Lieutenant JG Slav Shewytch: Medicine needs action (Part 1)

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Jul 24, 2024, 4:53:22 AM (3 days ago) Jul 24
to USS Astraeus – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Primary Sickbay, Deck 12, USS Astraeus))

((OOC: Sorry that it took me so long to get into the story, but for some reason Sevantha's sim got lost in the mail. So I couldn't initiate in time. In order to avoid problems with further tags that have already been written further, in “Code White”, my character will be fully engaged in researching biofilters. And maybe I'll add some tags that weren't specified. Sorry for the inconvenience.))


They crawled along the tubes together with a medical officer. He had been in a similar situation before, although then he had climbed a turbolift, but both then and now he realised that climbing was not his thing, he did not enjoy it. Although practice would certainly come in handy now.

As soon as they got into the corridor, Slav immediately brought out the phaser. Covering his colleague while she scanned.


It was clear that the doctor was not experiencing the best of emotions. 

oO But so are all of us now. Oo


Now was perhaps the most dangerous moment in his entire service. Perhaps for the entire service of the ship. It's not every day on a ship that the Borg seize power over part of the crew and provoke battles between friends. While he was thinking about this, they were already approaching the medical unit.


They came in. Everything was devastated, damaged. Even in peacetime, it would have taken a lot of effort to rebuild. And now... Now we have to take in the wounded.


Saa: …Hello?

But... The tenth compartment was the worst, and the worst thing was that there were wounded and possibly dead people. The doctor immediately started scanning and providing assistance.

Saa: Any available hands please help me get these folks onto the biobeds.

Shewytch: Aye, Doc.


Any: Responses


Saa: =/\= Sickbay to bridge, this is Dr. Saa checking in. Made it to sickbay there was definitely a firefight down here, we have several wounded, a number of operations officers are missing from earlier may be among the Borg. Final count inconclusive still. We can start taking the injured here in a few.  =/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= Doctor! We are happy to heaar your voice. Are you ready to receiive injured? =/\=

Saa: The Biofilters are over there, we can get scans up and running in a moment, I… I’m going to need some help… ::Moving to one of the consoles she began to type:: Dr. Skyfire brought and installed a new program recently that can help.

Shewytch: I'll take care of scanning the filters. If you need anything, Doc, I'm here, and you need another pair of hands, just give me a shout. In the meantime, I'll try to find out what we're dealing with.


Any: Responses


He looked at the doctor and leaned over the biofilters, taking out a tricorder. Now he had to find the source of all the problems. It's like with diseases - you don't treat the symptoms, you treat the cause. He began to examine the biofilters and saw something pathological.

At that moment, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that a medical hologram had come to their aid.

oO So I may not be needed oO

Slav was not afraid of injuries, but he felt uncomfortable when he saw them in large numbers. So he did not know how effectively he would be able to help in the medical bay as an assistant, so he was glad that he could devote himself to research.

Mark IV: Please state the nature of the medical emergency. I am an Emergency Medical Hologram Mark IV, at your service.

Saa: Mark IV, I am Dr. Sevantha Saa, we are in the middle of a crisis and down several doctors, I need your assistance with the patients we have and the influx we’re bound to have.

Mark IV:  I see. Could you be a bit more specific as to what we’re dealing with?

Saa: We are dealing with a population of the crew assimilated by an unknown method, my theory is whatever the activating agent is, we all carry it, and there is a marker that activates it in some over others.

Mark IV: Has there been any effort made to scan the crew in an attempt to discover the activating agent? Do we know anything?

Shewytch: I am researching the pathogen. It was found in biofilters, but due to its nature, it was not neutralised by them.


He was actually surprised by what he saw. The combination of mechanical nanites and protein components... It was these protein components that prevented the nanites from being neutralised. It seems that the Borg have developed a new technology that combines machines and living organisms to a greater extent.


Saa: We're trying to figure it out but I don't have a lot of data on who were assimilated outside Dr. Fianna, right now, priority is getting the injured tended to unless you have any ideas how to divide out attention? 

