PNPC Sherana - A Klingon View

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Oct 14, 2021, 1:49:30 AM10/14/21
to IC Conny

((Briefing Room One))

The briefing had continued and the spirits were high. Some where tense, others fueled by anger, again others looked very calm and detached. While T'Aven sat mostly quiet in the background, Sherana was more open to speak her mind, especially when Lystra began to spew her hatred for the syndicate into a meeting that was about saving the Commodore.

Sherana: I am less concerned about your knowledge than by your ability to not storm into the place and kill everyone on sight ruining the whole mission. As much as I would join my blade with you against those that took Jalana, in war, there is nothing more honorable than victory. And in this case it means to keep your boiling blood until the last moment. Then you strike with all your might!

Lystra: I’ve got experience in dealing with groups like this, and personally with the Syndicate. I’ll have to brush up on my covert ops training a bit, but we’ll definitely need to make sure we have well crafted aliases for each of us. And a new aesthetic. Preferably something similar to your own style so you’ll seem more comfortable playing the part.

Horne: Let me know how I can help.  Covert communication devices?  Recording equipment?  Redirecting ship and starbase engineering resources?  Anything you need.

Shedet: If I may, Commander?

Saveron: Go ahead Chief.

Shedet: This is not ransom or revenge...well, not normal revenge. If they wanted money, they would have demanded it by now knowing SFI would be hunting for them. If they wanted a public revenge, it would have been much simpler to just put a phaser to Jalana's head and pull the trigger for the camera to see. They want us to know they have her and they want something from us. The trick is going to be figuring it out before we accidentally give it to them.

Saveron: Understood, and I concur. As you say, the question is what, exactly, do they want. It may be us. Revenge is a dish best served in a variety of ways, depending on whom one asks. If we can determine the individual behind the abduction, that may give us more clues as to their ultimate aim.

T'Seva: One obvious idea is that they haven't fully grasped how long the Constitution's repairs will take and are short, it might be that they want our ship.

Foster: They might want it, but then they’d have every border ship in Starfleet after them.  It’s not a very smart idea.

Sherana: Who said they are smart? ::mumbling::

After all they also had gone against the Klingon Empire, huge mistake.

Anyone: response

Shedet: As Captain T'Aven has alluded, I spent six years with the Cartels which were part of the greater Syndicate and two of those years on a Free Raider. I can coach the undercover team so they don't stand out. Starfleet Intelligence records are extremely good for initial infiltration but there are unspoken social structures and attitudes that, in the long term, can give you away.

Sherana nodded slightly. The same went for any kind of infiltration it seemed. Unspoken rules and customs were part of every culture and often were not properly translated of transmitted to those trying to sneak in and pretend to be one of theirs. It usually meant that those infiltrators were uncovered at some point because of something they had not known, which natives of these groups, cultures or organisations would have known by heart.

T'Seva: That...that would be quite useful.

Anyone: response

Saveron: Thank you, CPO Shedet. I will speak with yourself, Lieutenant Lystra and Lieutenant Sherana immediately after this briefing.

Lystra: Yes, sir.

Shedet: Of course, sir.

The green skinned Klingon looked up to the Commander, surprise in her eyes. While pondering why she was called to stay back she nodded in confirmation.

Any: ?

Saveron: Since we will be going undercover, we will require equipment that is not Federation issue. Universal Translators, communicators, armour, weaponry. Lieutenant Horne, I am aware that the Chief Engineer is busy with the repairs; I will need you to work with Security and Operations to determine suitable models and replicate an array of designs.

Horne: Understood. Can we meet after this?

She didn't look who Jacob was talking with instead kept looking at Saveron to find out more.

Saveron: In addition, the vessel with which we are provided will not be a Federation ship. Lieutenant Taurik, once I have the specifications I will forward them to you; we shall require operating instructions and language interfaces, including the offensive and defensive systems. Work with Engineering and Tactical as required.

Taurik: Yes, Commander. If it is possible, I would also like access to the known transponder codes in the region. If we are to disguise the ship as something appearing wishing to join the Syndicate, we will want it to look the part completely.

