[sb-118-Artemis] Ensign Kel Solas - Qs & Answers

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Xander Fulton

Apr 11, 2024, 4:09:44 PMApr 11

((Lower Decks | Crew Quarters | USS Artemis))

Solas was in the middle of reading the official mission report from what he had started calling “The Betazed incident” when his combadge pinged him. 

Savel: =/\= Ensign Savel to Ensign Kel. When you have a moment, please join me in the Security Center. =/\=

Not wanting to keep the senior ensign waiting, Solas tapped his commbadge.

Kel: =/\= This is Ensign Kel, I’m on my way. =/\=

With that, he made his way to the security center as fast as his speed walk would let him.

(( Security Center | Deck 08 | USS Artemis ))

When he at last reached the security center, he found Ensign Savel inspecting one of the displays. For anyone who didn’t grow up on Vulcan, he imagined they would simply see this as standard behavior. But Solas knew better. This was as close a Vulcan came to visibly showing boredom. He perked up as Solas approached though.

Savel: Ensign Kel, I hope my summoning of you did not interfere with your duties for the day.

Solas shook his head.

Kel: Not at all. We were scheduled to work the security center later today anyway.

Savel started to lead the way to the edge of the room, near one of the empty offices around the outside of the security center.

Savel: Our introductions to one another were cut short during the ceremony on Betazed, I believe now would be a good opportunity to complete them. I am also aware that without a permanent Chief of Security for you to report to, there may be some specific questions about our department that you have. I would like to answer those for you, should that be true.

Without even thinking about it, Solas blurted out the question that had been on his mind since Betazed.

Kel: Do we see the Q here often?

Savel: Response.

Solas did his best not to show how embarrassed he was that he’d just blurted that question out without any thought.

Kel: Well, they certainly didn’t cover that in the simulators.

Savel: Response


((OOC: Sorry it took me so long to reply to this. I still haven’t settled into a good rhthym at work so finding time to sit down and write has been difficult)


Ensign Kel Solas

USS Artemis-A

Security Officer


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