Ensign Gnai - What Sort Of Civilian Building Has A Lab And Workshop?

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Mar 6, 2024, 11:41:54 PM3/6/24
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Administrative Building, Ki Baratan, Romulus))

The actual fact of the mission had startled Gnai, not expecting its first assignment to be an assassination. The end result was... good, but that didn't mean that Gnai didn't feel apprehension about such an act. It found itself flashing various colors, silently trying to process this fact.

The Dominion War hadn't reached Galador II, but Gnai had learned about it plenty. Plenty enough. Certainly, a rewritten timeline in which the Dominion had won would be dire, perhaps even dire enough to require a team of scientists and doctors to bloody their hands (and tendrils) to fix it. Clearly, someone had thought that paying with the self-respect of four Starfleet officers wasn't a bargain, but it was a cost they would willingly pay to right this timeline.

Gnai hadn't noticed at first, but the rest of the room had descended into silence as well. Perhaps they all were contemplating the ramifications of such a mission.


Thankfully, the Lieutenant (Gila? Sadar?) had broken the silence with her messing about on the PADD.

Sadar: Found it.

Adea: ‘It’, Lieutenant?

Jovenan: Let me see.

Curious as well, Gnai leaned over to see what had been found exactly. Once again... it was in Romulan, unfortunately. But it was another map, which was useful, showing more floors than before.

Sadar: Well, in terms of our immediate destination, the PADD lists something that resembles a workshop or laboratory on the fourth floor of this building. As for the city itself…

After some more prodding at the screen (why were there so many different types of sequins and shoulder pads? Gnai didn't really understand fashion to begin with, and Romulan fashion even less.), the Lieutenant pulled up another map. Clearly she knew a bit more about the Romulan language than previously indicated.

Adea: Well done, Lieutenant.

Gnai: Impressive, sir.

It would need to ask later how she had managed to puzzle out this map. Certainly, such a skill would be useful if it ever found itself in another bind like this one. Well. Hopefully not like this one. One assassination was far more than enough for it.

Sadar: ::nervous smile:: Seventh time is the charm? ::gingerly touches her chin with a grimace:: Ow.

Adea: Let’s not split up - take a few to memorise that or figure out a way to take it with us. Then we’re heading up to the workshop - fingers crossed they have a medkit and more disguises.

Gnai watched as the Commander swung his cane at the ceiling. What a strange gesture.

Jovenan: These are public transport hubs. That over there is the Senate, and if I’m not mistaken that’s the local, um, barracks. Try to remember the street network in case we need to, erh, abort the mission and flee. It also helps creating the image of the city in your head.

It was a tall order, to memorize an entirely foreign network of streets in just a moment. But Gnai tried its best, focusing primarily on the streets near to the Senate. That seemed like where there would be the most need to flee. Certainly departing quickly after assassinating a Senator would be the priority?

oO But why point out barracks? Are the Romulan weapons what will be used to... complete this mission? Oo

Sadar: Response

Gnai could not smile, but it could wave the filaments of its body in what would be considered friendly to other Galadorans, so it did just that in response to the Commander's smile.

Adea: Right, let’s get moving… A moving target being harder to hit and all.

Jovenan: I should probably go first and look out for any locals. If we’re lucky, they might not realise I’m not one of them. Just… get ready to come help me if they don’t.

Gnai: Good luck, sir!

Sadar: Response

As Lieutenant Jovenan left, the remaining officers waited for just a moment before following after her. Splitting up wasn't wise, as Commander Adea had said. Creeping through the same halls they had just careened through after the Romulan that had interrupted them felt strange. The silence was far more oppressive, Gnai felt, now that one of them was pretending to be Romulan.

Before, there was the benefit of the doubt, as obvious Starfleet officers would make terrible spies within the city. But now that they were starting to adopt disguises? A charge of espionage was far more likely. Suspicions would grow even further if Starfleet in 2374 refused to acknowledge that they were officers, as Gnai assumed none of them had been commissioned yet. This could backfire even more, and push the Romulans to the other side of the war. It hadn't even thought about that yet, and now here they were, sneaking a good distance after a disguised Lieutenant Jovenan.

Jovenan: Jolan’tru.

Romulan: ::dryly:: Jolan’tru. I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.

What's worse is that she had seemingly just run into yet another Romulan, if the sounds echoing up the stairwell were anything to go by.

