Lieutenant Commander Anjar Thoran: An End To Socializing and Planning

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Anjar Thoran

Feb 22, 2024, 12:06:23 AMFeb 22
to SB118-Astraeus

((Pagrati Lounge, Deck 10, USS Astraeus))


He chuckled at the Ensign’s reaction. Each of them reacted a little differently when he presented his view on good leadership, something that he’d no doubt picked up from Lael. Though she’d had her own battles with pride, the First Officer role had humbled her and she’d led in a way that made those who served with her feel important and valued. He’d been consistently amazed by how she inspired even him. 

It made him want to be a better leader.

Thoran: ::chuckles:: Unlike some, I consider it a compliment–even a point of pride. A good leader helps those serving under him to grow into better officers. The best pupils are the ones who surpass their teachers. 


Matthews: Plenty of Academy instructors would agree with you, Sir. Starfleet needs good captains and good officers. ::pause:: Plus, you know, if it makes you feel better, Commander, of course I’ll have to surpass you!

Anjar smiled and nodded. 


Matthews: Well, who knows, Sir, but I’ve only been on board for a matter of months. I’m not looking at usurping anyone. ::pause:: Yet.


Thoran: ::chuckles:: Yet. I have no doubt you’ll get there. At the rate you’re going, it won’t be long before you make jay-gee. Around here, jay-gees are one step below consideration for assistant positions. It’s the Captain’s call in the end, but if you keep it up, I’ll happily recommend you to the Captain for it. 


Matthews: I have a lot of people to impress for that to happen, starting with this upcoming catastrophe. Forward motion, Sir. Move forward, even if it is an inch at a time.

Oh, how he could relate to that sentiment. At times in his life, that had become his motto and had been the only thing keeping him from getting into a rut. Yes, the Ensign was still early in his career. However, he’d learned from many years of observation and experience how to spot the promising ones. Those were the officers he spent the most time developing. It was a good tactical strategy and kept leadership strong.


Thoran: Here, here. ::pauses:: I hate to cut and run on you Ensign, but I really should be getting back to my quarters for some rest. I have a delta and I don’t want to be falling asleep in my chair.

Matthews: Response

Thoran: ::nods:: Yeah. Get that to me as soon as you can. ::grins:: Preferably with enough time for me to brief Lieutenant Commander Goodwell and make the rotation arrangements.

Matthews: Response

He inclined his head, biding the Ensign goodnight before he rose and moved to exit the Pagrati Lounge.



Lieutenant Commander Anjar Thoran

Chief of Security/Tactical

USS Astraeus, NCC-70652


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