Ensign Daniel McGillian Jr: All for One, and One for All

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12:22 AM (12 hours ago) 12:22 AM
to sb118-c...@googlegroups.com

(( Bridge, Deck 3 - Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka ))

The fighting had commenced. At one point, Mac's thoughts drifted for a second to the story of the musketeers, seeing as how there were four officers on the bridge, defending the kingdom.... well, in this case though it wasn't a kingdom they were trying to save. It was the entire planet of Earth.

McGillian: Captain, if we can manage to do micro jumps into and out of warp between our attack runs, we might be able to disrupt their targeting!

Mac tapped away on his console, shooting down as many torpedoes as possible before they impacted the ship.

Serala: Neshala, evasive maneuvers, Delta Five. Engage.

Neshala: Delta Five, aye, Captain.

Sherlock: Brace for impact!

The yell from the XO alerted Mac to hold on…. So he gripped his station as firmly as he could with his uninjured arm while pressing his body into it. Between Mac shooting down torpedoes, and Neshala’s piloting, it seemed they had only taken a glancing blow to their shields. The glancing hits were still enough to blow out a nearby console, showering the bridge with sparks.

Serala: Good job, Lieutenant. But turn faster, next time. We can’t take too many more of those.

Neshala: Understood, Captain.

Sherlock: =/\= Engineering! Crank up the core, I don't care if it's safe or not, we don't have time to wait! =/\=

Xiron: =/\=Aye, Sir=/\=

Ilsam/Is'Kah (One or all): Responses

Sherlock: It's going to be close, Captain. Neshala, keep us moving, we can't afford to take much more. If we lose the shields this will be all for nought.

Neshala: Yes, yes, Commanders. I’m on it.

Serala: Get those shields back up. McGillian, prepare another volley. Neshala, bring us around for another target.

McGillian: On it Captain.

Sherlock: =/\= Status on blocking that frequency! =/\=

Ilsam/Is'Kah/Xiron (one or all): =/\= Response =/\=

Brodie: =/\= Brodie to Bridge. It looks like Stapledon and Doucet have freed themselves from sickbay…so I think we can rule out the effectiveness of…::cough::…Anesthezine gas. =/\=

Serala: =/\= Understood, Counselor. How are Doctor Kel and Nurse Rox?=/\=

Brodie: =/\= Those two are bunkered in the science labs for now…::cough::…and hopefully working on something positive. I’m packing some medical kits so we have some more options but it’s a mess down here… =/\=

Serala: =/\= We’re short handed at the moment, Counselor, but I could send some security people down there to assist them. =/\=

Brodie: =/\= Sickbay is, let’s be honest, of little tactical importance given the levels of aggression we’re encountering. Speaking of which…what was that bang and shudder earlier? =/\=

Serala: =/\= The Borg that were on the bridge, and that we beamed to the brig, somehow detonated an explosive device and managed to escape. We suspect injuries, possibly worse. And given the situation, we need medical. See what you can do to secure medical. Also, our deflector array also seems to be out of order and you’re very close. Can you go down and make an assessment, possibly get it back online? =/\=

Brodie: =/\= I mean…I’m not an engineer…but I understand we can’t unsecure sections or we’ll lose what we have. I’ll take a look and report back. =/\=

Serala: =/\= Very good, Counselor. I don’t have any security personnel to assist you, so be careful. Serala out. =/\=

Brodie: =/\= Okay…understood. Brodie out. =/\=

Despite overwhelming odds and a lack of a full complement of torpedoes, Mac and Neshala were doing well keeping them alive, and disabling borg turned ships. While a few more glances had shaken the ship, it seemed like they hadn’t taken another hit like the first…. yet.

Neshala: Captain, I am receiving a transmission from the Astraeus. It’s Captain Delano, ma’am.

oO Please have good news….Oo

Ensign Daniel McGillian Jr.
Tac/Sec Officer
USS Chin'toka NCC-97187
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