Lt. Shimisi: Tachyons are faster than you!

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Kelrod Dickens

Aug 4, 2024, 12:48:21 PMAug 4

( Main engineering )

   Things were a bit hectic at the moment and their attempts to remain with their shields up and help the station caused a lot of stress in the systems and the people. It was necessary to have the priorities clear and find the best way to answer the bridge's requests.

Shimisi: =/\= After the procedure is done and once the effectiveness is off, we'll need about thirty seconds to restore shields. Just give us the order and we'll proceed =/\=

   Waiting for their instructions a new voice came over.

Lida: Hey! Sorry for the delay. Damage on Deck 6. How are we doing?

   He didn't worked with this one on a regular basis, but he remembers seeing her on some shift changes.

Shimisi: Holding but not much more. They're overloading the shields and we've had some EPS ruptures.

Lida: Has anyone taken damage control steps? I know the interim chief is in medic bay right now.

Shimisi: We're on it. We're also preparing some worker drones to help on the outpost in case the bridge wants to transport them there.

Lida: Excellent! You're handling everything very well, Lieutenant.

Shimisi: I'm doing what I can. You want to take over?

Lida: Response

Shimisi: We need to set up the drones, assess the damage the station has suffered so far and determine the number of them necessary to help the outpost resist longer. Repair teams are scarmbled around the ship helping with existing damage. I've designated storages on decks 40, 34, 26 and 16 as hubs for spare parts to conduct repairs. The saucer section has decks 13 and 6 with Ops coordinating the supplies usage.

Lida: Response

Shimisi: Right now, I'm reading an energy fluctuation, one of the reactor engine's distribution node seems to have a tachyon build up.

Lida: Response

Shimisi: I'm on it!

   Mingxing took an engineering repair kit and moved to the starboard section of engineering, removing a pannel and a protection cover, he had access to the node. He scanned it and noticed the problem was in one of the junctions to the EPS manifold that should level the energy frequency to the equipment standards but it seems that it's not working properly and in the stress of the action and systems demands it has produced the tachyons, what shouldn't happen at the correct frenquency distributions. He needed to release the tachyons and use a resonnance pulse to correct the disfunction so he took the microressonator to set up the field frequency what should reset the output to the specified parameters. With more than half of his body inside the wall, it wasn't easy to move, but before starting he indicated the procedure.

Shimisi: I'm about to reset the distribution node frequency harmonic, once it's done the tachyons should flow through the system and dissipate almost harmlessly

Lida/Any engineer: Response

Shimisi: Setting up the ressonator, tell me when it gets back to normal

Lida/Any engineer: Response

Shimisi: Should be any time...

   With no warning the feel of buzzing energy moved through his hand over his arm and through his body. Apparently some tachyon particles found their way through the conduit over the ressonating frequency of the device and then through it to his body. He felt suddenly cold and warm at the same time as his body began to tremble until he become numb in almost his whole body. He could hear voiced and then being dragged out of the wall. He let out a breath and then his body relaxed as his consciousness almost fade. He knew he'll be treated so he tried to remain as calm as possible while trying to let them know that he's,... well, not okay, but still there. Lights flashed over him, sign that he's being taken to a safe place, maybe to sickbay.


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