Jennifer R. Povey
unread,Aug 6, 2024, 7:12:35 PMAug 6Sign in to reply to author
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(( USS Constitution - Bridge ))
Rajel: Can you see what's their damage?
Zaka: Sensors are still overwhelmed from the explosion, working on it ::He paused and decided to add for protocol:: Commodore.
T'Seva was seeing the same thing as Zaka. She was also taking a few deep breaths. There was a moment. A moment...
Any: Response
Lystra: That did a number on them. I think they’re pulling back, but the sensors detected a possible transporter signal.
Rajel: Transporter signal? What it is and where to?
Any: response
Lystra: Honestly, I can’t be entirely sure. There’s too much interference from the residual radiation from the shuttle’s warp core breach. It’s dominating the scans and the computer just barely detected it because I had an alert set if they picked up anything that could be a boarding attempt.
Ada: Between the existing interference and the detonation, we can't track the location. Lytstra's right.
Rajel: Damn, try to see if you can find out where it went in case it left any traces.
Any: response
Lystra: Not sure, but our shields have been up this whole time, so most likely Hermes outpost. Should I alert D’Sena?
Rajel: Yes, let her know to beam a team down in case that transporter signal was a boarding party.
Any: response
Shimisi: =/\= Shimisi to Zaka, if worker drones are to be sent, we better do it now. We believe we can enhance the shields with a mix of Beta Tachyon particles and antiprotons, but that will prevent us from transporting anything out. =/\=
Zaka: =/\= Thank you Lieutenant, we better start soon then. How long until we'll see improvement on the shields? =/\=
Shimisi: =/\= After the procedure is done and once the effectiveness is off, we'll need about thirty seconds to restore shields. Just give us the order and we'll proceed =/\=
Rajel: That may not be necessary.
Zaka: Hm?
The Commodore was right. The small ships were starting to turn.
T'Seva: I think...
Any: Response
Rajel: Looks like they are retreating. Keep the weapons on stand by in case it's a trick.
T'Seva kept her hands on the controls, but the small ships were, indeed, running back to their mother ship to be collected. It wasn't *over*, but it was over.
Any: Response
Rajel: Stand down. Disengage red alert.
Deep breath. Slow her heart rate back down. The ship was intact, damage was not that severe. The wild weasel stunt had helped, but they had won.
Any: Response
Rajel: I want reports from all stations. Need to know the damage. Still nothing from the outpost?
Kapoor: No Ma'am. Still can't reach them, it seems like their communications array is completely offline.
Zaka: We got minor damage on deck 11 and 28. The outpost got heavy damage on some external arrays, the communication array seems to be completely destroyed. Main structure is damaged, but it looks like structural integrity is holding.
T'Seva: Good. We're going to need to help them.
He hadn't mentioned casualties, so she could hope they were minimal. Lera would be scared, but caring for her was Evria's job.
Any: Response
Rajel: Commander, you have the bridge. Inform the ship that the battle is over and evaluate the damage reports. Keep an overview of getting things done. I'll go have a chat with the Hermes' CO.
Ch'Nilmani: Response
Rajel: Of course I won't go alone. ::She tapped her badge.:: =/\= Rajel to Herren, Park and Zaka. Meet me in Transporter room 1. =/\=
Any: =/\= Response =/\=
Rajel: We have a full Security Detail down there, so Lystra you'll stay here. Ba'el I want you to join Lystra to patrol the ship. There is bound to be some security risks, panicked or some other violent behaviour after a battle especially among civilians that do not have the proper training. Try to calm them down and get them them help they need.
Lystra/Ba'el: Response
Rajel: T'Seva and Azura, grab all sensor data that you were able to get about the ships and head down to Intel. Maybe you can manage to find out who we were dealing with.
Ada: On it.
T'Seva: Okay.
Rajel: I'll just get a first overview of what has happened down there and how much help they need. I'll let you know as soon as possible so we can prepare to help them recover.
Any: Response
Jalana nodded and then headed to the lift with the other officers.
Ada: T'Seva, are you ready?
T'Seva handed the console over to a duty officer and turned to follow Ada.
T'Seva: Ready.
She would rather stay on the bridge in case they came back, but she had to trust Rajel's experienced judgment. Also, she knew she was just itching to blow a few more of them up, and that wasn't a good state. Sometimes the Vulcanoid battle fever, the very thing that had led the species to embrace logic, got to her a little.
Ada: Commander, uh, actually, I'm sorry, I don't know how to pronounce your name, sir.
Ch'Nilmani: ?
T'Seva listened, she wasn't sure she was getting his name right herself.
Ada: Thank you. Yes, ok, we're headed to Intel.
Ch'Nilmani/Any: ?
T'Seva: Lets go.
She followed a reluctant-looking Azura to the turbolift. A moment later it arrived and both women left the bridge.
Ch'Nilmani/Any: ?
T'Seva: Let's go see if we can work out who they are.
Ada: ?
T'Seva: Not a fan of leaving the bridge, but I should.
Ada: ?
T'Seva: I don't know. I think we can eliminate Cardassians, although we can show the data to Heeka to check. Didn't feel like their tactics. Klingons don't use small ship/carrier tactics much...
Ada: ?
T'Seva: They were definitely packing a punch.
They made their way into the intel suite and T'Seva pulled up the tactical data from the fight.
Ada: ?
LtCmdr Atan T'Seva
Chief of Tactical
USS Constitution