Ensign Gwen'ora Tasen - Till the Enemies Arrive Part 2

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Jess - Gwen Tasen

Jul 25, 2024, 5:14:39 PM (2 days ago) Jul 25
to sb118-a...@googlegroups.com
(( Bridge, Deck 1, USS Astraeus ))

Tasen: Planetary Shields look to be holding currently, based on the fire they are taking...

Gwen did not know the capability off the top of her head of their shields. She could take a guess but that would be it...mathematically at the rate they are decaying and assuming the same weapons would be used...she had a guess, and she did not like it. 

What Gwen was quickly realizing she was getting used to was communicating with the teleporter operators like she was sitting in the operations chair. Each of them were wearing so many hats with how low their personnel was.

Caldwell: Even utilising all of our personnel transporters as well as the cargo and emergency transporters there is no way we're going to be able to hit capacity before the shields give out, even with the planetary shields reinforcing them.

Gwen swallowed at that thought as she realized what he meant. They would begin taking fire...the thought of those weapons hitting their shields, Gwen knew she did not want to do that math on how long they would survive.

Mei’konda: Agreed. We’ll just haave to do the best we can. Ensign Tasen, Lieutenant Caldwell, any other ideas?

Caldwell: We could make use of the transporters on board the auxiliary ships, even whilst parked in the shuttlebays the Runabout transport sensors should be able to get clean locks at this distance, and what about planetary transporters? Could we act as a relay for them? The ground based transporter stations have huge capacity they could probably evacuate the whole starbase in

Gwen had been about to say the same thing, but had paused as Caldwell had spoken up first. It made sense...

Mei’konda: Ensign Tasen, can you add to Caldwell’s idea? How smaall of a hole would the station have to maake in their shields to allow for trransport to Eaarth?

Tasen: Sir...in theory, it would only need to be large enough for data transfers. So decently small. I think it's a good idea.

Caldwell: That's got to be worth a try, what do we have to lose?

Gwen turned her chair to start working at her console, sending a message across to the Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Emma Lindsay, to get every transporter she had officers for manned and ready to bean coordinates to their ship.

Rosek-Skyfire: ::pauses:: Captain, you’d suggested a saucer separation. The stardrive to beam up the Station personnel and the saucer section to draw attention away. ::to Caldwell:: Your suggestion is valid as well. But I had a different thought, if I may.

Mei’konda: Go on, Commander. What are you thiinking?

Rosek-Skyfire: We could use the Runabout transporters as Lieutenant Caldwell has suggested. Additionally, we could launch individual shuttles to defend the  section. The more targets we have, the better our odds of success.

Gwen slowly turned away from the verifications on her consol of various transporter officers verifying they had gotten to a new transporter. Mental math told Gwen how many pads they would loose if they only had the stardrive operating as transporters...it would be better if the sauser did the transporting.

Mei’konda: I thiink both halves of the ship would do better with their roles reversed, Commander… the staardrive section can cover the saucer while it utiliizes its greater number of traansporters and internal spaace. Ensign Tasen, let’s estaablish a telemetry link with Chin’toka, in any case. I haave her on sensors, she’s closiing in. It looks like Serala’s accompliished the first part of her mission.

Gwen was glad she didn't need to speak up and smiled softly, it not reaching her eyes as she returned her chair to facing her station as she worked at connecting the ships via telemetry.

Tasen: Sir...::small pause as her station makes a chirp:: Completed. Telemetry link with the Chin'toka established.

Caldwell: If we do want to separate the ship and we want to make use of our auxiliary craft we might have ourselves a resource problem, we weren't exactly fully manned to begin with.

Rosek-Skyfire: ::nods:: That could pose a problem, yes. Between our split with the Chin’toka and this Borg situation, we have a skeleton crew. ::pauses:: Lieutenant Caldwell, Ensign Tasen…would it be possible to set shuttles for remote piloting?

Caldwell: ::Thinking out loud:: If we fly them by remote then we'd still need trained pilots but we'd have to find a method the Borg couldn't interfere with. ::Looking between Rosek and Tasen:: I got a B in ENG233 and never took INTEL120, I think it's beyond me. ::Giving Tasen an encouraging smile:: Any chance you can create an ultra-low latency, unblockable and unhackable communications protocol?

