Lieutenant Commander Tai Ilsam: Stubborn Ensigns

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Tai Ilsam

Jul 26, 2024, 3:50:55 AM (yesterday) Jul 26

OOC: All thoughts and feelings belong to the character.

OOC2: These sims were a bit confusing, so I tried to piece it together the best I could. Sorry if I missed anything.

((Warp Core Compartment, Main Engineering, Deck 14, USS Chin’toka)) 

With Xiron and Is’Kah well on their way, Tai decided to return to Main Engineering to check on the situation there and lend a hand as needed. However, he maintained an open comm line with the pair in case he was needed again.

When he arrived in Engineering, he was pleased to find the situation much better than when he’d left. At least he wasn’t being shot at.

Ravesa: Hey, boss. We just managed to subdue the last of the Borgins. 

Ilsam: ::arches an eyebrow:: Borgins? 

Ravesa: ::smiles sheepishly:: Um…I didn’t start it, but–it kind of caught on.

Tai shook his head. Even in the most serious situations, the young never failed to find a way to make light of it. In this case, he wasn’t entirely sure that was a bad thing. Some levity would be good for crew morale. Still, it wasn’t something he could encourage either.

Ilsam: Perhaps a designation best kept to yourself, Senior Chief.

Ravesa: ::nods:: Aye, sir. As I was saying the Bor–affected have been secured in a location where they can’t hurt themselves or anyone else.

Ilsam: Thank you, Senior Chief. Ensign Is’Kah and Lieutenant Xiron are working on their own tasks. Perhaps reach out and see if either needs assistance. Otherwise, the rest of the Engineering staff should prepare for warp.

Ravesa: Aye, sir.

Is’Kah: =/\= Is’Kah to Xiron, please confirm that matter is coming down the core. =/\= 

Xiron: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= We’ve managed to avoid the warp core breach and time travel. Phasers and shields will be fully powered in twelve seconds. =/\= 

Ilsam: ::to Is’Kah:: =/\= Good to hear, Ensign. Keep up the good work. =/\=

Xiron/Perkins: =/\= Response =/\=

Is’Kah: =/\= Engineering to Bridge, full power has been restored to phasers and shields. They will be fully charged in the next sixty seconds. =/\= 

Bridge: =/\= Response =/\= 

He nodded. Good. They now had both a way to defend themselves and to protect themselves.

Ilsam: ::to Ravesa:: Carry on, Senior Chief. I’m going to check on our intrepid trio. ::smiles:: Make sure that Perkins hasn’t beaten them with the figurative book yet.

Ravesa: ::chuckles and shakes her head:: Oh, Commander Perkins. That man has more enemies than he has years of Engineering experience.

Ilsam: ::murmurs:: Tell me about it.

With a final wave, he made his way back to where he’d left Lieutenant Xiron, catching the beginnings of the Andorian’s conversation with Commander Brodie.

Xiron: =/\= This Xiron. =/\= 

Brodie: =/\= Finally…someone who isn’t trying to kill me. I’m in deflector control and the main controls are done…it looks like there’s power to this part of the ship though. Please…for the love of all the timorous wee beasties in Scotland…tell me that there is a way to manually reinitialise this thing? =/\= 

Xiron: =/\= There is a team on the way. =/\= 

His brow furrowed. A team on the way? They’d barely secured Engineering. Scans indicated that there were still Borg about. What data did Xiron have that he didn’t?

Ilsam: =/\= So there’s power, but–what exactly are you experiencing and we’ll see if we can help. =/\=

Is’Kah: =/\= Commander, Lieutenant, secondary controls to the deflector are on Deck Fourteen, in the main deflector compartment. I must closely monitor the core; thus, I cannot restart the deflector.=/\= 

He opened his mouth to suggest that Lieutenant Xiron head to Deck Fourteen to meet Commander Brodie, but was cut off by Is’Kah’s next statement.

Is’Kah: =/\= Well, isn’t this special. We have a few replacement Borgs that figured out they could use the turbolift shafts to get around. They’re coming out of it now and are looking to invade. =/\=

He grimaced. Just when they’d gotten the situation under control. Where in the hell were they coming from anyway?

Ilsam: =/\= We’ll give the people in Main Engineering the heads up. They should be able to subdue them. Keep at it, Ensign. =/\= 

Brodie / Xiron: =/\= Responses =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= One more thing, it’s just me down here. I am unable to defend Engineering while keeping the core balanced. I will need assistance to fight off at least three assimilated crew members. =/\= 

Xiron: Response

He nodded. If it were Jordain, he’d feel the same. But right now, he needed the Andorian to focus on her duty. He knew basic Engineering, but not enough to do what needed to be done. They needed Xiron’s expertise.

Ilsam: ::to Xiron:: I understand, but you are needed to assist Commander Brodie. I need you to meet him on Deck Fourteen. ::removes his holstered phaser:: I will take care of the situation with Ensign Is’Kah. ::meets Xiron’s gaze:: Please. Trust me. Take a couple of people with you if you have to. Go.

Xiron: Response

Ilsam: =/\= Commander Brodie, Lieutenant Xiron is on her way. Ensign Is’Kah, myself and others are on our way. We’ll be there soon. =/\=

Brodie / Is’Kah: =/\= Response =/\=

Xiron: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= There are now five Borgs active on this deck. I’d expect more to arrive. Request backup ASAP. =/\= 

A muscle in his jaw twitched. He’d told her backup was on the way. What more did she want?

Ilsam: =/\= Hold tight, Ensign. =/\=

Brodie / Xiron: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= I will attempt to defend engineering. I’m going dark for my safety. Is’Kah out. =/\=

The comm cut suddenly and he swore a round streak in Mandarin. He tapped his commbadge and attempted to get her back, but got nothing for his efforts.

Ilsam: =/\= I lost her and can’t get her back. I’m going in. =/\= oODamned stupid. Oo =/\= Keep to the plan for now. =/\= 

Brodie / Xiron: =/\= Response =/\=

Ilsam: ::nods:: I’ll do my best, Lieutenant. ::smiles softly:: You have my word.

Exhaling a shaky breath, he pulled the phaser from its holster at his side. He hated using it. He’d sworn an oath to do no harm. His job was to protect people, not to shoot them. But because of Is’Kah’s blatant disregard for authority and the chain of command, he would likely need to fire to get her out of the mess she’d gotten herself into.

Serala wouldn’t be the first one to reprimand Is’Kah. He doubted he could hold back from a thorough dress-down when he finally found her.

(( Mini Jump ))

Somehow, he managed to get to where she was without getting shot. That was miracle in and of itself. As much as he didn’t want to draw attention to himself, she hadn’t left him much choice.

Ilsam: Ensign Is’Kah, what is your location?

Is’Kah: Response

That was when the shooting started. He scowled, using various covers to gradually make his way closer to her. The ache in his hand was acting up and he took a shot to the shoulder in addition, causing him to grunt in both pain and irritation.

At last, he found her. She was attempting to fight off several Borgified crew. Alone. And damned if it didn’t make his blood hot. 

Ilsam: Take cover, Ensign! That’s an order! I’ll lay down cover fire.

Is’Kah: Response


Lieutenant Commander Tai Ilsam
Mission Specialist
USS Chin'toka, NCC-97187
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