[sb118-chintoka] Lt JG Ghee'looth Xiron-A Day in the Core is Like a Day on the Farm

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Jul 25, 2024, 10:55:58 AM (2 days ago) Jul 25
to sb118-c...@googlegroups.com

((Main Engineering, Deck 14-Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka)) 

Xiron: Ready!

Is’Kah: ~Catch and plug it in the first panel on the port side between decks eleven and twelve. You’ll work toward Starboard while I will work to port. We have forty-seven more to install. We are installing eight per deck until we reach deck thirteen and have fourteen minutes to do it. Stay lively, I'm going to move quickly~ 

Perkins: What are you doing, Ensign? 

Xiron::Her antennae folded back in annoyance: Commander Perkins, I have authorized emergency procedures. If you want to help I can use the hand if not you can stand watch over the Borg. If we survive you can be a witness at our court martial. 

Is’Kah: ~Sh’za, it’s a valid question.~ I’m connecting the isolated training computer to the main warp systems, bypassing the main computer. This way, we can activate the core as if we’ve completed the entire start-up procedure. 

Perkins: You can’t do that, Ensign. 

Is’Kah: Why is that? ~Ghee, start in the center for the next block between the next pair of decks.~ 

Perkins: Why? Be-Because… that’s just now how it’s done. 

Is’Kah: ~I think we can do more than talk to each other. Look at your patch panel and project that in our mindscape.~ 

The telepathic images made Xiron extremely disorientated, she had the sudden sensation of spinning. Images of panels filled her head. Had it not been her anti -gav boots she would have fallen. To focus herself she imagined she was back on the side of El Capitan on Earth. oO It is just a climb. Oo

Xiron:~I am not telepathic. This is new to me.~

Is’Kah: ~Catch. This goes into port J-18.~ 

Xiron watched the cable uncoil as it came down to her. She decked her head to avoid the end as it came past her head. Looking over the panel she again felt the disorientation of telepathy, before connecting the cable to port J-18.

Xiron: I have green lights on J-18.

Is’Kah: It sure looks like I’m doing it anyway. With all due respect, Sir, you’re distracting enough to make a mistake. Instead, could you get on the console and double-check my calculations? I’d have a bad day if I caused a warp core breach or sent us back in time to save the universe from some time-traveling Romulans, something I’d like to avoid. Wouldn’t you agree, Sir? 

Xiron: It looks like it is working. I have green on the mains. The warp core shows in standby.

Ilsam /  Perkins: Response 

Is’Kah: Send us to Admiral’s Mast after we get through this; until then, sir, please ensure this green around the gills Ensign doesn’t make a mistake that kills us all. ~Catch and plug it into port G-7~ 

Taking the next bypass from Is’Kah she blinked hard from the mental image she sent her. Xiron wondered how anyone dealt with other people’s thoughts in their heads.

Xiron: G-7 shows green.

Ilsam / Perkins: Response 

Is’Kah: Lieutenant, drop a deck. I’m dropping two decks for the next step. 

Xiron touched the heels of her anti-gav boots so she would float down to the lower deck.

Xiron: Is’kah! How much more?

lsam: Lieutenant Xiron, Ensign Is’Kah, report?

Xiron: The system is in standby mode. We are almost ready, sir.

Is’Kah: Responses

Ilsam: ::arches an eyebrow:: So I see. ::to Perkins:: Commander, I understand your hesitation. You’re correct in that this isn’t standard procedure. However, these are extraordinary circumstances. We’ve received permission for this course of action from Commander Serala herself.

Perkins: ::sarcastically:: You have? Well, then–

Ilsam: ::raises a hand to stop him:: Commander, please. The situation is most urgent. We cannot afford wasted time. From what I’ve seen of your record, you have many years of experience and your expertise in how to complete our task without risking a core breach or cascade failure would be most appreciated. It will increase our odds of success by a large measure. Please. Will you assist us?

Perkins: ::grumbles:: I suppose.

Ilsam: ::to Is’Kah and Xiron:: We don’t have time to discuss your actions. Your focus is needed on the task at hand. However, let me make something clear. Commander Perkins has agreed to assist you. He is not someone to be ordered around or told what will and will not be done. In the future, I hope that you are able to approach a similar situation with reason and logic. If the other party cannot be persuaded, reach out for assistance from a superior officer. 

Xiron put on her most diplomatic face not wanting to cause any further delay with this interpersonal issue.

Xiron: My apologies, sirs.

Is’Kah: Responses

Ilsam: ::nods:: The situation in Engineering is under control for the moment. At last report, the Borg are still unable to access the ship’s systems. I will remain here should you need additional assistance with your task. ::to Perkins:: Thank you for your cooperation, Commander.

Perkins: ::grumbles:: Don’t think this will stop me from reporting this.

Ilsam: As is your prerogative. In the meantime, let us focus on the urgent matter at hand, shall we?

Xiron: Aye, sir. I need to report to the bridge.

Is’Kah: Responses

Xiron: =/\= Captain, we have used every shortcut known. The engines are ready. The deflector will be up shortly =/\=

Any: Responses

Serala: =/\= Good work on the engines. But we’re out of time. Spacedock has less than ten minutes left. I need to get this ship back from the Borg, so let’s find that signal and alter the shield frequencies to block it. =/\=

Xiron: =/\= Aye, sir. I am on it. =/\=

Xiron thought over the problem presented to her. She had far more experience with signals than with engines so that was at least an advantage. The signal powerful enough to hit the whole fleet would not be hard to find but shielding the ship would take some like the deflector.

Is’Kah / Perkins / Ilsam: Responses

Grabbing her tools she got ready to move to the deflector room. She did not know if she would encounter any Borg but wanted to be ready incase, she had to fight to take the deflector room.  Xiron’s thoughts were interrupted when her combadge chirped. She juggled cable and bypasses out of her right hand so she could touch her badge.

 Sherlock: =/\= Engineering! Crank up the core, I don't care if it's safe or not, we don't have time to wait! =/\=

Xiron: =/\=Aye, Sir=/\=

Ilsam/Is'Kah/ (one or all): response

Xiron turned to her wife and even though her face was neutral her antennae were up and back in pride with what Is’Kah had done. The urge to embrace Is'Kah was almost overwhelming. She wished she had more time to just live in this moment, but the crisis persisted and her duty to answer was absolute.

Xiron: Is’Kah, give us ignition.

Is’Kah / Perkins / Ilsam: Responses

Xiron looked over the status boards to verify the core’s stability, when her combadge chirped again. oO I am popular today. Oo

Xiron: =/\= This Xiron. =/\=

Brodie: =/\= Finally…someone who isn’t trying to kill me. I’m in deflector control and the main controls are done…it looks like there’s power to this part of the ship though. Please…for the love of all the timorous wee beasties in Scotland…tell me that there is a way to manually reinitialise this thing? =/\=

Xiron: =/\= There is a team on the way. =/\=

Is’Kah / Perkins / Ilsam / Any: Responses

Xiron double checked her phaser’s charge and setting. Her mind was racing from one problem to the other. 

Xiron:: Looking at the unaffected officers: I want to thank you all. Now we need to get the deflector up. Afterwards I will need help modifying it to block the Borg signal. There may be a chance we can still save the crew.

 Is’Kah / Perkins / Ilsam / Any: Responses




Ensign Ghee’looth Xiron

Engineering Officer

USS Chin’toka


Pronouns: She/Her (Player and Character)

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