Lieutenant Commander Tai Ilsam: Smoothing Things Over

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Tai Ilsam

Jul 23, 2024, 3:55:39 AM (4 days ago) Jul 23

OOC: All thoughts and feelings belong to the character.

((Main Engineering, Deck 14-Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka)) 

His hand still burning from the phaser blast, he forced his attention toward the conversation. Now was not the time to get distracted. Starfleet training had reinforced that much. Though he was a peace-seeker by nature, he knew that there would be times where he, as a Starfleet officer, would need to defend himself and his crew. It turned his stomach to think of bringing harm to or killing another, but an attacker endangering the life of another was no more ethical.

Ilsam: =/\= Got it. Keep working. We’ve got them contained–for now. =/\= 

Xiron: =/\=Thank you sir. Are you ok?=/\= 

Ilsam: ::exhales:: =/\= I’ll manage. =/\=

Is'Kah: I’m going to make a loud noise; it is not the Borg. 

The hybrid hit a key combo, causing multiple panels above them to open, slamming into the walls with a metallic thud. 

Ilsam: Response 

Is’Kah: =/\= Upper Engineering, we will trick the warp core into coming online with the training program. If we don’t want to start shaking every bolt on this ship loose and eventually explode, I need you to raise the temperatures of the inner core and the warp coils while increasing coolant circulation. Both must be at 120% in 12 minutes. Theoretically, you can raise it by 10% every minute. =/\= 

Perkins:  =/\= Aye ma’am, we’ll start on that. =/\= 

He could hear the sound of voices, but couldn’t make out much over the phaser fire and the distance. Shaking the thought from his mind, he listened carefully to the scuffle for signs that the situation was worsening.

((OOC: Took out the tags here as Tai wouldn’t be able to hear them between all the noise and the distance. Also, there were no commbadge tags, so I assumed this wasn’t spoken over comms.))

Sherlock: =/\= Sherlock to Engineering. If anyone is there, give me your status. =/\= 

Xiron: =/\=This is Xiron. About a dozen of my staff have been affected by a Borg-like assimilation. The unaffected staff have them contained. You will full power for warp and phaser directly.=/\= 

Is'Kah: =/\= This is Is’Kah. Commander, when we have the warp engines online, we should keep it under warp three for fifteen minutes after the core activates, or we will warp the nacelles, possibly a few plasma conduits unless you want to stop this party in its tracks. =/\= 

Serala: =/\= Acknowledged, Ensign. Do what you have to do. But you don’t have long. We’re about to lose this ship to the Borg and I need every advantage I can get right now.=/\= 

He grimaced. Right. They were on a timeline. This ship needed to be launched already, and the sudden assimilation of several crewmembers (which remained unexplained at this point) wasn’t helping that.

Sherlock: =/\= Good. Keep them at bay and keep working on getting power up to full. Sherlock out. =/\= 

As the communication with the Bridge cut out, it was back to the three of them, working out how to get the engines started and keep the Borg from taking over the ship’s systems.

Xiron: =/\= We don’t have much time, we are going to need to find a more permanent containment for the affected crew. =/\=

Is’Kah: =/\= Float them in a ball with level ten force fields. Beam them to the brig or anywhere but here. =/\=

Xiron: =/\= Computer, removed the gravity alcove behind force field D14-379-Lambda. Place a statis beam on all life forms inside. There, if they can’t walk, they should be less of a threat. =/\=

Normally, he would have agreed. But one thing that Starfleet had learned about the Borg over the years was that they had a penchant for adapting. It wouldn’t surprise him if someone found the antigrav boots or some piece of equipment. After all, these Borg had the knowledge of a Starfleet officer.

((OOC: Took out the tags here as Tai wouldn’t be able to hear them between all the noise and the distance. Also, there were no commbadge tags, so I assumed this wasn’t spoken over comms.))

It had been what seemed like an eternity since his last communication with Ensign Is’Kah and Lt. JG Xiron. He was beginning to get nervous. Where had they gone? What was happening?

At that moment his commbadge chirped and he tapped it. 

Perkins: =/\= Perkins to Commander Ilsam. =/\=

A scowl formed on his lips. What did the loathsome man want now? He had to know they were right in the middle of a firefight.

Ilsam: =/\= Ilsam. Go ahead, Commander. =/\=

Perkins: =/\= Two of your officers are defying protocol! I have half a mind to report them both for insubordination and see them court-martialed. I– =/\=

He closed his eyes and exhaled a frustrated breath. He understood that this was a stressful situation, but nothing excused this kind of behavior.

Ilsam: =/\= Where are you and I’ll come to you. =/\=

Perkins: =/\= I believe she said something about J-18. Between decks…maybe near deck 6. But– =/\=

Forcing himself to remain diplomatic, yet firm, he replied.

Ilsam: =/\= Rest assured, Commander. It will be taken care of. Ilsam out. =/\=

Before leaving, he gave instructions to the seniormost officer still left in Engineering and headed to where Perkins said they were.

((Mini Time Jump))

As he arrived at the scene, he reminded himself to keep his composure. Though he disliked Perkins, he was also a strong believer in chain of command. Perkins had earned the rank and the respect to be addressed by it. Insubordination wasn’t a charge to take lightly. The man likely had enough pull to make life very miserable for Is’Kah and Xiron.

He grimaced at the thought of what Commander Serala would do when she found out. A day or two in the Brig following their mission would be a light punishment.

Ilsam: Lieutenant Xiron, Ensign Is’Kah, report?

Is’Kah / Xiron: Responses

Ilsam: ::arches an eyebrow:: So I see. ::to Perkins:: Commander, I understand your hesitation. You’re correct in that this isn’t standard procedure. However, these are extraordinary circumstances. We’ve received permission for this course of action from Commander Serala herself.

Perkins: ::sarcastically:: You have? Well, then–

Ilsam: ::raises a hand to stop him:: Commander, please. The situation is most urgent. We cannot afford wasted time. From what I’ve seen of your record, you have many years of experience and your expertise in how to complete our task without risking a core breach or cascade failure would be most appreciated. It will increase our odds of success by a large measure. Please. Will you assist us?

Perkins: ::grumbles:: I suppose.

Ilsam: ::to Is’Kah and Xiron:: We don’t have time to discuss your actions. Your focus is needed on the task at hand. However, let me make something clear. Commander Perkins has agreed to assist you. He is not someone to be ordered around or told what will and will not be done. In the future, I hope that you are able to approach a similar situation with reason and logic. If the other party cannot be persuaded, reach out for assistance from a superior officer. 

Is’Kah / Xiron: Responses

Ilsam: ::nods:: The situation in Engineering is under control for the moment. At last report, the Borg are still unable to access the ship’s systems. I will remain here should you need additional assistance with your task. ::to Perkins:: Thank you for your cooperation, Commander.

Perkins: ::grumbles:: Don’t think this will stop me from reporting this.

Ilsam: As is your prerogative. In the meantime, let us focus on the urgent matter at hand, shall we?

Perkins said nothing further, his only indication that he’d heard Tai a rough grunt before he turned to Is’Kah and Xiron expectantly.

Is’Kah / Xiron: Responses


Lieutenant Commander Tai Ilsam
Mission Specialist
USS Chin'toka, NCC-97187
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