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Sevantha Saa

Jul 25, 2024, 12:57:33 PM (2 days ago) Jul 25
to sb118-a...@googlegroups.com

((Primary Sickbay, Deck 12, USS Astraeus))
((OOC: Any and all writings pertaining to Charles Matthews and altering his state of being medically has been collaboratively discussed and agreed upon ahead of time! Bridge crew assignment for medical was also discussed with Fianna independently as well!
– Will be doing a second post to help move Sickbay into the Timeskip))

Saa: Zero Zero Zero!!

Saa: ~~ZERO!!~~

000: Response

Sevantha would yell to get their attention both verbally while simultaneously yelling into their mind. Their familiarity with the Bynar was so far, strictly professional, so she didn’t quite have the emotional pull with this effort that One Zero One did or say Lt. Commander Kiax did, but she had to try. Telepathic speaking was subverting the verbal, it was an attempt to connect one another’s minds temporarily and in that effort she would try to drown out those whispers or orders. It was an uphill battle, it may not work, but she really needed to get to Matthews.

Saa: ~~Zero, focus on my voice, not those whispers, it may seem impossible but you have to fight this~~

Saa: Mark, target Zero with a Quarantine Field! I feel Matthews slipping…

Mark IV: Computer, activate quarantine field around Lieutenant Zero, five feet in each direction.

000: Response

Saa: ~~Come on Zero we need your help in here.~~

Only combat experience she had was at the academy and Tassa’Akai dueling. One was more practical than the other, but the other, when applied, taught her to focus on her extrasensory preceptors to try and predict where her opponent would go. Borg were not difficult to predict, she didn’t require it, they had objectives and it was pretty clear what they were. What she had to predict was who they’d aim for, her or Mark IV? The one going for the patient, lingering in their head or the one trying to obstruct them with the field? 

Making a quick rush across to Matthews, she went low, sliding up next to Matthews, using her own body to protect him just in case the phaser fire turned their direction. Immediately she grabbed her medical tricorder to begin scanning over the existing injuries. Captain Mei’Konda had treated Matthews with the protoplaser quickly before moving him down here, but with two through and throughs, one in the abdomen and one in the stomach, there was only so much that could be done on the bridge. Running the scanner over him, her eyes widened a little, noticing his pale color. One shot had passed through the renal artery, explaining the excessive bleeding, where the thigh through and through clipped the femoral but the Captain had managed to patch it up.  

Saa: Pull up Charles Matthews file, we need a blood match and an immediate transfusion prepped—

His pulse was weakening, fading, his existence fading from her extrapercetions. Sanitization and sterilization of the wound was delivered through the hypospray.  Scrambling for a protoplaser from her own kits, she began to work to repair the artery attached to his left kidney. 

Saa: ~~Matthews, stay with us~~

Matthews: ~~Response~~ (If Any)

And then it was gone. 

Saa: Matthews?! ::Her eyes widened:: No.. no no…

Lifting him was too risky, she couldn’t break the Protoplaser’s path of repair, but she checked for his pulse using the most primitive of methods and felt nothing. 

Saa:  ~~Don’t you dare, Matthews~~


Mark IV: Acknowledged. Activating Code White protocol

000: Response. 

Clinically, Charles Matthews was dead, but by the Four Gods she was going to try everything possible to drag him back from the beyond.

Saa: We need the Defibrillators too.

Saa: ~~Zero, we could really use your help, please!~~

Mark IV: Done. Cortical stimulator in place. On your signal, Doctor Saa.

Sevantha looked up to Mark IV as he already seemed on it, his programming was good with quite the intuitiveness included based on the situation needs. She would have to thank Dr. Skyfire later for his gift to Sickbay, he’d already proven invaluable.

Cell by cell the protoplaster worked fast and precise to repair the damaged artery. Her hand steadied, tracing along the path until it was complete meaning the transfusion could begin fairly quickly. Her work with the protoplaser wasn’t finished but she adjusted the beam, reconfiguring for the internal muscle structure reconnection and bonding.

000: Response

Shewytch: Doctor, I understand that you are not up to this now. But I have a theory. Where do you keep your acetylcholine blockers? I think it might help with the Zero zero zero 

With the muscle walls of his abdomen fixed, another member of Nursing Staff had rushed over to begin working on the hole in his thigh to which she quietly shared her settings for Matthews to get her started.

Looking up to Shewytch she blinked a little in surprise at his theory and question, before indicating with her hand to a large counter with a shelving unit behind it where it appeared one of the many pharmacologists did their work. Why hadn’t she thought of that? Probably because she was making use of her own to try and pull him out, but cutting it off altogether would be more effective. 

oO What does that do to the Bynar’s bond then? Has to be better than the Borg separation. Oo

There was going to be so much follow up needed.

