(( Bridge, USS Constitution-B ))
With the battle still going in full swing the Constitution crew
had just launched a shuttlecraft that presented itself as a Galaxy
Class starship to the enemies sensors, all while trying to fend
off the attacking small crafts and finding solutions to keep
Hermes Outpost alive. Jiroo was constantly monitoring the ships
and outposts status while keeping coms open with main engineering.
Ch'Nilmani: Wild weasel deployed. We've got it acting like another starship. We should have bought a few minutes.
Jiroo had listened to the daring plan that was devised on the
bridge and although being skeptical about it at first, he was
impressed by the idea. He could see how a ships sensors could be
fooled like that and if the enemy crew didn't bother to visually
check, then it could work. Certainly the whoever the attacker was,
they must rely on their sensors the same way as a Federation
craft. Can't have your viewscreen everywhere at once. As the
shuttle was launched he couldn't help himself but turn around and
look at the main screen. He leaned in a bit, his ears forward in
anticipation and watched as the plan worked as intended. The
shuttle did indeed drew fire from the mothership and made it
through the barrage and exploded in a bright flash. He couldn't
tell if the shuttle only impacted their shields or the actual
structure of the ship, for that he had to wait for the radiation
and debris to clear a bit.
Lystra: Who said Tactical doesn’t know how to put on a party?
::She grinned::
Rajel: Can you see what's their damage?
Jiroo had turned around to his station and assessed the sensor
readings. There was still a lot of interference from the shuttles
warp core going boom and the sensor image was only slowly clearing
Zaka: Sensors are still overwhelmed from the explosion, working
on it ::He paused and decided to add for protocol:: Commodore.
Any: Response
Lystra: That did a number on them. I think they’re pulling back,
but the sensors detected a possible transporter signal.
Rajel: Transporter signal? What it is and where to?
Any: response
Lystra: Honestly, I can’t be entirely sure. There’s too much
interference from the residual radiation from the shuttle’s warp
core breach. It’s dominating the scans and the computer just
barely detected it because I had an alert set if they picked up
anything that could be a boarding attempt.
Ada: Between the existing interference and the detonation, we can't track the location. Lytstra's right.
Rajel: Damn, try to see if you can find out where it went in case
it left any traces.
Any: response
Lystra: Not sure, but our shields have been up this whole time, so
most likely Hermes outpost. Should I alert D’Sena?
Jiroo had nothing to add here, the enemy ship had broken out of
the radiation cloud and it was clearly visible that it was still
intact and in the fight. It's shields were significantly weakened,
but other than that it appeared to be fine.
Rajel: Yes, let her know to beam a team down in case that
transporter signal was a boarding party.
Any: response
Shimisi: =/\= Shimisi to Zaka, if worker drones are to be sent, we
better do it now. We believe we can enhance the shields with a mix
of Beta Tachyon particles and antiprotons, but that will prevent
us from transporting anything out. =/\=
Finally some good news. It didn't look like they needed to beam
anywhere anytime soon, so that wouldn't be a problem. Helping the
outpost fast was the priority in Jiroos mind.
Zaka: =/\= Thank you Lieutenant, we better start soon then. How
long until we'll see improvement on the shields? =/\=
Shimisi: =/\= After the procedure is done and once the
effectiveness is off, we'll need about thirty seconds to restore
shields. Just give us the order and we'll proceed =/\=
Rajel: That may not be necessary.
Jiroo perked up and turned around to the Commodore.
Zaka: Hm?
Any: Response
Rajel: Looks like they are retreating. Keep the weapons on stand
by in case it's a trick.
Any: Response
He looked further past the Rajel to the viewscreen. It looked
like the bigger ship was the smaller crafts and swiftly went into
warp. He checked his sensors and sure enough, suddenly there were
no more enemies left. Now he realized how tense he had been for
the whole fight and with a few deep breath tried to relax himself
just a slight bit.
Rajel: Stand down. Disengage red alert.
Any: Response
Rajel: I want reports from all stations. Need to know the damage.
Still nothing from the outpost?
Kapoor: No Ma'am. Still can't reach them, it seems like their
communication's array is completely offline.
That was just what Jiroo needed, he was getting a little bit
shaky with the tension coming off and this was just the right
thing to distract himself from that. Quickly he composed a summary
of the ships and outposts status and gave his report.
Zaka: We got minor damage on deck 11 and 28. The outpost got
heavy damage on some external arrays, the communication array
seems to be completely destroyed. Main structure is damaged, but
it looks like structural integrity is holding.
