PNPC Cmdr T'Mar- Ya Don't Say?!

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Mel Strobel

Aug 7, 2024, 8:56:23 PMAug 7
to Conny IC

((Intel Office, USS Constitution-B))

It was time. Medical, Mental, and Security clearances were all processed and the Vulcan/Betazoid hybrid was now officially about to start her first shift back. Over the years, she had held several roles: Security, First Officer, Mission Specialist, Intel… Although she had started in security, Intel had quickly felt just as comfortable to her so she wasn’t nervous about jumping back into it. In fact, the job itself was the least of her worries with returning- it was seeing the old familiar faces and dealing with the questions that inevitably followed. 

Still, there was barely a hesitation as she stepped into the Intel office and was internally quite pleased to immediately see this particular familiar figure.

T’Mar: Hello old friend..

Nugra: T'Mar. It has been a long time. I take that your presence here is good news?

Ilix: A welcome back is in order?

T’Mar nodded in acknowledgment, then stood formally and held out the PADD with her assignment orders.

T’Mar: Commander T’Mar, officially reporting for duty sir.

Nugra took the PADD and set it down without looking. T’Mar raised an eyebrow slightly as she had expected a little more formality. 

Nugra: Transfer accepted, Commander. Welcome back to the fold.

Ilix: Glad to see I was right. Welcome back, Commander.

T’Mar: Thank you both.

Nugra motioned towards a chair and T’Mar hesitated only long enough to confirm the gesture was for her. She stepped over to it and took her seat with a nod even as he stood and went to the replicator.

Nugra: Tea perhaps? Please forgive me that I do not remember what you preferred.

Tea. The thought helped her find her balance again, as she was still struggling to find her social and professional footing. T’Mar considered a moment- tea being one of the first areas she had started to explore flavor profiles in early on.

T'Mar: Green tea, hot, no sugar, please. 

Nugra: And you Ilix?

Ilix: Oh, black tea with honey, please.

T’Mar remained silent as she accepted her drink and took a moment to breathe in the aroma.

Nugra: I will not pry on where you have been but I hope that you have found what you were seeking.

This was it. The awkwardness she had been doing mental and emotional gymnastics over ever since she was cleared to return from medical leave. At least the Gorn was tactful about it.

T'Mar: I believe it is reasonable to say I have. 

Nugra: I apologize that I never reached out to you. I have not figured out the expectations of things in situations like this.

T’Mar shook her head as if dismissing the thought.

T'Mar: I was not in a position to receive communications for some time, however I am hardly the one to verify social protocols with. ::a joke. Sort of. Who could have guessed?:: Suffice to say I am doing much better and I am.. Pleased to be back onboard.

Ilix: That’s good. I’m happy for you Commander. Too bad your timing wasn’t a bit sooner. You missed the perfect observation of a Gorn’s natural predator in action. 

That caught her attention. As T’Mar took a sip of tea she raised an eyebrow.

T'Mar: Oh really?

Nugra: response

Ilix: Shutting up, sir. 

T’Mar: No, please do go on…

T’Mar thought back to when the Gorn had quite literally burst onto the scene and helped rid them of the nuisance known as Prendar. It had been quite convenient as she had been about willing to risk court martial by attacking the man herself. All around it had been a decisive moment in her mind as to being the moment Nugra endeared himself to her. The idea that he had had reason to supposedly go into predator mode was rather amusing to her. 

(( OOC: splitting this up as it’s going to be a long post! -Mel ))

LtJG Dr. Eleanor "Ellie" Park

Asst. Chief Medical Officer

USS Constitution-B

Writer pronouns: She/They

Character pronouns: She/Her


NOTE: All thoughts and actions of my character are purely IC and are not a representation of my OOC thoughts and feelings.

Discord: melbelle8070

Trillian: justmel118

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