LCDR Aine Sherlock - One Giant Leap

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Aine Sherlock

Jul 26, 2024, 3:35:54 PM (21 hours ago) Jul 26
((OOC: With most, if not all the comms between the bridge and engineering sorted, I'm jumping to the second Serala sim as there's no need to extend those parts now that Ilsam and Is'Kah are teaming up and Brodie and Xiron doing their thing. No need to possibly create more confusion.))

(( Bridge, Deck 3 - Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka ))

Power would be up in seconds and now that that job was out of the way, Aine turned back to look at the viewscreen. Other than the couple hits they already took, the Helmsman and Tactical Officer seemed to be handling the exterior situation quite well. All they had to do was hang on and hope there would be others taking their ships back.

Neshala: Captain, I am receiving a transmission from the Astraeus. It’s Captain Delano, ma’am.

Serala: On screen, Lieutenant.

Aine moved up to the Tactical console next to Mac while she watched the Caitian Captain on the viewscreen.

Mei’konda: =/\= Acting Captaain Serala. You’ve done well, I see. =/\=

Serala: =/\= Not as well as I would have liked, sir. But we’re here. The Borg are still running loose, but I am hoping we have a way to get them free from whatever is controlling them. =/\=

Sherlock: =/\= We're working on a solution. We should know if we can take the ship back shortly. =/\=

McGillian: =/\= Responses =/\=

Serala: =/\= With respect, Captain, I’ve got my hands full at the moment. How can I help? =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= Yes, I’ll keep this short. Astraeus has separaated, and our saucer is moviing to a relatiively safe location from which to begin beamiing as much of the station’s complement aboard as she can. We haave a temporaary, limited fix for our Borg problem, but at leaast for us, it is partially dependent on our shields. Lieutenant Caldwell will traansmit the specifications to you now. =/\=

Caldwell: =/\= Response =/\=

Serala: =/\= Receiving now. And thank you. We were working on a similar solution over here, but this should help speed things up. =/\=

Serala: Send this down to the Engineering team and get the modifications done.

Aine quickly returned the nod to Serala before turning to the back console. She immediately brought up the transmission from the Astraeus, routing it down to Engineering with one simple message: Run it!

Mei’konda: =/\= Captain, I waant you to form up with us. I’m sure you’ve notiiced by now, but the Enterprise-F is moviing to intercept us. We’re goiing to have to give the saucer as much tiime as we can, but I’m afraid you will haave to bear the brunt of her fiire. We can’t risk our waarp drives. Should the worst happen, and an evacuaation from the Sol system be necessary, we will need to rejoin the saucer to get those people away. We will assist to the best of our abiility, but I… assume you know what I am askiing you. =/\=

Aine looked over her shoulder at the Caitian Captain. She knew what this meant. If the Astraeus was able to rescue people from Spacedock, and they couldn't slip away, that meant the Chin'toka was going to have to shield them. A literal block in the path of the ships that had been taken over.

Serala: =/\= I understand completely, Captain. We’ve already committed to taking out as many ships as we can - without destroying them, hopefully - and we already know the risks. We’ll begin heading in your direction now. =/\=

Neshala: Entering course now, Captain.

McGillian: =/\= Responses =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= I knew I could count on you, Captain. In that case… let’s get to work. Astraeus out. =/\=

Serala: =/\= Aye, Captain, and may the Elements preserve us all. Chin’toka out. =/\=

Aine looked back at her console then back towards the Captain.

Sherlock: Captain, we've got power. It's not the most stable setup I've ever seen, but it'll last us long enough.

McGillian: Responses

Serala: Okay, everyone. We already committed to this course anyway. Now we just have a focus. The Enterprise-F is a big ship, and honestly, we don’t have much chance. But we’ll hold as long as we can.

McGillian: Responses

Aine kept quiet for a second. She had things running through her mind, but she wasn't Tactical nor Security anymore. And she needed to take in everything before she spoke.

Serala: Good. Let’s hope that shield modulation is as effective as the Captain reported.

Sherlock: We'll find out shortly. Either way, we have a mission.

McGillian: Responses

Sherlock: Captain, if I may be so bold, I recommend we head straight for the Enterprise. Get her to focus on us, and then head straight into that formation.

Serala/Neshala/McGillian: response

Sherlock: It may be suicide, but if it works, we can disrupt them. Throw them off their game just long enough for the Astraeus to make a break for it.

Serala/Neshala/McGillian: response


LCDR Aine Sherlock
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Chin'toka
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