Saa: There, they should have some under the name benztropine. ::She returned her attention to Matthews:: Mark, now- Clear.

The first jolt would be delivered via the small pad attached to Charle’s chest, she’d watched his body arch with the surge of electricity.

Saa: ~~Charles, come on, I know this is hard… this is a nightmare for all of us involved, but you told me…~~

Using the dermal regenerator, she began to work on repairing the skin, only to feel the device might have been pushed to its limits already. She noticed a small patch of the dermal skin reforming scarred at the edges where the new skin and old skin connected. Hope he didn’t mind this rather… target shaped scar he was getting.

Shewytch: I'm going to switch off the field and quickly inject the drug. I hope it will work. Phaser at the ready, just in case. ::To computer:: Create a containment field around me and Zero zero zero. Disable the smaller field. 


Saa: be careful Lieutenant. ::She caught herself nearly giving an order to a superior, but she was in Sickbay, and this was the Doctor’s domain:: Mark Clear!!

A second surge of electricity surged through Matthew’s chest and more involuntary jerking by his lanky frame followed. Her expression fixated on him, her mind had withdrawn entirely from 000’s to avoid any complicated experiences with the administering of the medication might have on her own being. This time, she looked at Matthew's vitals, it was nearly imperceivable but she felt something in her mind. 

Saa: ~~We won’t fail, and I’m not about to let you go back on your word by dying here. You won’t fail nor will I.~~ 

Wherever Matthew’s was in his mind, she didn’t interrupt or violate Starfleet policy by prying, but what she would do was create a path out to consciousness on the surface level of thought she spoke to him on, a hand extended to walk him back to the world of the living from wherever he was.

Saa: I feel him, one more, Mark! Clear!!

Mark IV: Response

With the third jolt of electricity into his system came the return of the heartbeat, their systems beginning to produce weak signs that began to gradually strengthen as the blood transfusion would be allowed to continue. He’d probably be returning to the bridge with a few items attached to him, he’d be looking more like a borg than anyone else when she thought about it.

Saa: Let’s get a physiostimulator on him. ::She’d instruct the Nurse who’d quickly move to fetch the device:: Good job, Mark…

Thanking a hologram seemed strange but really Matthews, Shewtch and her would have been probably in far worse states if he hadn’t provided his assistance. Poor Matthews, would likely just be dead. Pulling out the hypospray, she’d also give him a small dose of Codrazine, a stimulant to assist with his waking process.

000 / Any: Response


Shewytch: ::to 000:: Sir, fight. The voices should be less audible now. Concentrate on my voice, on the voices of your colleagues.


As she worked to get Matthew’s stabilized and awake, she couldn’t help but look to 000 and Shewytch, checking both their states before she felt a sudden shift, the lingering darkness that had been crushing the ship with its presence was muted. The whispers in her ear were entirely gone which was relieving, which meant they might have a few more return to their stations. 


000: Response


Saa: Welcome back… Zerozerozero. ::She would smile before turning to the table where she felt Matthew’s presence as well, offering him a relieved, for once genuine smile:: You too Charles… Lieutenant Matthews.

She corrected herself, she’d already gotten in a bad habit of nearly forgetting Wyatt’s proper formal addressing after their mind speaking, she didn’t need to do so to Charles too. Last thing she wanted to get in trouble for was the informality of all things in this mission.

Saa: ~~Just take a moment to breathe… coming back from the dead is no small task for the mind and body..~~

Mark IV / Shewytch: Response

Matthews: Response

Saa: ~~We can talk later about it, right now, we unfortunately have mission to do.~~

Matthews: Response Saa: ~~Just think and I'll hear you.~~

Mei’konda: =/\= This is the Captain. We have partially blocked the Borg signaal, and are moviing to assist Sol station. All able bodied haands to battle stations. =/\=

Hearing the Captain’s orders, she looked around the room. If they were heading to Sol Station they were about to have a massive influx of patients. It did mean they might inherit their staff however, it would be a benefit considering they’d split their department with the Chin’toka.

On the tail end of the Captain’s announcement, Dr. Kris Fianna materialized into the room, without the weight of the borg’s presence. She did not mute her relief in seeing the woman returned to normal for once, any habits learned from her Vulcan instruction were completely absent as she moved.

Fianna: =/\= G-good work, Divya. =/\=

Saa: Dr. Fianna!! ::She’d exclaims, giving her a once over, eyes lingering on the phaser burn before looking to study her expression:: Thank the four, let’s get you treated-

Fianna: I-I'm fine, just shook up a bit - I can work. ::She pants a moment, still catching her breath.:: Tell me where you want me, I'll get right to it.

