Lieutenant Commander Cadfael Peters: What To Cook

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Sep 21, 2023, 8:13:05 PM9/21/23
to Astraeus IC
(( Peters' Quarters, Deck 14, USS Astraeus ))
(( Time Index: Day 5 of shore leave ))

News of the cook-off had apparently spread around the ship like wildfire. It wasn't any more than yesterday he was doing some paddwork in his office when he overheard someone in engineering mention it. A couple of engineering crewmen were expressing an interest in it, and thus, being some kind of a challenge, Cadfael came to the conclusion that engineering had to make an appearance. He didn't know if others from his department were going to try and enter as well, but decided he would definitely try. The worst that could happen, he thought, might've been a trip to sickbay. The one thing he didn't catch from the gossiping engineers, however, was the date of the cookoff.

It took him a good thirty minutes to sift through the various recipes in his family cookbook as he came to the conclusion that he had both a dinner and a dessert item at hand. For his entree, he was going to use a coffee marinated steak, and for dessert: Kahlua Chocolate Mousse. A very coffee themed set of dishes, but to be honest he was a bit of a coffee addict himself even long before he met Mr. Dermont. 

Once he'd settled on the dishes in question, he sent a message to Ensign Shewytch.

To: Ensign Shewytch
From: LtC Cadfael Peters, Chief Engineer
Subject: Cooking Competition

Hello, ensign.

Just had a really quick question for you: when did you intend on hosting the cooking competition and did you have a venue planned for it? I intend on bringing in some coffee marinated steak and a Kahlua Chocolate Mousse.

LtC Cadfael Peters

Once he hit send, he decided he'd best make his way to the BC and see if he could borrow the kitchen. Or ... hm. He'd figure that out later. BC first though -- he needed another cup of coffee.
Lieutenant Commander Cadfael Peters
Chief Engineer
USS Astraeus NCC-70652
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