Any: Response
Rajel: Commander, you have the bridge. Inform the ship that the
battle is over and evaluate the damage reports. Keep an overview
of getting things done. I'll go have a chat with the Hermes' CO.
Ch'Nilmani: Response
Rajel: Of course I won't go alone. ::She tapped her badge.:: =/\=
Rajel to Herren, Park and Zaka. Meet me in Transporterroom 1. =/\=
Surprised by the message via communicator he already moved his
hand halfway towards his com badge before he stopped himself with
a sheepish look. Not sure how to react he simply turned around and
made himself look ready to go.
Any: =/\= Response =/\=
Jalana closed the line.
Rajel: We have a full Security Detail down there, so Lystra you'll
stay here. Ba'el I want you to join Lystra to patrol the ship.
There is bound to be some security risks, panicked or some other
violent behaviour after a battle especially among civilians that
do not have the proper training. Try to calm them down and get
them them help they need.
Lystra/Ba'el: Response
Rajel: T'Seva and Azura, grab all sensor data that you were able
to get about the ships and head down to Intel. Maybe you can
manage to find out who we were dealing with.
Ada: On it.
T'Seva: Response
Rajel: I'll just get a first overview of what has happened down
there and how much help they need. I'll let you know as soon as
possible so we can prepare to help them recover.
Any: Response
After giving her last orders Jiroo watched the Commodore head
straight for the turbolift. Not exactly sure what he was supposed
to do he decided to just follow her to what he supposed would be
transporter room 1. After they entered the lift Rajel turned
towards him and seemed to be surprised to see him there. He tried
his best to look like a serious Starfleet officer.
Rajel: Deck 2.
Zaka: Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Commodore.
Rajel: Please, call me Jalana. Sorry, I couldn't welcome you properly. I usually enjoy doing that but then the recall came in the way.
He was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to be on a first
name basis with his CO from day one. Not sure how to deal with it
he decided to just go with it for now.
Zaka: Thank you Jalana. I was just reporting to the first officer
when the call to arms came in.
Rajel: Well it's one way to start your duty tour, isn't it. ::She
grinned to him.::
Zaka: ::nodding:: Yes, I expected it to be ::pausing for a
second:: calmer.
He entered the transporter room after Jalana and after a short
wait the CO gave them the briefing.
Rajel: Hermes station had suffered under attacks of a so far
unknown power, we assume they are pirates. They too considerable
damages, part of the structure was completely destroyed and we are
not aware how many officers were in that section at the time. The
picture down there may not be pretty. We are going down to get a
first overview of the help they need. So Jiroo check on what help
Engineering can give, Ellie check on wounded and .. casualties,
Laria have a general look over what else we may need to assist
them and I'll get to talk with the Captain to figure out what is
going on. Any questions?
Zaka: I will need some tools to be any help down there. Do we have
engineering kits available?
Rajel/Park/Herren: Response
He went over to the cabinet and got himself a small case. A quick
check confirmed that it contained a small selection of tools that
might come in handy. Together with the tricorder on his belt he
was sure that he got everything he needed to get started and
stepped onto the transporter platform.
Rajel: To the outpost please. Energize.
The de-materialization felt unspectacular as always and within a
heartbeat their perspective changed.
(( Hermes outpost - OPS ))
As the re-materialized Jiroo found himself in a quite chaotic
environment. There were plenty of alarms and lights going together
with a busy cast of personell talking and shouting to each other.
He looked around and tried to orient himself, when he noticed
there was actually someone aiming a phaser at them! Only now he
realized that he was completely unarmed and he got a terrible
sinking feeling in his stomach.
Aja: Identify yourself.
Ve: Response
Rajel: I am Commodore Jalana Rajel, Commanding Officer of the USS
Constitution-B. Your attackers left the system and we are here to
assist. I would have announced our visit, but your comms are down.
Having no better idea, Jiroo raised his toolbox partly to show that they had good intentions, partly to shield himself.
Park/Herren: ResponseVe/Aja: Response
Jiroo imagined the phaser was lowered slightly and glanced
around. He recognized some of the warnings that went on around
them. An idea formed in his head. Pointing towards a nearby
console that had plenty of red and yellow flashing lights he
raised his toolbox slightly higher again.
Zaka: I can see that life support is critical. I can help you fix that, if you let me.
Rajel/Park/Herren: Response
Ve/Aja: Response
((OOC: Don't want to push it too far forward until everyone is
caught up here. I hope that is ok :) ))
-- Ensign Jiroo Zaka Engineer USS Constitution-B C240107JZ2