Captain Mei'konda Delano - Not who we wanted to join the Party

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Mei'konda Delano

Jul 24, 2024, 11:01:23 PM (2 days ago) Jul 24

(( Battle Bridge, Deck 8, USS Astraeus ))

Updated several times over her career, the Main Bridge of Astraeus was state of the art, highly functional, and warm and welcoming, if somewhat anachronistic when compared with the darker, glossier Bridges of modern Starfleet designs. The Battle Bridge bore more of a resemblance to the 25th century’s designs, due to its starkness and its dark lighting.

Mei’konda led Caldwell inside, and made his way to the small command chair in the center. Other officers were arriving from the other entrances, and taking their stations. Mei’konda glanced down toward the flip-open armrest panels, musing not for the first time about who thought giving the Commanding Officer of a starship a stylistic barrier to access their controls was a good idea, and began running through system diagnostics.

Mei’konda: The computer is running diagnostics now. All green so faar. 

Caldwell / Any: Responses

Mei’konda: =/\= Mei’konda to Main Brridge. Commander Rosek, we are ready to go down here… wait a moment. Do you have that on sensors?

Rosek-Skyfire: =/\= Response =/\=

Mei’konda tapped several times at his controls, and brought a tactical overlay up on the small viewscreen in front of them. He gazed at the transponder signal which was breaking away from the fleet which was firing at the Sol Station’s shields.

Minutes ago, they’d all been happy at the surprising sight of NCC-1701-D on their sensors. Now, NCC-1701-F was making its way closer to and above the station. In minutes, it would be in direct line of sight to Astraeus and Chin’toka

Mei’konda: =/\= … Not who I wanted to join the party. What are her tactical specificaations, Caldwell? =/\=

Caldwell: =/\= Response =/\=

It had been some time since Mei’konda had reviewed the specifications for Odyssey class vessels, and the multiple phaser cannon turrets were what had him the most worried. Conventional phasers were one thing. With a deft hand on targeting systems and countermeasures, torpedoes might be shot down before impact. But the cannons…

Mei’konda: =/\= Assume hostiile intent, Lael. Chin’toka and the Astraeus stardrive will do our best to keep them occupied, but that ship is Odyssey class. We may not be able to haang in a firefight with Enterprise for long. If you haave to take fire, stay away from those phaser cannon turrets. They will probably be the easiiest weapons arcs to avoiid. =/\=

Rosek-Skyfire / Any: =/\= Responses =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= We’ll be caareful, Commander… we wouldn’t be much use to those evacuees if we are unaable to reconnect with the saucer and leave the system.  The moment we have separaated,  we will put ourselves and Chin’toka between the saucer and Enterprise and draw their fiire. Are you all ready up there, Commander? 

Rosek-Skyfire / Any: =/\= Responses =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= Then Initiate auto sep. Stardriive section out. =/\=

Rosek-Skyfire / Any: =/\= Responses =/\=

Loud metallic thuds and the whirring of massive mechanisms began to echo around them as the multiple building-sized docking latches began to move. There was a subtle electrical snap that likely only Mei’konda heard with his sensitive ears as the power flow from the stardrive section was cut off and the saucer’s fusion reactors and impulse drives took over on the other half of the ship, and Mei tapped his controls to switch to a forward view. At first, all was black, but soon enough, the underside of the saucer’s mating surface pulled away, her double impulse drives flared bright red, and she began to pull away quickly.

The Caitian’s next move was to open a channel to Chin’toka. This time, when answered, a familiar Bridge and a familiar Romulan greeted his eyes. Mei rose to his feet, a grim smile on his face.

Mei’konda: =/\= Acting Captaain Serala. You’ve done well, I see. =/\=

Serala / Any on Chin’toka Bridge: =/\= Responses =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= Yes, I’ll keep this short. Astraeus has separaated, and our saucer is moviing to a relatiively safe location from which to begin beamiing as much of the station’s complement aboard as she can. We haave a temporaary, limited fix for our Borg problem, but at leaast for us, it is partially dependent on our shields. Lieutenant Caldwell will traansmit the specifications to you now. =/\=

Caldwell / Serala: =/\= Responses =/\=

Mei’konda paused for a moment, expression darkening as he met Serala’s eyes.

Mei’konda: =/\= Captain, I waant you to form up with us. I’m sure you’ve notiiced by now, but the Enterprise-F is moviing to intercept us. We’re goiing to have to give the saucer as much tiime as we can, but I’m afraid you will haave to bear the brunt of her fiire. We can’t risk our waarp drives. Should the worst happen, and an evacuaation from the Sol system be necessary, we will need to rejoin the saucer to get those people away. We will assist to the best of our abiility, but I… assume you know what I am askiing you. =/\=

Serala / Any on Chin’toka Bridge: =/\= Responses =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= I knew I could count on you, Captain. In that case… let’s get to work. Astraeus out. =/\=

Serala / Any on Chin’toka Bridge: =/\= Responses =/\=

As the image winked out, Mei leaned back in his seat, and took a deep breath.

Mei’konda: Helm, move to intercept Enterprise. Lieutenant Caldwell, target her weapons. As soon as we’re in raange, open fire. Phasers first, quantum torpedoes if we’re able to weaken her shiields.

Caldwell / Any on Astraeus Bridge: Responses


Captain Mei’konda Delano

Commanding Officer

USS Astraeus, NCC-70652


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