Ensign Gnai - Captain, I've A Feeling We're Not On Romulus Anymore

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Mar 18, 2024, 6:41:35 PM3/18/24
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Open-Air Courtyard, Betazed Prison Colony World, Present Day))

The flash of white was over in a second, but Gnai had felt the time stretch out far longer than it should have. Within the eons that were that one brief moment, the remaining parts of the turret had collapsed on top of it, trapping it in burning rubble, before it was somehow dragged to safety as each piece vanished in turn. In the same instant, it had been wished away to somewhere else - somewhere distinctly not Romulan.

If it could have blinked, it would have, with how bright the outside had seemed from the darker interior of the turret room on Romulus. Instead, whatever had been within that white light had deposited it in some sort of courtyard, with bright skies above and foreboding walls surrounding it. Where in the world - or, rather, galaxy - was it?

Gnai picked itself up off of the ground, brushing off some of the snow that it had landed in off of the chassis of its metal suit. Strange, it was no longer disguised in the same metal plates or mirrored foil that had been affixed to itself just moments earlier. The fear of being displaced once again by whatever was going on was soon replaced by the even more pressing fear of its combadge being missing. Not only was it stuck on some other world, but it was stuck on some other world... with no means of contacting Starfleet! The slow flashing of colors through its tendrils sped up, it didn't need to try and suppress the lights now at least.

There was a brief shuffle of movement to its side, and much to Gnai's surprise (and, frankly, utterly massive relief), it saw someone that it recognized. Or, at least, that it recognized from an image on a PADD. That had to be the Captain, Captain MacKenzie! It was certain of that - it was not going to forget the captain of the ship that it had just been assigned to. Nearby, two others that it didn't recognize, past being Vulcan, seemed to also have been stunned by something similar to what it had just experienced.

If the Captain was here, with Gnai and what it presumed were others of the crew... This had to be the doing of CloQ. They had probably been what dragged Gnai to Romulus, with the rest of the blueshirts, so it stood to reason that they were the cause of Gnai's stranding wherever this was as well.

Well. Whatever it was that brought them here, Gnai had to report to the Captain. This was the first time it had the opportunity to introduce itself, and it needed to make sure that it didn't screw this up. Once whatever this was was over, certainly it would have plenty of opportunity to explore and research to its heart's content... for however much it could be said to have a heart. It wanted to stay on the Captain's - and Starfleet's - good side, so that it could be guaranteed access to the ship's scientific resources for as long as possible. It rushed over to where she stood.

Gnai: ::saluting, as best as it can do, for it is but an alien jellyfish in a tank with robotic limbs and no appreciable head:: Captain! Ensign Gnai, reporting for duty!

MacKenzie/Savel/Salkath: Response

Gnai: Where... is this? What's going on?

MacKenzie/Savel/Salkath: Response

Clearly, none of them knew what exactly was happening. This world was not recognizable, not in its current state at least. With all that had been going on with CloQ messing with things, who knew where they might be? This could be Earth, for all Gnai knew.

Gnai: This ::gestures to itself:: was just on Romulus with Commander Adea and the Lieutenants Jovenan and Sadar... but in 2374. A senator needed to be ::it paused, unsure how to say this, as it was likely not a good idea to tell ones commanding officer, and captain at that, that it had just participated in what was certainly a crime of great magnitude, even under orders:: killed, so that the Romulans would enter the Dominion War.

Hopefully the Captain would take that well. And the rest of the crew. The proverbial cat was out of the bag, at least, there was no putting it back in. That was an expression that Gnai had never really understood, but then again, it had never had to try and put a cat in a bag before.

MacKenzie/Savel/Salkath: Response


Ensign Gnai
Science Officer
USS Artemis-A
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