Ensign Is'Kah - Power for the masses

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Jul 25, 2024, 1:28:09 PM (2 days ago) Jul 25
to USS Chin'toka – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Warp Core Compartment, Deck 8/9-Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka)) 

Is’Kah: Why is that? ~Ghee, start in the center for the next block between the next pair of decks.~ 

Perkins: Why? Be-Because… that’s just now how it’s done. 

The hybrid had to fight a sigh while she lowered herself to the next set of panels. She wasn’t pleased with what she saw because they were configured entirely differently from her last Akira. If someone had changed the patch panel configuration from what the Ronin had, the corresponding set would likely have also changed.

 Is’Kah: ~I think we can do more than talk to each other. Look at your patch panel and project that in our mindscape.~

 Xiron:~I am not telepathic. This is new to me.~ 

She grabbed a double-connection cable and clicked it into place. While tossing the cable to Xiron, she leaned over the edge of her cart to talk to Perkins. A corner of her mouth turned up while she spoke to the Commander.

Is’Kah: ~Catch. This goes into port J-18.~

Xiron: I have green lights on J-18. 

Is’Kah: It sure looks like I’m doing it anyway. With all due respect, Sir, you’re distracting enough to make a mistake. Instead, could you get on the console and double-check my calculations? I’d have a bad day if I caused a warp core breach or sent us back in time to save the universe from some time-traveling Romulans, something I’d like to avoid. Wouldn’t you agree, Sir?

Xiron: It looks like it is working. I have green on the mains. The warp core shows in standby. 

The Trican returned to her task, moving to the next evolution. 

Is’Kah: Send us to Admiral’s Mast after we get through this; until then, sir, please ensure this green around the gills Ensign doesn’t make a mistake that kills us all.

~Catch and plug it into port G-7~ 

She quickened her pace, clipping and tossing the next one when Xiron caught the last one. She quickly worked through the rest of the patches on that Deck. 

Xiron: G-7 shows green. 

The small engineer was too focused on the task at hand to notice Ilsam’s approach to their location. 

Xiron: Is’kah! How much more? 

Ilsam: Lieutenant Xiron, Ensign Is’Kah, report? 

Is’Kah: thirty seconds until we can activate the core, Sir. We’re installing the last patches now. ~Incoming, Deck elven, patch J-11, G-3, C-22.~ 

The Ensign threw a cable over her shoulder, rapidly moving through the set. 

Xiron: Response? 

Ilsam: ::arches an eyebrow:: So I see. ::to Perkins:: Commander, I understand your hesitation. You’re correct in that this isn’t standard procedure. However, these are extraordinary circumstances. We’ve received permission for this course of action from Commander Serala herself. 

Perkins: ::sarcastically:: You have? Well, then– 

Ilsam: ::raises a hand to stop him:: Commander, please. The situation is most urgent. We cannot afford wasted time. From what I’ve seen of your record, you have many years of experience and your expertise in how to complete our task without risking a core breach or cascade failure would be most appreciated. It will increase our odds of success by a large measure. Please. Will you assist us? 

Perkins: ::grumbles:: I suppose. 

Ilsam: ::to Is’Kah and Xiron:: We don’t have time to discuss your actions. Your focus is needed on the task at hand. However, let me make something clear. Commander Perkins has agreed to assist you. He is not someone to be ordered around or told what will and will not be done. In the future, I hope that you are able to approach a similar situation with reason and logic. If the other party cannot be persuaded, reach out for assistance from a superior officer. 

oO I thought I had asked him to do something, not ordering him; alas, I need to work on my phrasing then. Oh, he probably didn’t like me telling him I was doing it anyway. Oo 

Xiron: My apologies, sirs. 

Is’Kah: Aye, Commander. ~Last four. Deck 12/13, P-9, B-52, H-42~ 

The Trican plugged and tossed the cables over her shoulder. 

Ilsam: ::nods:: The situation in Engineering is under control for the moment. At last report, the Borg are still unable to access the ship’s systems. I will remain here should you need additional assistance with your task. ::to Perkins:: Thank you for your cooperation, Commander. 

Perkins: ::grumbles:: Don’t think this will stop me from reporting this. 

Ilsam: As is your prerogative. In the meantime, let us focus on the urgent matter at hand, shall we? 

oO Must not snark back. Must not snark back. Must not snark back. Oo 

Is’Kah glanced at Xiron before giving Perkins her best Vulcan face. 

Xiron: Aye, sir. I need to report to the bridge. 

Xiron: =/\= Captain, we have used every shortcut known. The engines are ready. The deflector will be up shortly =/\= 

Serala: =/\= Good work on the engines. But we’re out of time. Spacedock has less than ten minutes left. I need to get this ship back from the Borg, so let’s find that signal and alter the shield frequencies to block it. =/\= 

Xiron: =/\= Aye, sir. I am on it. =/\=

oO She’ll burn herself out trying to do everything. Oo

The Trican glanced over to her wife, the deluge of panicked orders was nearly overwhelming to the hybrid, leaving her wondering how the other woman was handling the pressure. She tapped her badge to join the conversation. 

