Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skifre: Worth the

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Jan 17, 2021, 8:05:37 PM1/17/21

(( Observation Lounge, Deck 6, USS Chin’toka ))

{{ Time Index: New Year’s Eve }}


A moment later, the man returned with several drinks. He set the tray down, looked at T’Saara for a moment, then seemed to notice Serala’s presence.


Skyfire: I apologize, I should be better at this by now. Doctor Chythar Skyfire, at your service. 


A playful smirk crossed her face as she realized he hadn’t recognized her. Even after Lael had called her by name.


Serala: Oh, I am nobody important, Doctor. Nice to meet you.


Rosek: Chythar, this is our first officer, Commander Serala. ::smiles down at T’Saara:: And this is her precious girl T’Saara. ::tickles under the infant’s chin:: Isn’t that right, sweetie?


Skyfire: A pleasure to meet you, Serala. :: Then, to Lael :: One Al-Leyan iced tea as requested.


Serala: Likewise, Doctor. I hope you brought my aesohll.


Skyfire: I did, in fact. :: Setting the tea down within Serala’s reach. :: 


Serala: Thank you, Doctor. It’s never a good idea to forget your First Officer’s tea… :: she threw him a playful grin before turning back to Lael :: By the way, Commander….Lael. I was wondering if you could swing by my quarters and adjust the environmental controls? My Romulan blood doesn’t like the normal ambient temperature of the ship. I would love to be able to get away to some warmth in my own quarters.


Rosek: ::chuckles:: I’ll take a peek tomorrow. ::smirks:: I seem to remember having to putz with the environmental controls in Commander Blake’s quarters aboard the Veritas. Something about her unique physiology being sensitive to the temperature in her quarters also.


The sound of glass being tapped drew her attention and she turned in the direction of the sound to find Mei standing at the front of the room. She sat the glass down and once again shifted T’Saara in her arms, focusing on Mei. 


Mei’konda: Good evening, my officers and our guests.  Thaank you for attending this paarty tonight.  I appreciaate you all being here.


Chythar glanced around the room with a pleased look, and made sure to applaud at the appropriate moments as its crew were called up to Mei’s side. While he did miss being in the thick of things, he didn’t miss the attention. He was, in short order, going to make a public spectacle of himself as he revealed his surprise to the lady he loved. 


Mei’konda: Thank you all again, and I’m honored to be your Captain.  We haave some time until New Year’s.  Please, have some champagne if you liike, and we will soon riing in the new year.


Chythar stepped forward toward their Caitian skipper and offered a smile back at Lael before once again re-focusing on Mei’konda. They’d served together for several years, so he didn’t foresee Mei having any objections. However, given what he was about to do and how long he’d been planning, well...whatever happened, he’d go with it.


Skyfire: With your permission, Mei’konda, I wish to address the crew.


Mei’konda: Response


Skyfire: Thank you, sir. 


Mei’konda: Response


He turned his attention to the crew at large and took a breath before speaking. 


Skyfire: You all have performed admirably in the face of adversity, and it is that which we choose to embrace when we joined Starfleet. That spirit, the trials we choose to face together, and the adventure into the unknown is what makes us family. 


He reached into his pocket and procured the box containing the ring, concealed in his hand with his gaze fixing on Lael as he stepped forward. As he closed the distance between them, he continued to speak.


Skyfire: Family is another aspect of life, of which procreation or adoption of children is possible. This last year has been rough for all of us, and I freely admit this. However, in all of this, I choose to embrace the moment and realized that fatherhood needed one other essential element to make this completion of mine possible.


He paused for dramatic effect. and knelt down in front of Lael. He opened up the little black box, which contained a plain silver band with a golden Celtic trinity knot in the center, the simplicity of the knotwork a reminder that life itself is more complex than it first appears. Since he’d been planning this moment for so long, he didn’t notice his Scots-Irish brogue slip into his voice as he spoke.


Serala reclaimed her little girl from Lael.


Skyfire: Ah cannae imagine livin’ the rest of my life nor takin’ on the responsibilities of fatherhood alone. Lael Elizabeth Rosek, will ye marry me?


Rosek: Response


Once the words had been spoken, he gave a somewhat goofy smile and slid the ring onto her finger. He reached into his other pocket and slipped the matching one onto his finger before he rose to his feet and pulled her into a tender embrace with a kiss to match.


Skyfire: :: Quietly. :: I love you, Lael.


Rosek: :: Murmurs. :: I love you, too, an duine agam a bhith (my husband to be).


The Scots-Gaelic confused him for only a moment, but he didn’t let that confusion show through. The moment was perfect. 


T’Saara: :: happily :: baa phftt mmaa ma pffthh gaaah. Eeeee.


Serala :: an emerald flush staining her cheeks :: shhh. You’re ruining the moment, Bean. :: looking at the happy couple and silently mouthing her next word. :: Sorry. 


Rosek: :: Shaking her head. :: Don’t be. She’s just happy. :: Grins. :: Makes this moment even more perfect.


Levinson: Congratulations.


Raga’brani: Agreed. Congratulations to you both. :: They said emphatically. :: I thank you for letting me experience the forming of such a union. :: He bowed his head slightly. :: 


Rosek: :: Smiles. :: Thank you. :: Turns to Chythar. :: I’m a blessed woman.


As the group dispersed, she turned her attention back to her fiancé, wrapping her arms around his neck and brushing her lips against his.


Rosek: ~ You sneak. Is this what you were up to all this time? ~


Skyfire: ~ Aye. Dinnae want you finding out about it too early. Was it worth it? ~


Rosek: :: Murmurs. ::  ~ It was perfect. And you’re perfect for me. ~ 


Skyfire: ~ I am glad. ~


Rosek: ~ Dance with me? ~


Skyfire: ~ Of course.


As someone queued up some music, he started dancing with a slow waltz, which seemed appropriate for the moment. The circumstances and the music didn’t support a salsa, and he’d forgotten the chips so this made perfect sense for the moment. 



Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire, MD

Medical Officer / Barista

USS Chin’toka NCC-97187


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