Shedet said something to Taurik but it was too quiet for Sherana to hear.

Horne: Yes sir.

Saveron: We shall require all current available information on the Syndicate, particularly range of operations that overlap with this area, and/or the Shahar Nebula. ::He was working on the assumption that there was a link with their activities last mission.:: Lieutenant Davis, I would appreciate it if you would work with your department and Intelligence on this.

Davis: Aye, sir. Sciences are ready to support the mission.

Any: ?

Saveron: I will be requiring all senior officers for this mission, as we will have a ship to operate. In addition we will require at least one platoon of Security personnel. Once you have completed the duties I have just stated, you will each be required to prepare a piratical persona. Consider carefully your attire, mannerisms, and if necessary species. Counsellor Shanta can assist with persona. You will receive advisory documentation shortly.

That was more like it. Security personnel, she would be on that like a gobfly on a pile of slime. She could grab her bat'leth and slice the whole pile up.

Shanta/Any: ?

Saveron: Commander Foster, as our new medical transfers have not yet arrived, I would ask you to take on the role of Acting Chief Medical Officer for this mission. In addition to preparing appropriate medical supplies, your initial duties may require some surgical alterations.

Foster: Absolutely.  I’ll have sickbay prepped and we’ll start as soon as choices and personas are ready.

Any: ?

Saveron: Our new vessel arrives in fifteen hours. You have your orders, dismissed.

Fiften hours. Preparations for her would be easy. Sharpen the blade, hype yourself up. She would have to refresh her pheromone suppressant which would be due any day now and if they left who knew then they'd be back. While everyone left Sherana remained, there was a talk with the Commander to be had. Though someone else practically flung himself at the Commander first, apprently in a hurry.

Davis: Commander, I– Saveron, may I speak to you? It’s urgent.

Saveron: You may.

Meanwhile T'Aven had moved as well, thrown Saveron a brief look to let him know she would contact him later and went off for her own preparations. She was here a part of Security, after all that was where here marine training would fit best, next to flying a ship since she was a specialized pilot. Either way she had a persona to prepare and once her place was figured out she either had to familiarize herself with ship controls , or weapon controls. There was a lot to do.

Davis: I will be brief, and :: he faced the others that were supposed to meet with Saveron :: thanks.

Sherana nodded briefly and rose from her seat, standing at a firm stance a bit away from the conversation. She didn't listen to it. Her eyes wandered to Lystra who spoke with Horne and Sirn and to Shedet who was waiting as well before her head turned to look outside to the bustle of the station. Ships of various makes, Federation and not Federation flew in and took off. Every now and then she wondered who they were, where they came from and where they would go next. Did they have glorious battles and slay their enemies?

Saveron: Lieutenant Lystra, Lieutenant Sherana, Chief Petty Officer Shedet.

Hearing her name her attention went back to the front. Davis had left. She stepped forward towards Saveron.

Shedet: Sir.

Lystra: response

Saveron: I do not doubt that you all appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have asked you three to remain as I anticipate that you represent our best information resources on the Syndicate. Having said that, Lieutenant Sherana, I am aware that you are a naturalised Klingon. If you feel that you do not have relevant information on Orion culture or the Syndicate, you may return to your duties.

Sherana: I have no knowledge of Orion culture but may have information on the Syndicate from the Empire's view.

So she decided to stay, placing her hands in her back.

Saveron: Lieutenant Lystra, I am aware of your history as captive of the Syndicate, and that this is a distressing subject for you. I do appreciate your unique insight. I also appreciate your revelation CPO Shedet, as having previously been part of one of the Cartels, and that you have now chosen a very different career and life path.

Shedet: Of course, sir. Anything to get back the Commodore.

Lystra: response

Sherana didn't look to them but that would explain the tension. A former captive and a member of the group that had held her a prisoner. There was bound to be a glorious battle afoot. After the Commodore was back. Of maybe before if there was time, getting it out of their system. Though if anyone asked her they should use that anger to get their CO back.

