Lt. Shimisi: What's someone like you (or me) doing in a place like this?

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Kelrod Dickens

Jul 4, 2024, 11:40:44 PM (2 days ago) Jul 4

((Corridor - Deck 40, USS Constitution-B))

((Time Index: Day three of shore leave - 0530 Hours))


   Somehow, ideas keep coming to his mind, even in dreams. This night he’d seen himself making a breakthrough on one of the biophysics lab, along other officers he couldn’t recognize because their faces were blurry or moving in a way that prevented him to distinguish their features. As he suddenly woke up with the surprise of the Discovery he found himself on his bed and unable to go to sleep again. He checked the computer clock realizing that it was still soon before the Alpha shift started it’s turn, something that didn’t bothered him as he, along most of the others, have been given some free time for R&R.


   Unable to continue sleeping he decided it was a good opportunity to do some light exercise and at the same time get to places he usually don’t go of the ship. So he put on some civilian loose clothing and brought his PADD in case he wanted to take some notes and headed to deck 40. As he was walking he noticed someone else along the corridor. Using his lower set of eyes, he focused on what seemed to be a female officer in what seemed to be sport outfit and she was stretching. As he approached he noticed she’s wearing some sort of headphones on, so she didn’t seem to be able to hear him approaching. When he was near he tried to move to the other wall of the corridor, to allow her to notice him earlier. He recognized Lt. Cmdr. Herren and when he’s about two meters from her, she turned and took off the headphones.


Herren: Lieutenant Shimisi! I didn’t expect to see anybody down here. Especially at this time.


Shimisi: I’m not surprised, this is not a place usually used at this time.


Herren: Hope I’m not in your way. I guess the same reason I picked this deck does explain why an engineer’s here. Just maintenance access to the warp core and other ship systems. I usually come down here to run since there’s no quarters or labs or other high-traffic areas. Less likely to run into anybody.


Shimisi: A very Smart assumption and a correct one. I’m here just to clear up my mind and use the chance to visit this as it’s not a part I’ve been around since I came to the ship. I’m sorry if I’ve interrupted you, it wasn’t my intention…


   A Starfleet Academy tank top, shorts, and running shoes, he found curious she wears an academy outfit, having reached the Rank she was holding. But sentiments are something that people usually can’t change. Laria smiled,


Herren: No, not at all. ::She waved the water bottle in her hand:: I was stopping for some water anyway.


   She took another sip from her water bottle as if to demonstrate her statement.


Shimisi: Good.


Herren: What do you think of Paoike Colony? The nature is beautiful but I for one did not get a great first impression.


Shimisi: Well, our impression will undoubtedly be biased by what we’ve been sent to do and what we’ve found of it’s wildlife and environment, not metioning who seemed to have allowed it to happen.


Herren: Response


Shimisi: However, the planet is big and we’ve yet to see much of it. For example, thee wejpuH Yotlh seemed to be an interesting animal and it’s colours were quite beautiful. Who knows what else will be around the planet…


Herren: Response


Shimisi: Do you use to run alone?


Herren: Response


Shimisi: And what else do you like to do for fun? I mean, aside of running, skiing and… oO Let’s see how she takes it Oo … dancing.


Herren: Response




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