Lt. Cmdr. Alex Brodie “Catching One’s Breath”

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Jacen Xaivis

Jul 26, 2024, 3:49:46 PM (21 hours ago) Jul 26

“Catching One’s Breath”

((Main Deflector Control, Deck Ten, USS Chin’toka))


Brodie stuck his head out of the doors of the deflector control room with his laser scalpel at his side in case he got cornered. He wasn’t exactly sure how a repair team was going to make it up four decks without turbolifts other than a long climb up the warp core or a network of Jeffries tubes…a Scottish invention…of sorts…lest we forget.


Is’Kah: =/\= Commander, Lieutenant, secondary controls to the deflector are on Deck Fourteen, in the main deflector compartment. I must closely monitor the core; thus, I cannot restart the deflector. =/\=


Okay, so the unit on deck ten was officially out of action. It looked like it would be Alex who had a long climb through a Jeffries tube ahead of him. He tightened his bag to his back and began to make his way to the access point. He surmised that the two sections would at least be connected…but there was every chance he would end up in someone's quarters.


Then Is’kah cut across the comm. with more bad news.


Is’Kah: =/\= Well, isn’t this special. We have a few replacement Borgs that figured out they could use the turbolift shafts to get around. They’re coming out of it now and are looking to invade. =/\=


It sounded like they were trying to take key systems; without the deflectors they’d be struggling in open space…if they lost the warp core and power then they would lose the ship.


Ilsam: =/\= We’ll give the people in Main Engineering the heads up. They should be able to subdue them. Keep at it, Ensign. =/\=


Xiron: =/\= Responses =/\=


Brodie: =/\= I’m making my way down to deck fourteen…as discreetly as possible…hopefully this route puts me out in the secondary control suite. =/\=


His foot slipped as he descended and he nearly fell…he was exhausted…and his concentration was starting to slip.


Is’Kah: =/\= One more thing, it’s just me down here. I am unable to defend Engineering while keeping the core balanced. I will need assistance to fight off at least three assimilated crew members. =/\=


The comm. was quiet for a time. Brodie hoped that they were talking to themselves and not that the worst had befallen them…fortunately the more positive outcome came up trumps.


Ilsam: =/\= Commander Brodie, Lieutenant Xiron is on her way. Ensign Is’Kah, myself and others are on our way. We’ll be there soon. =/\=


Brodie: =/\= Okay…I’ll hopefully be down there soon; I’ll do what prep work I can. I appreciate the assistance but if Is’kah is right we can’t afford to leave the core undefended.  


Is’Kah: =/\= Response =/\=


Xiron: =/\= Response =/\=


Is’Kah: =/\= There are now five Borgs active on this deck. I’d expect more to arrive. Request backup ASAP. =/\=


It sounded like the Brog were making a big push, they needed to push back…or at least wall them off as best as they could.


Ilsam: =/\= Hold tight, Ensign. =/\=


Brodie: =/\= Can you get to her? =/\=


Xiron: =/\= Response =/\=


Is’Kah: =/\= I will attempt to defend engineering. I’m going dark for my safety. Is’Kah out. =/\=


Brodie stopped mid-climb…how was that safe? They had no idea where she was now…they couldn’t track her and she wouldn’t be able to call for help if she became overwhelmed. His cursed under his breath as his ribs pulled as he kept climbing.


Ilsam: =/\= I lost her and can’t get her back. I’m going in. =/\= oODamned stupid. Oo =/\= Keep to the plan for now. =/\=


Brodie: =/\= Understood. Ghee, I’ll see you there. Tai…good luck. =/\=


Xiron: =/\= Response =/\=




Brodie pulled back the panel, which it turned out was in the roof of the main deflector generator suite, and let the plate fall to the floor.


He dropped his medical kit down and then lowered himself down to try and minimise the chance of him breaking a leg…which he managed but he felt all the muscles in his side pull and scream against the damage that had been done earlier.


He could feel a wheeze in his breath and he fished around in his kit and took out a hypospray. He pressed a bronchial dilator against his neck to allow him to get his breath back a little faster. He leaned back against the wall and sat down for felt like seconds but it could have been minutes.


Once more, the hiss of a door concerned him and he pulled his scalpel into his hidden hand…there was little chance of a peaceful ending this time. He looked up to be greeted by the appearance of the young Shen that he’d met only a few hours ago - but it felt like a lifetime. Her maroon eyes in contrast to her blue tinted skin and silver hair…although that was dishevelled. She looked exhausted…although he suspected this was going to be a regular ‘look’ across the whole ship.


His own blood-stained beard and bruised face must have been quite a sight for the young engineer.


Brodie: I assume you’re still not trying to kill me?


Xiron: Response


He took his thumb off the scalpel switch.


Brodie: Cracking. Can you…er…give me a hand up?


Xiron: Response




Lt. Cmdr. Alexander W. Brodie

USS Chin'toka (NCC-97187)

Writer ID.: A239005BM0

He/Him/They/Them: Player & Character

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