Ens Chevalier - Why I’m in pain, doctor?

已查看 8 次

CPT Arianus

2024年4月9日 08:02:544月9日
收件人 sb118-...@googlegroups.com

(( Primary Sickbay - Deck 7, USS Artemis-A ))

Ensign Chevalier was perched on the biobed, his eyes fixed on Lieutenant Sadar, who was preparing for the medical examination. She held his medical chart in her hand and walked towards him, studying his features keenly.

Sadar: The reports state that all injuries you suffered during the previous mission were reversed when CloQ moved you through time. And yet, some is still causing you pain, you say?

Jaseb was already cursing himself for mentioning anything at all. On the one hand, he couldn't ignore his doubts. It was always better to know than not.

Chevalier: Yes, doctor. While engaging with Dominion forces, I was injured by disruptor plasma and debris from the cover penetrated by the shot that hit me. And later, when we crash landed, after they… ::pauses::

oO Shot you in the face, J? Oo

Chevalier: …after CloQ transported us to another Artemis, still in some absurd historical period, the wound disappeared, and everything was okay. However, upon our return to our time, the wound from Betazed still sometimes hurt as if I was still wounded. Even whatever happened somehow healed the surface. Is it possible that CloQ did not fully return me to our time, and I am now partly stuck in his past alternative reality?

Jaseb removed his uniform jacket and lifted his undershirt to reveal the skin beneath. His mechanical hand indicated a spot under the ribcage, around the vertebrochondral ribs area. Dr. Sadar set aside the chart and picked up the medical tricorder.

Sadar: There’s no such thing, Ensign. The body telling you that something hurts is usually significant in one way or the other.

Sadar attentively studied the data displayed on the tricorder. According to the readings, Ensign Chevalier had no more metallic elements in his body than an average Eltharian religious zealot of his age. Additionally, there was no indication that he would ever be hit by a disruptor blast. But Jaseb couldn't know as he didn’t see what Sadar saw.

Chevalier: That’s why I stopped by, doctor. Better to know if I - don’t know - somehow bruised ribs or pinched a nerve or if I still have a hole in me.

Sadar: Mmh… How would you characterize the pain? Is it constant? Intermittent? Dull? Sharp?

Jaseb frowned. It was not a pleasant experience to try and remember.

Chevalier: It's sharp, but not constant. It comes and goes throughout the day. When it comes, it's like being stabbed. The pain is so intense that I lose my breath and have difficulty standing. However, it subsides after a second or two, and I feel like nothing happened. And suddenly, it comes again. And again. And again. And again, and as unexpectedly as it comes, it disappears.

Sadar understood and scanned the ensign's side, heart, and lungs again with her tricorder's analytical sensor. She muttered something to herself and ended her examination with a distinct 'hmm'.

Sadar: Response

Chevalier: Ah, really? And I worried I would end with Division 14… ::laugh::

The lieutenant put down the tricorder and replicated a dose of medicine from a nearby replicator. Upon her return, she carefully looked over the ensign before inserting the dose into the injector. Jaseb didn’t pay attention as he dressed, and when he perceived that the doctor had returned, he just bent his head to expose his neck for the application without looking at her.

Sadar: Response

Chevalier: Ou, yes doctor. I will do.

Sadar: Response


Ensign Jaseb Chevalier
Operations Officer
U.S.S. Artemis-A
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