that I coordinate with both Security and Intelligence to see if more information can be found on the Tholians. Naturally, I thought of you. ::Blushes:: That, and I don't know who the Intelligence Officer is.

T'Seva: response?


Ensign Phyvas Meira
Tactical Officer
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