Gwen moved her chair away from the Communication with the Transporter Chief as she felt her brow furrow in thought.

Tasen: I got an A in ENG233, but never took an Intel class. ::Pauses and gives a sad shake fo her head, her gaze meeting Chris' wishing she could answer his encouragement with something helpful:: I could attempt it, but it is no where near something I am confident in pulling off quickly. But if we need it, I can try.

Mei’konda: Let’s saave the shuttles as a baackup plan, Commander. If they sent just one shiip over here, we would be hard pressed to defend them ourselves, and a siingle starship of almost any class that is gathered on the other siide of the station. That said… we are pressed for time. Prepaare for saucer separation.

Rosek-Skyfire: ::nods:: Aye, sir. ::presses her thumb to the comm on her station:: =/\= Rosek to all hands. Blue alert. Prepare for saucer separation. Repeat. Blue alert. Prepare for saucer separation. =/\=

Gwen turned in her chair and began verifying the process she and Lieutenant Lindsay were agreeing to. The plan was, once they were in range of the station, for Gwen to initiate scans of the station. Aiming for sickbay first. Her console had several scans running at the time. One the general where are ships and what's around the ship as a whole. The other was prepped to start scanning for species, it was easy at least to tell which was a borg signal versus a standard being...and in theory the station would not have the countermeasures they had on their ship now for their borg companions. So...the plan was to take the non-borg crew out, starting with sickbay...

Caldwell: All decks confirm condition blue.

Mei’konda: Lael, you will command the saucer, and get as many off that staation as you can. Keep Ensign Tasen with you, and do your best to coordinaate with Sol Station to evacuaate her personnel either here or to Earth. Just remember…

Gwen slowly turned her seat towards the Captain. Her heart was racing and a ball of dread seemed to sit on the knot ball in her gut. This could go so poorly in so many locations...so many ways. So many lives relied on this. On them succeeding and not failing. On someone, anyone, to figure out how to completely stop that signal...and for their world and how they live to not crumble around them before everything happened.

Mei’konda: Should the worst happen, we are mobiile. Anyone on Earth will be stuck there. So squeeze anyone you caan aboard this ship. Fill up every cubic meter of spaace, up untiil the last seconds.

Rosek-Skyfire: ::nods:: Understood, sir.

Tasen: ::Nods as well, echoing the Commander:: Understood, Sir.

oO Just...lets hope that doesn't happen. Oo

Mei’konda: Caldwell, you’re wiith me. You’ll taake control of Tactical on the Battle Bridge. Lael, Matthews is yours, if Sickbaay decides he’s in good enough shape to report to duty. And… good luck, everyone.

Rosek-Skyfire: ::nods:: Understood, sir.

Tasen: Good luck, both of you as well.

Caldwell: Aye, sir.

This was it. Gwen blinked rapidly, her eyes felt watery but she shoved it down and nodded at the Captain and Lieutenant. She just hoped that this wasn't going to be the last time she saw any of them...at that thought, she shoved it away too. Her gaze quickly turned to the Commander as she tried to show the determination she felt. They didn't have a choice but to succeed right.

Mei’konda:  =/\= Attention all haands, prepare for saucer separation. Relief crews, report to your staations. =/\=

Crew members were already slipping into their stations, manning the bridge more so than it had been filled previously. Gwen checked around the bridge at more faces she had seen in between shifts or during but not gotten to know. If she lived through this...let alone stayed in starfleet after this horrible day, she would need to get to know more of the crew.

Rosek-Skyfire: ::taps her commbadge:: =/\= Rosek to Sickbay. Think you can spare someone for the Medical station on the Bridge? =/\=

Saa: =/\= Dr. Saa here. Yes, we could send someone up, any preference? =/\=

Rosek-Skyfire: =/\= An enlisted officer or ensign would be fine. We just need someone to man the station. =/\=

Sickbay: =/\= Understood, I’ll send them with Lt. Matthews and Lt. 000, they’ll need monitored anyways.=/\=

Rosek-Skyfire: =/\= Understood. Rosek out. =/\=

Gwen continued to work with the Transporter chief, their plans setting up solidly as the scan settings and plans for the communications lines continued. As the Ba'ku Scientist plotted and planned with the Transporter Lieutenant to best use their resources.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ensign Gwen'ora Tasen
Science Officer
USS Astraeus, NCC-70652
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