Mark IV: Treat the living we have here, and beam any other injured from wherever they are to here if they require urgent medical treatment. We must also begin analysis on the crew who have been affected by the Borg to determine if the process is reversible so we can figure out how to reverse it.


Saa: =/\= Dr. Saa to Bridge, we are ready for transport of any injured here. =/\=


Mei’Konda: =/\= Lieutenant Matthews was hit by a phaser blast set at some level hiigher than stun when the Borg crew members attacked the Bridge. He is unconsciious. I’ve used the protoplaaser, and the wound is partially closed. I will transmit the diagnostic data to you. Beam him to your locaation as soon as possible, and… my apologies, but we need him awake and back on the Bridge soon, if at all possible. Energize when ready. =/\= 

At this point, it became loud. Teleportations began and the medical staff started working. Patients were coming in, they all needed help.

Saa: =/\= Energizing now, and Diagnostic Data received…  I’ll try to get him up and ready as quick as possible=/\=

Mei’konda: =/\= And Doctor - any word from Doctor Fianna? =/\=


Saa: =/\= …No, last I heard after departing Sickbay, Dr. Fianna went to secure Engineering for the Borg.. =/\=


Mei’konda: =/\= … Understood. Keep us updaated. Mei’konda out. =/\= 


Slav looked up from his PADD, which he was using as a dashboard for calculations. He could not believe his eyes. He saw only one of the Bynar. One...oO Is it really the other one... Oo

Saa: …Zero, zero, zero…::she spoke cautiously:: Where’s One Zero One?

000: Response


Mark IV: One of the casualties from the Borg threat, I presume? Would you care to take the patient or shall I? 


Saa: No… No, Mark, that’s Zero Zero Zero, one of the newly assimilated Borg.

The scientific officer could not believe his ears. He was in the corner of the medical bay, so at first he could not get a good look at the newly arrived victim. But now with the new information, he saw black lines on his skin... 

oO Borg infection? I need to get to work on a solution as soon as possible. Oo

000: Response 


Mark IV: If you have any theories on this manifestation of the borgification process, I will happily assist in trying to reverse its process.


Saa: Current theory the affliction has to do with the carrier's stage of brain development… But a brain scan would be nice AFTER we stop Zero…. We need to get to Matthews.

The effect on the brain... And it makes sense. The proteins associated with boron nanites have associated neurotransmitters. The scientist began to study biochemical composition. Although he was more of a physicist, he had taken a course in biochemistry, so he had some knowledge of it.

oO Acetylcholine... As far as I remember, it is associated with central nervous system excitation... Perhaps debts in this way increase the susceptibility to control by the collective mind? Oo

Zero / (Matthews, if Any): Response


Saa: Zero Zero Zero!!


000: Response

The doctor started screaming. The room was already noisy, but the scream, there was something in it. Either despair or hope. Slav didn't understand what was happening, so he watched the situation carefully

Saa: Mark, target Zero with a Quarantine Field! I feel Matthews slipping…


oO Not this… Oo


Mark IV/000: Response


Saa: Pull up Charles Matthews file, we need a blood match and an immediate transfusion prepped—


For a moment she was silent, and a second later her voice changed 


Saa: Matthews?! ::Her eyes widened:: No.. no no…

Slav watched what was happening, he stood up from the corner and started to move closer. And then the worst thing that could have happened happened.


Mark IV/000: Response. 

It was clear that the doctor did not expect this. Nevertheless, she gathered her strength in the shortest possible time and began to work magic... In the literal sense of the word, she began to create life. More precisely, to bring it back.

Saa: Grab the Defibrillators.

Saa: ~~Zero, we could really use your help, please!~~

Mark IV/000: Response


Shewytch: Doctor, I understand that you are not up to this now. But I have a theory. Where do you keep your acetylcholine blockers? I think it might help with the Zero zero zero  




Lieutenant JG Slav Shewytch,

Junior Science Officer

USS Astraeus, NCC-70652


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