LtCmdr Salkath - Familial Obligations

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da leggere,
12 apr 2024, 21:52:0812 apr
a Main Artemis
((Personal Quarters, Deck 3 - USS Artemis))

Evoras: =/\= Your story is inconsistent, anecdotal, and borderline confusing. If you cannot provide appropriate detail, you should refrain from recalling it to others. =/\=

Salkath rolled his eyes, eliciting a sigh from his sister across subspace comms, and mused yet again why he bothered to try and describe his career and accomplishments to her again and again. Even if she wasn't in Starfleet, she was intelligent enough to know that he couldn't describe classified events more than he did. She just preferred to bait him to see if he would respond emotionally. And, he usually did.

Salkath: =/\= And yet you press me for details when you know I cannot be forthcoming with them. This is your shortcoming, Evoras, not mine. =/\=

She rolled her eyes, he sighed. This back-and-forth was how the Vulcan siblings communicated. The undercurrents of their relationship revolved around her displeasure that he had exercised the freedom to leave Vulcan and pursue a career in Starfleet where her fates had been preordained. His displeasure centered around her constant and not-so-subtle reminders that he was not always able to honor his traditions and upbringing as easily as he had believed possible. Still, between acrid conversations with his sister and absolutely painful ones with his parents, he would choose his sister every time.

Evoras: =/\= I surmise that you have not yet settled into your new posting. I was able to ascertain that much from your tall tale. =/\=

Salkath: =/\= You are correct. Though I now inhabit my personal quarters and have resumed my personal projects in a specialized lab, I have yet to explore the Artemis fully. =/\=

His sister crinkled her nose in distaste. Evoras was a stereotypical Vulcan, who cut an imperial if severe visage in the viewscreen on Salkath's desk. She chose exceedingly traditional garb in her off time from the Science Institute on Vulcan, as if she could compensate for her brother's relative slackness in comparison. 

Evoras: =/\= This human-centric military organization you serve chooses such peculiar names. Artemis. 'Smokescreen'. Apt for Starfleet. =/\=

She said that last word with contempt as Salkath sighed again. Artemis did sound familiar to the Vulcan words ar'tu, project or scheme, and muhs, vapor or smoke. Smoke project. It wasn't even a pithy translation, but that never stopped Evoras from disparaging Starfleet and his career however she could before.

Salkath: =/\= An even cursory look in a Federation database would educate you that the name Artemis has a storied importance in human culture. Consider that before you debase the name. =/\=

She sighed, he rolled his eyes. Tactfully or not, though, she changed the topic.

Evoras: =/\= Do you even have any Vulcan associates anymore? I wager you have not. =/\=

Salkath: =/\= Then you would lose that wager. There are other Vulcans on the Artemis, and I have even made the acquaintance of one or two already. =/\=

She raised an eyebrow in surprise, obviously not expecting that answer. Vulcans, though a founding member of the Federation, did not commonly serve in Starfleet. Outside the rare fully Vulcan-crewed starship, the ratio of Vulcans to others on any given ship was exceedingly small. There were many reasons for this - pacifist natures, contentment with lifestyle options on Vulcan, no small amount of xenophobia (though the worst offenders would still dismiss such an accusation as illogical). To have more than a couple Vulcans on any one ship in the fleet was statistically improbable, yet here they were. Salkath considered Savel, whom he knew was Vulcan, and Kel Solas, whom he assumed had some percentage of Vulcanoid lineage. The engineer internally vowed to check the ship's roster after this call to deduce if there were additional Vulcans aboard.

Evoras: =/\= Endeavor to connect with these crew, then. Surround yourself with those of our culture so you do not lose your own identity. Perhaps you might even find a mate? =/\=

Ah yes, the eternal familial entreaty. Couple off and produce or adopt progeny. There was no small echo of his parents in his sister's words. Salkath considered his current prospects, found it unlikely though never impossible, yet chose not to dignify her tired request with a response. It was yet another path that she thought would draw him home, to a 'respectable' life, and he would not rise to the bait.

Salkath: =/\= I do not disagree with your assessment that I should 'get to know them better'. Socializing with all my new crew is important, however, not just the Vulcans. =/\=

Evoras found both his use of a human phrase and the concept of 'socializing' equally distasteful, and allowed it to show on her face again. She obviously had about as much of his own subtle jibes as she could withstand, and appeared ready to disconnect.

Evoras: =/\= Come home the next time you have sufficient leave. You are on your third vessel since we have seen you in person. Do not continue to forsake your family, Salkath. =/\=

He sighed, she rolled her eyes.

Salkath: =/\= I will return home for a short visit when circumstances are ideal. Until then, relay my fondness to Mother and Father. =/\=

Evoras: =/\= You sound distasteful. Fondness! ::sighing:: I will express your *regard* to them. Farewell, Salkath. =/\=

Salkath: =/\= ::rolling his eyes:: Farewell, Evoras. =/\=

Her face abruptly switched to the UFP logo, signifying the end of the transmission. Salkath mused over the discussion for a minute without moving from the desk; this was also common after a trying conversation with his sister. Instead of musing further, however, Salkath then queried the computer about how many Vulcans actually served on the Artemis. This query actually led to an interesting discovery. One of the Vulcans aboard, a security officer named T'Nil, was starting a kheile'a class open to all. This was a form of non-aggressive Vulcan martial arts that intrigued Salkath, as it differed from the normal studies endorsed by the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. Ever since the near-battle with Ensign Savel, Salkath had rued his inattentiveness to his physical acumen, and this seemed a boon to not only rectifying this shortcoming, but also fraternizing with his fellow crewmates both Vulcan and non. He typed up a quick acceptance to T'Nil, and proceeded with his day.

((OOC: I'm commandeering a ship's NPC for an exotic tai chi get together! :D If anyone is interested, keep an eye out for a starting post tomorrow! Cheers! ~Jay))


Lieutenant Commander Salkath
Engineer, USS Artemis-A
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