Captain Addison MacKenzie - No Need for Further Interrogation

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Addison MacKenzie

May 10, 2024, 6:00:17 PMMay 10

(( Captain’s Ready Room – Deck 1, USS Artemis-A ))


Addison sat across her desk from one of the newest members of her crew. The Galadoran proved to be a complex being, and while she’d decided to leave the conversation about its implications for its people behind, the topic shifted to its time so far on the Artemis. The scientist seemed to be unpleased with the way its first mission turned out – far more violent than it preferred, and it had no trouble vocalizing its desire for a change of pace.


…it wasn’t the only one, not that Addison would bother saying so.

Gnai: Hopefully the next mission is to some very interesting pulsar. Or neutron star. And there are no hostiles. Or senators to assassinate.

MacKenzie: Mmm hmmmm… Well, I can’t make any promises about what assignment Starfleet will give us next, or what we might encounter along the way…

Gnai: ::bobbing lightly up and down:: Correct. Those were just wishes for future missions, not predictions... ::pause:: It can't hurt to dream for exploration. That is one of Starfleet's principles.

Addison shrugged her shoulders slightly.

MacKenzie: What I can tell you is that I believe you are a curious, inquisitive being, and I think those are good attributes for a scientist to have.

There appeared to be a pause steeped in surprise.

Gnai: ::extended pause:: Thank you, sir!

She felt it necessary to shift both the mood and the conversation again. Hopefully it was more to the scientist’s tastes.

MacKenzie: Do you have any plans for your time in this part of the quadrant? I’m sure there are lots of intriguing things that have caught your interest…

Gnai: Well, since the Artemis is docked at Deep Space 9 ::beat:: the wormhole is an obvious object of interest. To see it in person has been a dream.

Addison smiled and nodded. It wasn’t her first time seeing the phenomenon, but every time the wormhole opened, it always seemed to take part of her breath away.

MacKenzie: It’s certainly a sight to behold!

Gnai: ::tentatively:: There are also the Badlands... There was the most interesting conference talk last year on how gravity anomalies within spouts in that region impact Langmuir waves within the plasma, by Dr. Sarish from the Bajoran Center for Science. It would be interesting to observe the plasmons generated from this phenomenon...

Her posture shifted slightly and her brow furrowed, her eyebrows getting closer to the bridge of her nose.

MacKenzie: The Badlands are certainly an interesting corner of space, but also dangerous. While I’m sure the prospect of scientific exploration is enticing, it might not be the best idea to make a trek like that…

Gnai: Hm. Yes. That makes sense... Perhaps just the wormhole then. That should be plenty interesting to fill free time on this shore leave. oO What with the housekeeping that came with transferring to a ship... Oo ::pause:: Have you ever been through the wormhole, sir?

MacKenzie: I have, but it’s been a long time. Getting to see inside the wormhole is worth the trip alone.

Gnai: Response

The commanding officer sat back in her chair and once again plastered on a reassuring smile.

MacKenzie: Well, it sounds like you have plenty in mind to occupy your time. There’s no need for me to occupy any more of it!


Gnai: Response

She watched the Galadoran stand, again intrigued by the suit that helped give it mobility. She wondered what her old friend and engineering whiz Geoffrey Teller might think of the contraption.


MacKenzie: Welcome aboard the Artemis, Ensign.

Gnai: Response (if any)


Tag, and End Scene for MacKenzie



Captain Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS
Commanding Officer
USS Artemis-A

Captains Council Member at Large


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