Ensign Is'Kah - Hotwiring

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Jul 22, 2024, 4:22:49 PM (5 days ago) Jul 22
to USS Chin'toka – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Turbolift, Deck 3-Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka))


Ilsam: =/\= Got it. Keep working. We’ve got them contained–for now. =/\= 

Xiron: =/\=Thank you sir. Are you ok?=/\= 

Ilsam: Response 

Is'Kah: I’m going to make a loud noise; it is not the Borg. 

The hybrid hit a key combo, causing multiple panels above them to open, slamming into the walls with a metallic thud. 

Ilsam: Response 

Is’Kah: =/\= Upper Engineering, we will trick the warp core into coming online with the training program. If we don’t want to start shaking every bolt on this ship loose and eventually explode, I need you to raise the temperatures of the inner core and the warp coils while increasing coolant circulation. Both must be at 120% in 12 minutes. Theoretically, you can raise it by 10% every minute. =/\= 

Perkins:  =/\= Aye ma’am, we’ll start on that. =/\= 

Xiron:: Looking to Is’Kah: That is right at the margin of error for safety. 

Is’Kah: I don’t like it anymore than you do, ma’am. 

Ilsam: Response 

The tiny Ensign started programming the system with the simulation parameters, which would most likely jump-start the core. She had nearly finished when her new XO contacted them. 

Sherlock: =/\= Sherlock to Engineering. If anyone is there, give me your status. =/\= 

Xiron: =/\=This is Xiron. About a dozen of my staff have been affected by a Borg-like assimilation. The unaffected staff have them contained. You will full power for warp and phaser directly.=/\= 

Is'Kah: =/\= This is Is’Kah. Commander, when we have the warp engines online, we should keep it under warp three for fifteen minutes after the core activates, or we will warp the nacelles, possibly a few plasma conduits unless you want to stop this party in its tracks. =/\= 

Serala: =/\= Acknowledged, Ensign. Do what you have to do. But you don’t have long. We’re about to lose this ship to the Borg and I need every advantage I can get right now.=/\= 

Sherlock: =/\= Good. Keep them at bay and keep working on getting power up to full. Sherlock out. =/\= 

Ilsam: =/\= response =/\= 

Xiron: We don’t have much time, we are going to need to find a more permanent containment for the affected crew. 

Is’Kah: Float them in a ball with level ten force fields. Beam them to the brig or anywhere but here. 

Xiron: Computer, removed the gravity alcove behind force field D14-379-Lambda. Place a statis beam on all life forms inside. There, if they can’t walk, they should be less of a threat. 

Ilsam: Response 

The hybrid Ensign heard the computer comply, but she didn’t have time to check. She had to trust her Chief Engineer had it under control. Is’Kah came around the core to access the lockers. She pulled an anti-gravity cart from its storage area and started dumping cable after cable from the lockers onto it. By the time she finished, there were several dozen on it. Reaching into the last locker, she pulled out a pair of anti-gravity boots that were multiple sizes too large for her. 

Is’Kah: It’s time for an OSHA violation. 

Xiron: We will be lucky to be allowed a basic mariner’s license after this. 

Ilsam: Response 

Is’Kah: Lieutenant, catch. I need you between decks nine and ten on the far side of the core, behind the intermix chamber.

She threw the boots at her bondmate, turning to the cart the moment they left her hands. After a moment’s calculation, she stepped on it and typed on the controls while gripping the handle. The cart quickly rose in the air, rising for deck seven. 

Xiron: Grav boots. I have not worn these in a while. 

Ilsam: Response 

Is’Kah: Computer, seal all other entries to the warp core chamber, level ten forcefields on both sides of the doorways to extend a meter. 

Computer: Affirmative 

Xiron: Ready!

 Ilsam: Response 

Is’Kah carefully moved past the plasma conduits on deck ten before continuing to the space between decks, stopping where deck six started at the space between decks. She grabbed one of the cables and shoved it into an open port on the starboard side. When she heard it click, she looked over the cart at Xiron. She threw the other end past the plasma conduits for Xiron to grab. 

Is’Kah: ~Catch and plug it in the first panel on the port side between decks eleven and twelve. You’ll work toward Starboard while I will work to port. We have forty-seven more to install. We are installing eight per deck until we reach deck thirteen and have fourteen minutes to do it. Stay lively, I'm going to move quickly~ 

Ilsam: Response 

Perkins: What are you doing, Ensign? 

The Trican glanced down at the gruff male voice talking to her from deck fourteen. The male looked like an older human, most likely of higher rank than her. However, she had orders from her Commander. She raised an eyebrow before returning to plugging in patch cables.

Xiron::Her antennae folded back in annoyance: Commander Perkins, I have authorized emergency procedures. If you want to help I can use the hand if not you can stand watch over the Borg. If we survive you can be a witness at our court martial. 

Is’Kah: ~Sh’za, it’s a valid question.~ I’m connecting the isolated training computer to the main warp systems, bypassing the main computer. This way, we can activate the core as if we’ve completed the entire start-up procedure. 

Perkins: You can’t do that, Ensign. 

Islam: Response 

Is’Kah: Why is that? ~Ghee, start in the center for the next block between the next pair of decks.~ 

Perkins: Why? Be-Because… that’s just now how it’s done. 

The hybrid had to fight a sigh while she lowered herself to the next set of panels. She wasn’t pleased with what she saw because they were configured entirely differently from her last Akira. If someone had changed the patch panel configuration from what the Ronin had, the corresponding set would likely have also changed. 

Is’Kah: ~I think we can do more than talk to each other. Look at your patch panel and project that in our mindscape.~ 

Xiron: Response 

She grabbed a double-connection cable and clicked it into place. While tossing the cable to Xiron, she leaned over the edge of her cart to talk to Perkins. A corner of her mouth turned up while she spoke to the Commander. 

Is’Kah: ~Catch. This goes into port J-18.~ 

Xiron: Response 

Is’Kah: It sure looks like I’m doing it anyway. With all due respect, Sir, you’re distracting enough to make a mistake. Instead, could you get on the console and double-check my calculations? I’d have a bad day if I caused a warp core breach or sent us back in time to save the universe from some time-traveling Romulans, something I’d like to avoid. Wouldn’t you agree, Sir? 

Islam / Xiron / Perkins: Response 

The Trican returned to her task, moving to the next evolution. 

Is’Kah: Send us to Admiral’s Mast after we get through this; until then, sir, please ensure this green around the gills Ensign doesn’t make a mistake that kills us all. ~Catch and plug it into port G-7~ 

She quickened her pace, clipping and tossing the next one when Xiron caught the last one. Quickly working through the rest of the patches on that Deck. 

Islam / Xiron / Perkins: Response 

Is’Kah: Lieutenant, drop a deck. I’m dropping two decks for the next step. 

Islam / Xiron / Perkins: Response







Ensign Is'Kah Xiron


USS Chin’toka


Pronouns: She/Her (Player and Character)

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