Is’Kah: =/\= We will have to vent all drive plasma before they reach the warp coils until they’ve reached the correct temperature, or they will warp out of alignment. Can we use it to contain or confuse the Borg if we do a wide dispersal with the core running at full tilt? =/\= 

Serela/Bridge/Xiron/Ilsam/Perkins: =/\= Response =/\= 

The ship shook from the impact, but Is’Kah didn’t feel it due to her current airborne nature. 

Sherlock: =/\= Engineering! Crank up the core, I don't care if it's safe or not, we don't have time to wait! =/\= 

Xiron: Is’Kah, give us ignition. 

Is’Kah: Aye, aye, Ma’am. 

The Trican lowered her cart through the plasma conduits before ending the anti-gravity for a second, letting herself free-fall three decks, turning it back on moments before she would have slammed into the deck. As it was, she landed with a hard thud in front of the core control panel. 

((Warp Core Compartment, Main Engineering, Deck 14, USS Chin’toka)) 

((OOC- Is’Kah is out (or about to be) of the visual range of Perkins, Xiron, and Ilsam. )) 

Exhaling to steady herself, she opened the valves to divert the plasma heading to both nacelles from reaching the injectors, instead dumping it into space. Activating the simulation to start at idle, she watched the anti-mater magnetic field light up, showing the pulses.   

Is’Kah: =/\= Is’Kah to Xiron, please confirm that matter is coming down the core. =/\= 

Xiron: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= We’ve managed to avoid the warp core breach and time travel. Phasers and shields will be fully powered in twelve seconds. =/\= 

Xiron/Ilsam/Perkins: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah gave the core a few more seconds before turning the power up to make the core think it was traveling at warp one. Since the ship didn’t explode, she set the system to turn the power up until the core thought it was at warp five over the next few seconds. Her next task was dumping the power, but the console she was on was isolated for the moment. After bolting for the pool table, she was able to dump warp power into the essential systems quickly. 

Is’Kah: =/\= Engineering to Bridge, full power has been restored to phasers and shields. They will be fully charged in the next sixty seconds. =/\= 

Bridge: Response 

A thumping noise caused the Trican to turn, but she saw nothing. Something was just off about the noise. She turned, scanning the room for whatever made it. She hoped it wasn’t the Borg coming, but the odds were not in her favor. 

Xiron/Ilsam/Perkins: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah heard another noise, which caused her to step away from the pool table to investigate. Then, her com badge went off again. 

Xiron: =/\= This Xiron. =/\= 

Brodie: =/\= Finally…someone who isn’t trying to kill me. I’m in deflector control and the main controls are done…it looks like there’s power to this part of the ship though. Please…for the love of all the timorous wee beasties in Scotland…tell me that there is a way to manually reinitialise this thing? =/\= 

Xiron: =/\= There is a team on the way. =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= Commander, Lieutenant, secondary controls to the deflector are on Deck Fourteen, in the main deflector compartment. I must closely monitor the core; thus, I cannot restart the deflector.=/\= 

The noise returned, making the Trican turn, but what she saw made her stomach drop.  She clenched her jaw when she saw several Borged Crewmen stepping out of a turbolift door they had forced open. They must have climbed down the escape ladder inside the shafts. 

Is’Kah: =/\= Well, isn’t this special. We have a few replacement Borgs that figured out they could use the turbolift shafts to get around. They’re coming out of it now and are looking to invade. =/\= 

Brodie/Xiron/Ilsam: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= One more thing, it’s just me down here. I am unable to defend Engineering while keeping the core balanced. I will need assistance to fight off at least three assimilated crew members. =/\= 

Brodie/Xiron/Ilsam: =/\= Response =/\= 

The Trican shook her head as two more crawled out of the shaft. 

Is’Kah: =/\= There are now five Borgs active on this deck. I’d expect more to arrive. Request backup ASAP. =/\= 

Brodie/Xiron/Ilsam: =/\= Response =/\= 

Is’Kah: =/\= I will attempt to defend engineering. I’m going dark for my safety. Is’Kah out. =/\= 

Brodie/Xiron/Ilsam: =/\= Response =/\=

After removing her com badge and placing it on the pool table, Is’Kah rolled her neck and shoulders, preparing to defend the ship before moving into a fighting stance; she prepared to face off against the new intruders. 

Is’Kah: Computer, encrypt all engineering consoles. They are to be unlocked by Xiron, Ilsam, Sherlock, or Serala retinal scans and command codes. 

Computer: Affirmative. Secondary encryption was added. 

The tiny Ensign nodded to herself, her body tensing in preparation for the fight. Suddenly, she turned, breaking into a run, heading for an alcove. Taking a wall panel off, she slipped into the starboard engineering lounge. Before leaving the new room, she pulled the cover back into place but could not quite get it right. She ended up leaving it leaning across the hole she had made. 

She didn’t see any of their attackers in the Turbolift area when peaking around the corridor's wall. Carefully, she crept up to Engineering, finding a couple still there. She gritted her teeth to engage a small switch and felt her canine teeth extend. Almost ready for combat, she took a slow breath to steady herself before running at the closest Borgifed Crewmember’s back, leaping at the last second to try to slam into their back and sink her teeth into its outer shoulder. 

Any Borged Crew: Response?






Ensign Is'Kah Xiron


USS Chin’toka


Pronouns: She/Her (Player and Character)


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