LCDR Aine Sherlock - Into The Fray, Part 1

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Aine Sherlock

Jul 24, 2024, 3:14:48 AM (3 days ago) Jul 24
(( Captain’s Ready Room, Deck 3 - Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka ))

Aine had never thought of herself as being particularly good at giving motivating speeches, save for that one time with Michele. And even that time, she was just winging it. She also didn't want to accept the fact they likely weren't making it through this one, but she also was never one to just sit down and give up.

Sherlock: We weren't ordered to steal this ship just to run. And we have just enough power to run the phasers and we have a few torpedoes, ::looking to McGillian :: right?

McGillian: ::Wide Eyed:: Yes, but right as they were beamed on board the crew went Borg. We don't know if they were loaded.

Serala: Right. I may be Starfleet, but I am also Romulan. And Romulans never surrender. We’re not going down without a fight. If we die today, we die with honor. Let’s give them one hell of a fight and let the name Chin’toka be remembered for more than just a battle site in the Dominion War.

A grin similar to the one she had when the Captain had told them they were stealing the ship suddenly crossed Aine's face. It was go time, and she was ready.

Serala: We take the bridge, but we fight. Once I reactivate systems, ensure the bridge is secure from all points of entry, even transporters. Then arm all weapons and standby for one hell of a fight.

McGillian: Oh hell, Yes sir. ::Taps Combadge:: =/\= McGillian to Torpedo Bays. =/\=

Serala: I remember you saying when you first came aboard the Astraeus that what you wanted more than anything was to fly starships. You’re excellent in communications, but I need both a pilot and a comms officer. Are you up to that?

The Orion woman looked almost happy, seemingly smiling through the pain. Something Aine could relate to in the moment. She could feel her eye and lip swelled and her ribs ached something fierce.

Neshala: Oh, there are not enough bombs or Borg to keep me from it. :: beat :: Captain.

Serala: I was hoping you would say that, Lieutenant. :: to Sherlock :: I would like you to coordinate with Engineering on our shields. I have a theory… It’s a wild one, with no substantiated facts, but I think it’s a sound one.

Sherlock: I can do that. What's the theory?

Serala: According to the readings I am getting here, it looks like our deflector array is down. But shields are still operational, so we can use those to help deal with any micro meteors for now. Especially since I don’t plan to go to warp any time soon.

Sherlock: We'll have to get Engineering to keep power to them, keep them up as long as possible.

Serala: Since we need shields up anyway, I was thinking maybe we could try to find a frequency to interfere with the Borg signal coming from the cube the Enterprise-D is currently facing off with. :: beat :: Apologies, McGillian, Neshala. I didn’t mention that detail a moment ago.

McGillian: ::Raised Eyebrows:: Well that changes the game then.

Neshala: No worries, Captain. It’s been a tough few days for us. What are you thinking with the shields.

Serala: I am glad you asked, Lieutenant. While you’re flying the ship and keeping the other ships from shooting us, I also need you and Commander Sherlock to identify and isolate what I suspect is a signal from the cube that is directing the Borg crew. A hive mind is standard procedure for them, so I can’t help but think there is some kind of signal. Find it, and then find a way to adjust our shields to block it. Sherlock, that’s your main task, but Neshala can help you. Reach out to Engineering as well. Hopefully, they haven’t been overrun yet.

Sherlock: Aye, Sir.

Serala: Alright, you have your assignments. Let’s get out there and reclaim the bridge.

Aine gave the Captain a nod and fell in behind her as she led the way to the bridge. The door didn't open as it had been locked down. Aine hoped that no more Borg had found a way in, and she was soon to find out if the fight was going to happen again.

Serala: Computer, release the doors to the Captain’s Ready Room, Authorization Serala Delta One Four.

The computer beeped and the doors slid open onto the bridge.


LCDR Aine Sherlock
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Chin'toka
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