Lieutenant Noa T'Nessa Levinson - Me? I'm Fine. Totally Fine. Nothing Wrong Here!

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Noa T'Nessa Levinson

Jul 10, 2021, 7:32:54 AM7/10/21

((Conference Room, Great Council Chambers, Lastelle Island, Oscion))

Levinson: Otherwise, are there other concerns that you’d like to raise?

There, Noa used a contraction again, this time with a "you’d"... She took a deep breath in as she listened to the conversation moving forward. She couldn’t afford losing her cool there.

Vannel: I can’t think of anything else that would seem unacceptable for House Rettaan, no.

Azorius: I see no immediate concerns either.

Snow: Any other questions that need answering? 

Samra: I have plenty, but they can wait. 

Drentana: None at the moment. I believe I’ve addressed most of the issues that we’re all concerned about. 

Jurnir / Horso: Responses

Kiax: Do take a moment to look over the proposed source locations for the materials we need for construction as well. If you have any better or alternate suggestions we’d be more than happy to accommodate them.

Noa nodded in agreement with Kiax, but remained silent.

Azorius / McKnight: Responses

Noa’s rather sensitive hearing could pick up the Captain lowering the volume of his combadge, as what sounded like some chatter came in.

Mei’konda: Perhaaps now would be a good tiime to take a short five minute recess? I feel as though we’re neariing a conclusion to these initial talks, and I would liike a moment to speak with my ship.

Samra: I agree, Captain. I need to speak with my aide about some matters anyway.

Drentana: Certainly. We could all refresh our beverages. 

Horso: Yes, a brief respite would suffice. 

Jurnir: Response

oO Must be important… Oo

Azorius: Response

Mei’konda: Thaank you, everyone.

Drentana: Of course, Captain Delano.

Noa hopped off from her chair to stand up along with the rest, and followed the Captain’s beckoning gesture as he moved away from the table.

Mei’konda: =/\= This is Mei’konda, go ahead. =/\=

Any: =/\= Response =/\=

Rosek: =/\= How are things going there? =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= We’re fiine down here, Commander.  Are you on the Chin’toka?  Did you have something important to report?  I don’t waant to keep our hosts waiting for long. =/\=

Any: =/\= Response =/\=

Rosek: =/\= We just got back. =/\= ::pauses:: =/\= Are you alone? =/\=

Interested about the rest of the rest of the conversation with Commander Rosek, Noa barely noticed Commander Kiax stepping away from the conversation… in her direction. She joined the Commander a short distance away before she spoke.

Kiax: Everything alright, Lieutenant?

Levinson: I believe so, Commander. Why do you ask?

That wasn’t entirely true, of course. But when it came to functioning at this mission, she very much was. And that was the important part.

Esa staring at her and narrowing her eyes suggested that the Operations Chief didn’t quite believe her reply.

She’d never admit to not being at her best on duty. The least she could do was leave enough vagueness so people wouldn’t be sure, and those that knew her better might know that she wasn’t perfectly fine.

Kiax: You used a contraction. Twice. And I swear I saw you pretending to type something on a PADD that was quite obviously off.

She tried hard not to grit her teeth. Of course she saw everything. She tried to think of some excuse. Not even a good one, just an excuse.

Levinson: Perhaps the PADD was at such an angle where you could not see its content.

Kiax: Uh-huh. You realise I am sat literally right next to you in there. It’s hard not to notice.

oO Yeah… That was a terrible excuse anyway. Oo

Levinson: I assure you. I am alright.

Kiax: Well, I could force you to explain; one of the perks of this little hollow third pip on my collar. But I’m not going to, because I’m your friend and that’s not exactly a friendly move. You know where my door is when we get back should you feel the need to talk about it though.

Levinson: ::Nodding:: Noted, Commander.

Noa considered that interaction again for a moment, before focusing again on the conversation the Captain was having with Commander Rosek.

