Lt. Commander Laria Herren - Fancy Seeing You Here

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Laria Herren

Jul 4, 2024, 11:09:44 AM (2 days ago) Jul 4

((Corridor - Deck 40, USS Constitution-B))

((Time Index: Day three of shore leave - 0530 Hours))

The duties of Starfleet officers always required a certain level of physical readiness. When she was an ensign crewing a desk at an embassy she had gotten a bit complacent. But having to outrun a cascade failure of EPS conduits on the Hood had been a good reminder that being in a less physically demanding duty post like diplomacy didn’t exempt her from danger. So, she had always put the effort in to keep in good shape. Part of that fitness plan was early morning runs three days a week.

Deck 40 had proved a good place for her runs. She could have gone down to the planet, but the trip to the lower decks was a comfortable routine. It was one single looping corridor surrounding a core of ship’s mechanical systems without crew quarters or foot traffic. A great place to run and let her mind wander while a playlist of upbeat pop music kept her from slowing down too much.

At the insistence of her tiring muscles, she eventually stopped at one of the two aid stations on the deck, with a small replicator and a supply locker in a nook in the corridor. 

Herren: Computer, bottle of water.

The computer chirped before asking for a clarification.

Computer: Specify volume.

Herren: Half a liter.

Once she specified, the replicator proceeded to create a water bottle for her. Thankfully the computer didn’t decide to interrogate the rest of her request to specify the material, shape, and color of the bottle and any additives for the water. She took the water bottle out of the replicator alcove and took a large drink of water.

Laria spent a minute taking sips of water while stretching and listening to her playlist. After several laps she could do with a bit of a break. Footsteps didn’t reach her ears, drowned out by energetic Antosian pop. It was the visual signs of movement in her peripheral vision that drew her attention. She saw the Pygorian engineer walking down the corridor. She paused her music and took the headphones out of her ears.

Herren: Lieutenant Shimisi! I didn’t expect to see anybody down here. Especially at this time.

Shimisi: Response

She realized that the same thing that had brought her down there was probably what had brought the engineer there as well. Deck 40 was devoid of most anything but the bottom of the warp core assembly, antimatter storage pods, and other technical systems. 

Herren: Hope I’m not in your way. I guess the same reason I picked this deck does explain why an engineer’s here. Just maintenance access to the warp core and other ship systems. I usually come down here to run since there’s no quarters or labs or other high-traffic areas. Less likely to run into anybody.

Shimisi: Response

Laria smiled, not wanting the engineer to think she was trying to chase him off or drop a subtle hint of “I don’t want to be around people, please go away”. She didn’t expect to run into anyone and it was certainly not the usual image she showed to the crew. A Starfleet Academy tank top, shorts, and running shoes were a far cry from her usual attire on or off duty. But just because it was unexpected didn’t mean she felt a need to chase him away.

Herren: No, not at all. ::She waved the water bottle in her hand:: I was stopping for some water anyway.

Speaking of, she took another sip from her water bottle.

Shimisi: Response

Herren: What do you think of Paoike Colony? The nature is beautiful but I for one did not get a great first impression.

The colony’s leader, the dead plant life, the rampaging wildlife were all competing to be the worst things about the colony when they first arrived. It had gotten better since they solved the crop blight, but not by much.

Shimisi: Response

Lieutenant Commander Laria Herren

Mission Specialist/Second Officer

USS Constitution-B


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