Lt. Cmdr. Alex Brodie: “Disaster Priority Response: Discretionary”

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Jacen Xaivis

Jul 24, 2024, 2:03:07 PM (3 days ago) Jul 24

“Disaster Priority Response: Discretionary”

((Sickbay, Deck Ten, USS Chin’toka))


There was a game, as old as children had played, called cat and mouse; and there was one rule – don’t be the mouse. The mouse never won – unless you believed those lying cartoons.


Alexander Brodie was tired of being the mouse


He’d managed to get V’Len and Rox sequestered into the medical labs and firmly locked the doors behind them. They’d be safe enough there for now and hopefully they could come up with…something…anything that might slow the advance of the plague that was besieging their ship.


In the meantime, he needed medication and the safest place…believe it or not, was sickbay.


This was not a good sign as it meant that the occupying Doucet and Stapledon were loose again…and until he could come up with some kind of plan, he did not relish the thought of running into either of them or their allies again. He looked around the wreckage of the medical facility.


Brodie: Bugger…::Tapping commbadge:: =/\= Brodie to Bridge. It looks like Stapledon and Doucet have freed themselves from sickbay…so I think we can rule out the effectiveness of…::cough::…Anesthezine gas. =/\=


Bridge (Any): =/\= Response =/\=


Brodie: =/\= Those two are bunkered in the science labs for now…::cough::…and hopefully working on something positive. I’m packing some medical kits so we have some more options but it’s a mess down here… =/\=


Bridge (Any): =/\= Response =/\=


Brodie: =/\= Sickbay is, let’s be honest, of little tactical importance given the levels of aggression we’re encountering. Speaking of which…what was that bang and shudder earlier? =/\=


Alex began gathering up several items from the spilled medical kits. Whatever the escapees had done it looked like they’d managed to override the doors by disabling the system above them. Then he saw it…lurking under a fallen biobed…a phaser.


He picked it up and swiped to check the power levels only to be greeted by a red-screen and an unhelpful bleep…


Brodie: Blast…obviously it was too good to be true.


Bridge (Any): =/\= Response =/\=


Brodie: =/\= I mean…I’m not an engineer…but I understand we can’t unsecure sections or we’ll lose what we have. I’ll take a look and report back. =/\=


Bridge (Any): =/\= Response =/\=


Brodie: =/\= Okay…understood. Brodie out. =/\=


He began to dig around the medical facility – hunting for something he could use when he heard the sound at the door…footsteps.


Devaux: Eliminate the unassimilated.


Brodie: ::Exhaustedly:: Oh…come on!


The young woman, another turned medic, charged at Brodie – mercifully she was unarmed…and slight. Brodie grabbed the woman and, using her momentum as best as he could, hauled her up and slammed her down onto the biobed.


Her arm came across him and she tried to push him off but he grabbed the arch on the bed and brought it down hard to give himself some protection. He scrambled for the controls and she fought back and reached forward grasping at the device at the head of the bed.


Brodie: Computer…activate isotropic restraints on biobed three!


There was a chirp from behind him as one of the other beds engaged…typical…the layout was different...bloody Akira-class ships. The medic tried to get a knee into his side for his troubles.


Brodie: Activate on biobed six!


The larger restraint covers came up from the recesses on the sides as the cover over the woman’s forehead engaged and he held her there as long as he could as he attached the cortical control…he hoped he’d got this right or it would have probably killed her.


Devaux: Wha…wha…I can’t…I CAN’T! NO!


Alex leapt back off the bed and almost fell to the floor, stumbling over the strewn debris. Then he shot forward to cover what was almost certainly a scream that would summon anyone near the facility.


Brodie: Easy…easy…::Staring into her eyes::..don’t scream. ::Calmly:: Take a moment…who are you?


Well…this was unexpected.


Devaux: Devaux…Francesca…Frankie! Medical tech…::Panicked eyes:: I…I can’t move!


Brodie, for all he’d been through, still couldn’t help but be calm. She couldn’t be more than nineteen, and she was sacred…really scared. He felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him.


Brodie: Calm down, Frankie…yes, you can’t move, but that’s the restraints. You are talking lucidly though, which is a big improvement…although I’m not sure why…


He looked around…he didn’t want to leave her but he didn’t have any choice…he’d do what he’d been asked and get straight back. He could see the tears coming down the young woman’s cheeks. Poor thing.


Brodie: Right…::Loading  hypospray::…we’re in trouble. I’m going to give you something to calm you down because I have to go and do something. This should just take the edge off…help you rest. I’ll be as quick as I can.


He pressed the spray into her neck and watched her eyes flutter slightly before she drifted off – her vitals were stable…that would have to do. He grabbed a medical kit, tricorder…and laser-scalple…it was the best he could manage.


He walked towards the door as he entered the corridor and issued one final command.


Brodie: =/\= Computer – seal sickbay secondary containment shields and activate a level ten forcefield. =/\=




Lt. Cmdr. Alexander W. Brodie

USS Chin'toka (NCC-97187)

Writer ID.: A239005BM0

He/Him/They/Them: Player & Character

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