Rosek: =/\= Commander Ning, Lieutenant Lephi, and I were able to find trace evidence of nanites containing some kind of biomatter, which we believe to be from whatever caused the explosion. They’re down in the science lab right now analyzing what we have. Maybe it will give us a bigger picture of what happened on the freighter. =/\=

Nanites? As in, Borg nanites, or some other kind of nanites? Either case was rather curious, and she didn’t even know if the Caraadians had the capability to use them.

Mei’konda: =/\= Understood, Commander.  I have confidence that you and the others can fiind a solution.  Beam over additional security personnel if you need it, but consiider myself and the others who are planetsiide to be unavailable unless it is an emergency.  Understood?  =/\=

Kiax: =/\= Feel free to consult with our resident Cyberneticist, Doctor Watts, if you need any additional help. You’ll probably find her down on Deck Twelve somewhere. =/\=

Levinson: =/\= Any other personnel from the science department are at your service, as well. =/\=

Any: =/\= Response =/\=

Rosek: ::nods:: =/\= Understood. Rosek out. =/\=

With the comm line closed, the Captain turned to regard the assembled group of Starfleet officers.

Mei’konda: It can be difficult to let go and rely on our fellow officers to see themselves through a difficult deciision, but it’s what command is all about.  A good lesson to learn early, Ensign Azorius.

Azorius: Response

Kiax: A valuable teaching moment, for sure.

That definitely was an important lesson, for sure. In many ways, when people you were responsible with were in trouble, one’s first instinct would be to help them, even if it wasn’t required. Sometimes it was a matter of trust, to show them you trust their abilities and experience.

Levinson: ::Nodding:: That it is.

Serala / McKnight / Snow: Responses


The group made their way back to the table, and took their seats – ready to resume the discussions.

Mei’konda: Thaank you for the brief recess, High Lords and Ladies, Marchionissa.  I hope the tiime was useful for all of you.

Drentana: I hope everything is alright with your crew, Captain. Would you be able to give us an update?

Mei’konda: My crew is maaking progress aboard the freighter.  I hope to be able to tell you all soon that the situaation has been resolved and the vessel is safe.

Vannel: That’s good. I’m glad to hear that.

Jurnir / Drentana / Samra / Horso: Responses

Kiax: We’ve got some very dogged investigators amongst our crew. I’m sure they’ll leave no stone unturned.

Noa nodded in agreement, but opted to remain silent.

Serala / McKnight / Snow / Azorius: Responses

Mei’konda: Now then.  Any other concerns or questiions that I haven’t yet addressed?

Vannel: I believe that’s all from me.

Jurnir / Drentana / Samra / Horso: Responses

Kiax: Of course. ::She paused as she pulled up a visual aide for the convoy.:: At the moment, the majority of our freighter convoy delivering materials will be coming from Federation space on the other side of the Jenatris Cloud. Upon the assignment of a system, we’ll be putting together a more exact schedule and routing for it, and it will be made available for select personnel, yourselves included, to view. If there are any objections to the routing, please feel free to get in contact with myself on board the Chin’toka, or with the Logicstical teams at Deep Space Twenty-Six. I’ll be making as much of an accommodation as I can to your requests.

Vannel: ::Nodding:: Of course. Once the details are finalized, we’ll see if there’s anything that needs to be addressed.

Jurnir / Drentana / Samra / Horso: Responses

Serala / McKnight / Snow / Azorius: Responses

((OOC: Expand as needed! :D ))

Drentana: Thank you. ::She nodded sagely:: Do you and your crew have any questions or concerns for us? Or shall we let the Marchonessa voice the questions that seem to be just burning to be said. 

Noa considered what she could possibly ask. Something about the systems? Their scientific capabilities?

On the other hand, she did want to hear just what the Marchonessa wanted to say.

Levinson: None from me, Captain.

Jurnir / Samra: Responses

Kiax / Azorius / Mei’konda / Serala / Snow / McKnight: Responses

Lieutenant Noa T'Nessa Levinson
Chief Science Officer
USS Chin'toka
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