Gnai: ::to Adea and Sadar:: ~Oh no.~

Adea/Sadar: Response?

No splitting up meant no splitting up, it seemed. Gnai stood still, listening with the rest of the officers to Jovenan as she worked to get a handle on the situation.

Jovenan: I’m new. I only started out here last week.

Romulan: Ah, I see. ::raises an eyebrow:: Where are you from?

Jovenan: Near FelKoth, in the western Umrika.

Romulan: ::smirks:: That explains it. If I were you, I would lose that ridiculous headband. Vichrahk won’t be as tolerant of it as I am.

Jovenan: I will. Thank you.

A door closing and continued silence seemed to indicate that the Romulan had left. When footsteps started again, Gnai followed with the others as they continued to tail Jovenan down to the fourth floor. It was easy to tell that the open spaces - such as the corridors or stairwells - were clear, but anything past a closed door was unknown, requiring a confirmation from Lieutenant Jovenan before the rest of the officers could know that the laboratory/workshop was safe. Either that, or something drastic that would require them to forgo any precautions and rush into an unknown room.

Thankfully, their combadges chirped before anything like that could happen.

Jovenan: =/\= Coast’s clear. =/\=

Upon hearing the confirmation, the tailing officers made up the distance and entered the room that Jovenan had pronounced clear. She was sitting on the floor, leaned into the wall. Strange.

Gnai: What next, sir?

Adea/Sadar: Response

As Jovenan pointed out the devices across the room, Gnai took a look around, taking in the wide variety of tools and machinery. Even with the damper that the mission had put on Gnai's mood, this was an exciting room to be in, full of who knew what.

Jovenan: Those look like replicators. Ensign, could you look if there are any tools or equipment around here we could use while Doctor Sadar tries to get the replicators work?

Gnai: Yes, sir!


With renewed vigor, Gnai rushed to look through the various workbenches, poking and prodding anything it could get its hands on. Hopefully these devices were analagous to what it had seen on Galador II as an apprentice, or at the Academy over the past few years.

oO Hyperspanner, sonic driver... No. These aren't useful. Oo

Jovenan: E-even I might need a haircut and prothesis. I’m not sure if I can do that again.

Adea/Sadar: Response

As the others talked, Gnai continued on its mission, looking for anything that looked even remotely medical. Or a tricorder. That would be nice. It hadn't thought to bring along a tricorder when transferring to a new ship. Most cadets - no, ensigns, it was an ensign now - would have had time to settle in before their first mission. Time enough to pick up a nice tricorder, set all the settings to what they prefer - because the defaults were good, but never good enough - and get acquainted with it. But that was not the case for Gnai.

Gnai: There is a variety of engineering tools here, sir. Perhaps of use as excuses for being places? Or for replicator repairs...

At least Gnai thought that engineers could possibly get a bit of leeway for being in locations that were off-limits to the public. Granted, none of this team were engineers, as far as it know, but the Romulans didn't know that.

Adea/Sadar/Jovenan: Response

The next few benches seemed to be of a similar sort - engineering tools, repair materials, the like. Nothing too out of the ordinary for a workshop in a civilian building. Past that, the last set of benches was strewn with more PADDs like they had seen previously and a few unknown experimental set-ups. Nothing that seemed overtly medical - the Lieutenant had mentioned needing prosthesis - but Gnai also had no idea what sort of experiments were being performed in this presumably civilian laboratory. Was it a university, perhaps? Gnai had no clue.

Gnai paused, picking up a PADD and tapping through it. There were biochemical formulas on it, things that it recognized from the Academy, but it had taken everything related to biology as early on as it could. It wasn't a subject that Gnai had enjoyed, much preferring to look to the stars instead. So it had done what a few of its peers had done, and had tried to get all related coursework done as early as possible. It took another look at the PADD. The data being in Romulan didn't help either, so it instead walked to where Lieutenant Sadar (Gila?) was working on the replicators. She had had the most success with Romulan so far, so it thought she would be the best bet to hand this off to.

Gnai: ::handing the PADD to her:: There is biological information here in Romulan, perhaps of interest? ::pointing out the bench in particular:: The PADD came from that workstation.

Sadar: Response

Adea/Jovenan: Response?


Ensign Gnai
Science Officer
USS Artemis-A
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