Saveron: What is important is that we are all working towards the same goal; the rescue of Commodore Rajel. I need to know that I can rely on everyone to work towards that cause. Anyone who cannot focus on that could put the mission in jeopardy. Lieutenant Davis has already excused himself; I would expect any who are similarly compromised to do the same.

Shedet: Of course, sir. I'm all for helping out.

Lystra: response

Sherana: No reason for me to stay back.

Saveron: Very well. I have here Starfleet’s compiled information on the Syndicate. ::He placed a PADD on the table.:: What I am seeking now is the inside view. What information can we use, both to fit in ourselves, and to take advantage of the Syndicate?

Shedet: Well, Commander, when it comes to the Syndicate's culture, I think I might know the best. No offense to anyone but I think out of all of us with experience, mine is the most broad of all the social stratas.

Saveron: response

Certainly had no reason to doubt that. After all she had been part of that group. And in any other situation she could have possibly considered raising her blade at the woman herself but if there was one thing she had learned in her time on this ship it was that blaming one for the action of many could backfire. Was she related to those that had harmed the Empire? Then their sins would pass down. If she was not, was her relation tight enough to receive dishonorable death? Everyome seemed to believe that it was simple Honor or Death for Klingons and in a manner it was, but it was way more complex when it came to shifting blame.

Lystra: response

Shedet: I think the biggest thing that we need to understand approaching this is that they aren't just some loose rabble, they're highly organized and very big on your position with the ship, the cartel and the Syndicate as a whole. It's usually ranked lodubyal ot or Crime Lord, Sworn members of the Cartel that has taken the mark, magren or operators who are non-members in important positions and then the ships themselves. The etadubran or slave traders sit on par with the sworn members or below operators depending on the Orioskar's opinion of lodubyal-ket...slaves.

Sherana wondered if those words were of Orion origin or if the Syndicate had their own language. She had never heard Orionese, since her mother was the only one in the family who spoke it she never did, other than this one lullaby that sounded way too soft and weak for Sherana's taste.

Shedet: I think the best we can do to play safe is not trying to be any higher than a ship crew. The captain of that ship will be respected like a magren and hold the title of lisk among the cartels. It's almost impossible to pretend to be a sworn member because of a specialized tattoo that has unique inks that are almost impossible to duplicate as the unique signature is recorded. They can literally scan your tattoo and verify your membership in the core Syndicate territories.

Sherana: If I remember correctly the Commander said we will pretend to be interested in joining the syndicate, so we won't have to proof we are sworn members. That should take care of the tattoo problem, shouldn't it?

Saveron: response

Lystra: response

Shedet quickly stopped with a smile, the lilt of her accent still heavily present.

Shedet: I can put more detail in a report for you, Commander.

Saveron: response

Right she had offered the Empire's view.

Sherana: The Klingon Empire and the Orion Syndicate had an ever changing connection. We went from the Syndicate being an annoyance, to allies, to tolerated, though the last state was hostile after the Syndicate attempted to shake the relationship between the Empire and the Federation by killing one of our Ambassadors.

Lystra/Saveron/Shedet: response

Sherana: Klingons learn from Enemies as well as Allies, the time was spent well to collect intel and find ways to fight them in case they dig the knife into our backs as we do with everyone else. Know your enemy even if they are your friend. I can compile information that may prove useful in anticipating their moves in a likely case of battles.

Which would include space and hand to hand combat, at least the parts that she knew.

Lystra/Saveron/Shedet: response

Sherana: At least the variety in the Syndicate will make the persona easy. Not much that needs change on my end so I can put the time into preparations of these kind.

Yes, because an Orion that was a Klingon happened so often that nobody would notice.

Lystra/Saveron/Shedet: response

Botanist / Part time Security Member

simmed by

Commodore Jalana Rajel
Commanding Officer
USS Constitution B
Image Team Co-Facilitator

GTalk:, Yahoo: , Skype: chandni_khondji, Discord: Jess#6085
Player Pronouns: She/her

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