Commander Serala: Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends

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Jul 25, 2024, 2:02:01 AM (2 days ago) Jul 25
to USS Chin'toka, USS Astraeus

((OOC: This sim is being posted to both the Astraeus and the Chin'toka due to the overlapping nature of the sim and because I'm still in the Astraeus' lists for the moment.))

(( Bridge, Deck 3 - Primary Hull, USS Chin’toka ))

Serala had gotten off the comms with the Counselor, but she’d been paying attention to the battle at the same time. Between McGillian and Neshala, they were doing a surprisingly good job and hit-and-run tactics, and the ship had only taken a couple more minor hits to the shields. It wasn’t going to last, but she was going to take whatever she could.

Neshala: Captain, I am receiving a transmission from the Astraeus. It’s Captain Delano, ma’am.

Serala smiled like the Cheshire Cat and sat upright - well, more upright than her already ramrod straight posture - and nodded.

Serala: On screen, Lieutenant.

Neshala nodded and activated the viewscreen. The leonine face of the Caitian came into view from –

oO The Battle Bridge? Oo

Mei’konda: =/\= Acting Captaain Serala. You’ve done well, I see. =/\=

Serala: =/\= Not as well as I would have liked, sir. But we’re here. The Borg are still running loose, but I am hoping we have a way to get them free from whatever is controlling them. =/\=

Sherlock / McGillian: =/\= Responses =/\=

Serala: =/\= With respect, Captain, I’ve got my hands full at the moment. How can I help? =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= Yes, I’ll keep this short. Astraeus has separaated, and our saucer is moviing to a relatiively safe location from which to begin beamiing as much of the station’s complement aboard as she can. We haave a temporaary, limited fix for our Borg problem, but at leaast for us, it is partially dependent on our shields. Lieutenant Caldwell will traansmit the specifications to you now. =/\=

Caldwell: =/\= Response =/\=

Serala: =/\= Receiving now. And thank you. We were working on a similar solution over here, but this should help speed things up. =/\=

Serala turned to Sherlock and nodded.

Serala: Send this down to the Engineering team and get the modifications done.

Mei’konda: =/\= Captain, I waant you to form up with us. I’m sure you’ve notiiced by now, but the Enterprise-F is moviing to intercept us. We’re goiing to have to give the saucer as much tiime as we can, but I’m afraid you will haave to bear the brunt of her fiire. We can’t risk our waarp drives. Should the worst happen, and an evacuaation from the Sol system be necessary, we will need to rejoin the saucer to get those people away. We will assist to the best of our abiility, but I… assume you know what I am askiing you. =/\=

Serala nodded gravely. She had made a mental note of the Odyssey-class starship that Admiral Shelby had been broadcasting from before the Borg assimilation had occurred, but it wasn’t a current threat to her ship. But the Captain was correct.

oO Duty is Honor. Honor is Life. Even in Death, Honor Brings Life. Oo

Serala: =/\= I understand completely, Captain. We’ve already committed to taking out as many ships as we can - without destroying them, hopefully - and we already know the risks. We’ll begin heading in your direction now. =/\=

And with those words, she nodded to the Orion helmsman, who then began altering their course to intercept the Enterprise-F.

Neshala: Entering course now, Captain.

Sherlock / McGillian: =/\= Responses =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= I knew I could count on you, Captain. In that case… let’s get to work. Astraeus out. =/\=

Serala: =/\= Aye, Captain, and may the Elements preserve us all. Chin’toka out. =/\=

Sherlock / McGillian: =/\= Responses =/\=

Serala: Okay, everyone. We already committed to this course anyway. Now we just have a focus. The Enterprise-F is a big ship, and honestly, we don’t have much chance. But we’ll hold as long as we can.

Sherlock / McGillian: Responses

Serala: Good. Let’s hope that shield modulation is as effective as the Captain reported.

Sherlock / McGillian: Responses

((OOC: For the Borgified Chin'toka crew - you can assume the modifications are mostly working and are enough to allow you to fight the virus. Feel free to begin bringing yourselves back to normal.))

Commander Serala
Commanding Officer
USS Chin'toka NCC-97187
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