PNPC Marine Captain T'Aven - Preparations

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Jul 3, 2024, 10:36:24 PMJul 3
to IC Conny

(( Flight Department ))

T'Aven was working on last preparations, of loading the materials needed into the containers. She was part of the crew that put together the racing course and OPS had provided them with markers for the parkour. The team beamed them down and began to stake out the track, which was extensive enough to not be over in a minute and provided a few challenges.

T'Aven carried two containers, one in each hand, to the transporter platform when the PADD she had placed aside beeped and demanded her attention. She gave a transporter officer a nod to beam the things down, she didn't need words for that and moved over to pick up the PADD with her gloved hand to check on the message.

=/\= Message reply

From: Lieutenant Mingxing Shimisi
To: Marine Captain T'Aven

Hello sir, I've received your message about the race and was wondering if there's any place where the list of participants is open to check and add or if we have to do it on our own. Also, I'd like to know if the Argo vehicles we'll be given could be modified in any way or if the race will be held with standard vehicles.

Thanks for your patience and I wait for your reply.

End Message =/\=

She raised a brow and pressed a button to reply to the message.

=/\= Message reply

From: Marine Captain T'Aven
To: Lieutenant Mingxing Shimisi


participants are not registered and listed until the meet up before the race. You can freely choose a partner to participate, either by finding one yourself beforehand, or at location when the participants are making themselves known.

The vehicles are provided and are standard to allow everyone the same chances without modifications. Shall your anatomy require adjustments, please inform me so we can arrange modifications beforehand and reserve the appropriate vehicle.

End Message =/\=

T'Aven sent the message and took the PADD with her as she moved to the transporter platform.

T'Aven: Has everything been transported to the surface?

Officer: Affirmative.

T'Aven: Good. I will beam to the track and once we are set up I will inform you and the others that the buggies can be brought to the location.

The officer nodded and only a moment later the Vulcan beamed down into the desert - an environment that felt comfortable and familiar to her - to set up for the race the next day.  


Marine Captain T'Aven
Pilot / Marine Fighter Pilot

simmed by

Commodore Jalana Rajel
Commanding Officer
USS Constitution B
Image Team Co-Facilitator

Character Pronouns: He/Him
Player Pronouns: They/Them

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