Commodore Jalana Rajel - (Backsim) Appreciate the info

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Jul 5, 2024, 10:15:33 PMJul 5
to IC Conny


((Paoike Colony - Inhabitant abode))

Jalana moved up the steps of the abode she was going to visit next and knocked. That knock mixed in with the sound of her communicator beeping which was quiet an odd sensation.

Stapledon:  =/\=  Stapledon to Jalana =/\=

Instead of lowering her arm she diverted it to the badge and tapped on it.

Rajel:  =/\=  I'm listening. What's up, Kim? =/\=

Stapledon:  =/\=  We've fixed a downed utility dish that was failing to pick up time syncs.  For about a year it's been down.  It's standard procedure to ensure there are no radiation leaks from badly timed control systems. =/\=

The Trill nodded slightly as she listened to Kim. She really had to catch up some Engineering knowledge, because she had no idea why time being out of synch was a bad thing. She remembered that her old CO, Andrus Jaxx, had always believed a CO should know at least the basics of each department, and after nine years she still hadn't achieved that. Whoops.

Rajel:  =/\= I'm glad you found that. ::She paused as the door opened and a human looking woman with purple hair and green eyes looked at her about to open her mouth. She raised one finger to in a 'one moment' way.:: And did you find any leaks? Is it working now? =/\=

The woman blinked.

Woman: What do you...

She was interrupted when the answer came from the badge.

Stapledon:  =/\=  No leaks have been discovered and all control systems are functioning correctly.  I'll include this in my report but I'm letting you know now in case it comes up. =/\=

Rajel:  =/\= Thank you Kim. I appreciate that. Should it come up I'll be able to inform them of the issues and results of your scans. Good work. ::she smiled:: Excuse me someone is waiting for me. Rajel out. =/\=

Woman: Do I .. want to know?

Jalana turned to her with a smile.

Rajel: Sorry about that. I'm Jalana of the Constitution. We're here to help the colony with the plant illness problem.

Woman: Ah right, yes, I head that on the radio. What can /I/ do for you?

Rajel: I'm with the medical team to check on everyone and make sure we don't have more people affected by the plight.

Woman: ... Did you say 'more people'?

Rajel: ::smiling:: Yes. Mind if I come in? I'll explain in detail.

The woman looked her over for a moment, the uniform seemed to be confusing her briefly because since when was medical red, but then she stepped aside and waved Jalana in.

Woman: Can't wait to hear about that! 


Commodore Jalana Rajel
Commanding Officer
USS Constitution B
Image Team Co-Facilitator

Character Pronouns: She/Her
Player Pronouns: They/Them

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