Lieutenant Hallia Yellir - Marking the Beginning

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Ryan Fender

Apr 23, 2024, 12:52:49 PMApr 23

((Chief Engineer’s Office, Deck 15, USS Artemis-A))

Retrieving drink for the two, Hallia had rested the tips of her fingers against her steaming hot mug. The room was a fragrant cocktail of pungently sweet chocolate and tea, and Hallia found herself far more at ease. She was almost confused as to why she manically cleaned off her desk in the first place.

Salkath: It is a logical progression. The physical sciences dictate the basis of our work in Engineering. One could argue your experiences make you a more proficient engineer than one who did not have the same.

Yellir: I appreciate that, that’s very high praise coming from you commander. Considering much of our ship runs with bio-neural circuitry, I’ve appreciated working with something a bit more… organic.

Bio-neural circuitry was the grounding point she had used to make herself more familiar with Engineering as a whole. She stuck to what she was familiar with— but even a living computer was enough to stump her. Beyond merely the biological side, Hallia had to grow more and more comfortable with the idea of the mechanics of such a thing. But more than anything, it helped smooth the inevitable bump that was the jarring transition. Truthfully, to get to where she was, it was no small feat in itself.  

Salkath: Such circuitry is not my expertise, but I do appreciate the value of it. It certainly is a topic I hope to improve upon during my time on the Artemis.

The pair had turned to their drinks momentarily, Hallia taking a sip almost on cue. A brief silence sat between the two as she changed the direction of their conversation.

Yellir: You’re a very accomplished Engineer yourself, why settle for a Starship of all places?

As strange as it was to say, it was like she could see him think. The pause was all that was needed, keeping a very careful eye on the Vulcan.

Salkath: As illogical as it sounds, I don't want to settle. ::he continued to cast his gaze down at his cup:: That word, 'settle'. It is so weighted in Federation Standard, so dependent on context. I presume you mean 'accept that which is lesser', whereas my use indicates 'adopting a comfortable or secure way of life'.

For a moment she was caught off guard— not expecting such candour to very suddenly possess Salkath.

Salkath: Settling is to become complacent. It is to accede to predestiny. My family would be content for me to settle, expect it of me, even if it is within an organization of which they disapprove. I do not wish to settle, in that sense. There is no logical reason for me to find this so important, but I do. Thus, I move around, accepting commissions on as many ships as I can.

oO Did I just unearth something? Oo

For a moment, she was slightly terrified and intrigued about what was about to be said. Part of her wondered if she even had the bandwidth to compute hitting such a nerve, but she stood her ground.

Even if Hallia couldn’t quite interpret the weight behind the man’s words, there was a flash of something that kept her attention. She kept her body language open, keeping both arms visible, ensuring not to close herself off and waited. With Salkath holding her attention, she wanted to be very deliberate and careful about whatever she said next. Whatever was being said, wasn’t being said lightly.

Salkath: I apologize for my candor, Lieutenant, and I appreciate your patience with it. I imagine it must be difficult to relate to what I am saying.

The Yelikan took a sip of her own drink before speaking.

Yellir: You know, when I first joined Starfleet there were people in my community that detested the idea, and it got to a point where I almost listened to them. Part of me saw it as they did, that there was no strength in accepting that which is not your own. But at the end of the day, the only decision that truly mattered was mine. So I’ll say this; you’re exactly where you need to be, and whether you do it for yourself or your family is a different matter entirely. You’d be surprised how many people onboard are more often than not escaping from something.

Truthfully, Hallia didn’t quite know what she was saying, but she spoke from a place that felt true to her. The Yelikan proverb that rang in her mind, the one that had sown doubt throughout communities back home, that the true lesson of strength is to turn away from that which is not your own. Hallia had since turned a blind eye to it. Seeing the suffering wrought in the undercity, with once starving families, the strength of one’s people was never measured in such grief. 

Salkath: Indeed. In fact, I should not be surprised by now that experiences are often more similar than different, even across cultures. ::finishing his tea:: Rest assured, Lieutenant, that my loyalty is and will remain to this department and the Artemis. I foresee that working together will be amicable.

Yellir: Of course! I foresee us being a very good team together, Commander.

Hallia had nearly finished her mug as Salkath rose with a nod.

Salkath: I have taken enough of your time, Lieutenant. I will ensure I am integrated into the duty roster and will be at your disposal as needed. Thank you for the tea, and thank you for the meeting.

As Salkath rose, she did too. There was a grateful nod to her head as the meeting was slowly coming to an end. She picked up the empty mugs and cups, moving towards the replicator to recycle the matter.

Yellir: Don’t hesitate to call if you would ever need anything, do let me know if there’s anything I’m able to do.

Salkath: Response? (if any)



Lieutenant Hallia Yellir 

Chief Engineer

USS Artemis-A


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