[sb118-chintoka] Lt. JG Ghee'looth Xiron-Kickstart My Heart

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Jul 22, 2024, 2:46:40 PM (5 days ago) Jul 22
to sb118-c...@googlegroups.com

(( Main Engineering, Deck 14, USS Chin’toka ))


Ilsam: ::taps his commbadge awkwardly:: =/\= Ilsam to Xiron and Is’Kah. How’s it going over there? =/\=


Xiron: ::taps her commbadge with free hand:: =/\= Aft Engineering is cleared. Force fields up. =/\= 


Is’Kah: =/\= Begining warp core startup now. =/\= 


Ilsam: =/\= Got it. Keep working. We’ve got them contained–for now. =/\= 


Xiron: =/\= Thank you sir. Are you ok? =/\= 


Ilsam: Response 


Is'Kah: I’m going to make a loud noise; it is not the Borg. 


The Ensign activated a command and released several panels which opened with a slam against the bulkheads.


Ilsam: Response 


Is’Kah: =/\= Upper Engineering, we will trick the warp core into coming online with the training program. If we don’t want to start shaking every bolt on this ship loose and eventually explode, I need you to raise the temperatures of the inner core and the warp coils while increasing coolant circulation. Both must be at 120% in 12 minutes. Theoretically, you can raise it by 10% every minute. =/\= 


Perkins: =/\= Aye ma’am, we’ll start on that. =/\=


Xiron:: Looking to Is’Kah: That is right at the margin of error for safety.


Ilsam: Response 


Sherlock: =/\= Sherlock to Engineering. If anyone is there, give me your status. =/\= 


Xiron: =/\= This is Xiron. About a dozen of my staff have been affected by a Borg-like assimilation. The unaffected staff have them contained. You will have full power for warp and phaser directly. =/\= 


Is'Kah: =/\= This is Is’Kah. Commander, when we have the warp engines online, we should keep it under warp three for fifteen minutes after the core activates, or we will warp the nacelles, possibly a few plasma conduits unless you want to stop this party in its tracks. =/\= 




Sherlock: =/\= Good. Keep them at bay and keep working on getting power up to full. Sherlock out. =/\=


Xiron: We don’t have much time, we are going to need to find a more permanent containment for the affected crew.  


Is’Kah: Float them in a ball with level ten force fields. Beam them to the brig or anywhere but here.


Xiron: Computer, removed the gravity alcove behind force field D14-379-Lambda. Place a statis beam on all life forms inside. There, if they can’t walk, they should be less of a threat.


Ilsam: Response 


Perkins watched as the Ensign grabbed an antigrav sled and began to fill it with phasers and anti-grav boots.


Is’Kah: It’s time for an OSHA violation.


Xiron: We will be lucky to be allowed a basic mariner’s license after this.


Ilsam: Response 


Is’Kah: Lieutenant, catch. I need you between decks nine and ten on the far side of the core, behind the intermix chamber.  


Xiron caught the anti-gravity boots. She had never loved using them, finding them awkward. In her mind she visualized the intermix chamber and got an idea of what her beloved was planning.


Xiron: Grav boots. I have not worn these in a while.


Ilsam: Response 


Is’Kah: Computer, seal all other entries to the warp core chamber, level ten forcefields on both sides of the doorways to extend a meter. 


Computer: Affirmative 


Xiron recognized the forcefields Is’Kah just ordered as similar to what one would order to mitigate a core breach. She felt the calm of her adrenaline. It did not help her cover her fear.


Ilsam: Response 


Xiron grabbed a large tool bag and slung it over her shoulder. She then made a quick note on her PADD.


Xiron: Ready!


Ilsam: Response


Perkins: What are you doing, Ensign?


Is’Kah: Response


Perkins: You can’t do that, Ensign.


Is’Kah: Response


Perkins: Why? Be-Because… that’s just now how it’s done.


Xiron::Her antennae folded back in annoyance: Commander Perkins, I have authorized emergency procedures. If you want to help I can use the hand if not you can stand watch over the Borg. If we survive you can be a witness at our court martial.


Islam/ Is’Kah / Perkins: Response


A shudder ran through the deck. Xiron’s PADD chippered. She checked the alert.


Xiron: There was just an explosion in security. The bridge had sent their affected crew there.


Islam/ Is’Kah / Perkins: Response


Xiron moved toward core in preparation for her ascent to Deck 9. See looked back at Is'Kah to steel herself for what she may find.


Islam/ Is’Kah / Perkins: Response






Ensign Ghee’looth Xiron

Engineering Officer

USS Chin’toka


Pronouns: She/Her (Player and Character)

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