Captain Theo Whittaker - A Matter Of Duty and Honour

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Michael Meir-Wright

Oct 4, 2020, 2:48:08 PM10/4/20

((Officer's Mess, Deck 11, USS Chin'toka))

Jarred has excused himself and Theo followed the man's path with his eyes. In the periphery of his vision he could see Rear Admiral Kove staring at him intently and he discreetly turned to see what she wanted. As she nodded and he understood in silent understanding, he felt the small rosewood box that he had slipped into his trouser pocket earlier feel a whole lot heavier. While he had not forgotten it was there- it had always been on the back of his mind- the conversation (and champagne) had flowed to the point where it was easier to focus on other matters.

The familiar pattern of award ceremonies followed. Commander Serala was called to the front of the gathering to assist Jarred just as he had served Theo during such ceremonies. Lieutenant Commander Journs was the first person to be summoned. She was awarded the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon for her efforts in saving her CO's life. His congratulations were, understandably, tinged with genuine personal gratitude. He passed her a rosewood box- identical to the one Theo was carrying covertly- only there was an award ribbon rather than a golden pip.

Following that, Journs was asked to remain onstage as several other officers- including Serala were asked to come forth. Raga the leader of Chin'toka's new Strategic Operation Response Team- as well as the newly promoted and vaguely familiar Lieutenant th'Koro wended their way through the throng of officers. All four were awarded the Diplomacy Ribbon- one of the most important commendations that Starfleet had- for their efforts. Each of the four shared a personal moment with their CO as he made his way down the line, heartfelt appreciation virtually radiating from him.

When th'Koro was subsequently awarded a Prisoner Of War ribbon, Chin'toka's CO shot him the briefest of glances- unpleasant memories blooming in Theo's mind. During their month's long voyage to the distant Sagittarius Reach, Theo had taken the Captain's Yacht- the USS Kumari- on a voyage where they been shot down and captured by Human Augments from the Eugenics Wars. He had been interrogated and soundly beaten his captors who were as every bit as sadistic and megalomaniacal as the history books had suggested. It sent a shiver running down Theo's spine as he called those awful days.

Not wishing to take that particular trip down memory lane, Theo made a conscious effort to pay attention to the next award winners. Logan, McKnight and Ganarvuss- all unfamiliar names and faces- were handed Good Conduct Ribbons for an investigation into the disappearance of an important figure within the Par'tha Expanse. McKnight was also singled out for apprehending the individual who had left Thoran in need of medical attention. Following that Lieutenant Lephi- the Ferengi had made a positive impression on Theo- and a Lieutenant Commander Kiax (a Trill) were summoned and given the Innovation Ribbon for removing a virus and preventing assaults on the Illaran system.

Afterwards, Joint Meritorious Unit Awards and Captain's Commendations were awarded to everybody mentioned who were present on Illara Prime. A tinge of concern washed over the captain at Thoran mention of the infiltrator having escaped justice before he reminded himself that there karma was a strange and effective thing. Theo had no doubt that Thoran's crew would eventually bring them to justice.

Thoran finished with a toast to the crew of the Chin'toka- formerly of the Atlantis and the room erupted into applause. Theo saw Admiral Kove making a beeline for the stage. Once the clapping had subsided she promptly awarded a Purple Heart- the most unwanted of awards- to the man of the hour. Handling it with good humour and graciousness, Jarred quipped that it would tie him with Toryn Raga- who apparently had a reputation of sustaining injuries in the line of duty. Then when the moment passed, Kove turned her eyes to Theo, whose heart skipped a beat under her gaze.

Whittaker: oO Here we go.... Oo ::his hand brushed against his trousers and the box within his pocket.::

Radm. Kove: I believe Captain Whittaker, you have a few words you would like to say?

Every set of eyes in the room suddenly swivelled in his direction as a deathly pall of silence fell over everyone. Starting forward, he took a breath and summoned the courage. It had been so long since he had awarded anybody anything, that he had been concerned he would be rusty. He caught the quirk of Serala's eyebrow as he reached the front of the stage. He cleared his throat and turned to the crew.

Whittaker: Good evening everybody and thank you Rear Admiral for the opportunity to present this most auspicious of commendations. ::he nodded demurely to the diminutive-yet-intimidating flag officer. Then he swept his gaze out at the faces of those assembled.:: For those of you who may not yet know, I served with Commander Thoran on two starships- the Blackwell and the Columbia. I feel immensely privileged to have done so. Your Commanding Officer is a man of principle and honour- devoted to the ideals of the United Federation of Planets, tenets that he upholds like nobody else I have encountered throughout the course of my career. ::he turned to Thoran with a proud, fraternal smile and placed one hand on the man's shoulder.:: You're about to embark on the next chapter of what I am certain is going to be a long and illustrious career and you have one of the finest crews in Starfleet today to support you. But gaining a new ship is not enough. ::he drew in a breath and he broke out into a grin.:: Something more is needed. ::he removed his hand from Jarred's pocket and fished out the rosewood box he had been carrying.:: Jarred Thoran it with immense pride that I hearby promote you to the rank of Captain, with all of the duties, rights and responsibilities therein. ::he pressed the box into Thoran's hands.:: Congratulation, Captain Thoran.

Thoran: Response.

Anyone: Response.

As the two men shook hands, Theo leaned in ever so slightly to whisper.

Whittaker: You deserve this, Jarred.

Thoran: Response.

Anyone: Response.

Captain Theo M. Whittaker
Senior Consultant, SCE Warp XV Assessment Programme
Assigned to:
USS Gorkon

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