Already she could see the signs of someone ready to put everyone else before herself. This fact could easily be it was simply part of Fianna’s personality like she had witnessed earlier or the immense guilt of what had happened setting in. It wasn’t the time to address it, to approach her about what had happened, which meant for the moment it was on Sevan to remember and act to remind everyone that those who were changed by the Borg were victims.

Manipulation of the mind in such a way was a severe crime on Betazed, even more in the policies of Starfleet, those whose minds where broken into and forced into submission, were not to be treated as the guilty party.

Saa: Over here Doctor. ::She motion to waking Matthews:: Mark come tend to Dr. Fianna while we work. ::She indicates to Matthews:: Can you finish suturing his thigh?

She motioned to the remnants of a wound left by a phaser in its leg, it was healed up to the muscle but still needed the dermal level sealed. 

000 / Mark IV / Shewytch: Response
Fianna / Matthews: Response

Saa: Well you’re going to be sore Lt. Matthews, this was a bit of a rush job, everything’s healing nicely but it won’t be without its soreness considering the amount of energy put onto your body regenerating. 

No one ever did warn patients that despite the miracles of medicine these days that the body could still ache from the recovery process.

Mei’konda:  =/\= Attention all haands, prepare for saucer separation. Relief crews, report to your staations. =/\=

Saa: Saucer separation!?

Mark/Fianna/Matthews/Shewytch/000: Response

Disbelief touched her features at this announcement before looking to Fianna and Matthews directly in this. Time was usually never a doctor’s friend, but today, it was a personal affront to her medical profession as a whole with how it kept pushing their patients from near death and back into the field almost immediately. Recovery time was a luxury. 

Saa: Medical station on the bridge is going to need to be filled ::She muttered before grabbing her hypospray to give Matthews a dose of pain medication to manage:: Dr. Fianna, I know Captain left you in charge of Sickbay last, but why don’t you take the Medical Station on the bridge. 

She collected herself preparing for a small struggle against the suggestion, she knew Fianna wanted to work, be productive in the midst of this.

Fianna/Mark: Response

Saa: Dr. Fianna what you just went through was a hell that I cannot begin to possibly imagine or describe. :;She didn’t hold back the voice crack that came with the thought for her:: and professionally speaking, working in the smaller, a more contained environment on the bridge would be better than throwing you into what could be more chaos . There is no way you are entirely fine.

She gave it a moment to breathe.

Saa:  …and that is okay, but I know you have a job to do, and I think the best way to do that is serving the bridge crew…. Only the four knows how they’ve been fairing without a doctor able to go up there.

She made sure not to attempt to speak into Fianna’s mind directly. The violation caused by the Borg made Sevantha incredibly intentional in her communication to her fellow doctor. Fianna needed her mind to be its own space, telepathic thoughts and conveying of empathic feelings could easily feel just as violating until her full sense of self was restored.

Fianna: Response

Saa: …Matthews and 000 both need to make it back to the bridge if the crew has been further split…::She inquired:: If we’re doing an evacuation of Sol Station they’re going to be taking heavy fire and may have injured up there already, we haven’t checked.

Fianna: Response

Matthews/000: Response

She would offer a nod, relieved that she was willing, and hoping that the need for the position was conveyed without undermining her fellow doctor’s skill. In any other circumstance she’d be willing to let Fianna make the call of what she could and could not do as well as what she wanted, but this entire situation was far from normal.

Mark/Shewytch: Response

Saa: Mark, send Dr. Fianna the updated diagnostics data from Lt. Matthews treatments, as well as 000. ::She looks to Shewytch:: Now that we have data from 000, can you continue your investigation on how this might have spread until we get a way in here, we may have a few more recently freed borg come in who we can scan for comparison.

Mark/Shewytch: Response

Saa: Dr. Fianna, was Ensign Tam close? We could use the extra security with the evacuations.

Fianna: Response.

Saa: ….Go keep our crew alive.  ::she smiled at Fianna::

Optimism wasn’t usual for her, maybe she was remembering how Sylvie had just so casually expressed it in the bleakness following what had happened with Kiax, but it felt right to offer it to her. To at least show that she had every bit of faith in her fellow doctor following these events. 

Saa:  Matthews, 000… take care both of you.

She hated sending any of them off but the Bridge Crew needed every hand available. 

Saa: Mark IV, Shewytch lets get sickbay prepped. 

Saa: =/\= Dr. Saa to Ensign Tam… is it possible to request your assistance here in sickbay with the influx of patients we’re about to have? Unless the Bridge has called for you. =/\=

Mark/Shewytch: Response
Tam: =/\= Response =/\=

((OOC: Time skip post coming in a bit))

Ensign Sevantha Saa
Medical Officer
USS Astraeus 
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