LtCmdr. Talos Dakora - No Win Scenario

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Apr 9, 2024, 5:33:30 PMApr 9

((XO’s Office - Deck 2 - USS Artemis-A))

Talos sat across his desk from a Junior Officer in crisis. Gila had come to him with her resignation in hand, ready to face a court-martial or whatever consequences may have come from her part in CloQ’s twisted game.

He’d done his best to try to comfort her, but he couldn’t shake the feeling he was way out of his depth. He’d been the Artemis’ First Officer for only a short time and the position, it seemed, didn’t come with any kind of instruction manual. He just had to figure things out as he went.

Fighting down the part of him that was sure that if it were Yogan in his place, he’d know just what to say to allay her fears and make it all better. But Yogan was gone and he’d just have to do his best.

Dakora: Vreenak wasn't killed on Ki Baratan, in 2374. What you– what we experienced wasn't 

real. ::His face darkened.:: Even if it really felt like it. 

He rotated the holographic screen hovering over his desk so that she could see it. It detailed the official record of Vreenak’s death. ‘Killed in transit from a remote colony by Dominion saboteurs’

Of course, the pair knew now that wasn’t exactly the truth. But his point still stood.

Sadar: ::shameful voice:: I would’ve betrayed my team, Sir… I-In some ways, I suppose.. I already did. At the last second, I backpedaled. I felt that what we were doing was wrong, at the very core of my being, and I searched for a way to stop the operation. I was unable to locate one, but if I had-

Talos nodded, his expression a mixture of sadness and understanding. CloQ had thrust each of the groups into different, hopeless scenarios and then sat back a watched it all unfold.

He’d personally had to choose between allowing his mother to sacrifice herself in order to complete the mission and turn the tide on Betazed or abandoning his crewmates to try and fight their way out alone.

It was a choice that still had him lying in his bed each night, staring at the deck above him, wondering if it was the right one instead of sleeping.

Dakora: It feels like you made the wrong choice because you did. ::He paused:: But only because there were no right choices. CloQ had seen to that. 

He set the PADD she’d handed him down on the desk and leaned forward, clasping his hands in front of him with his elbows on the desk.

Sadar: My team would’ve been in grave danger, because of me. ::hides her face in her hands:: If my senior officers can’t trust me to follow orders, to have their back, then I have no place here.

Her emotions played across his mind and all of the sadness, regret, and disappointment brought about a wave of discomfort, forcing him to fortify his mental barriers even further.

Dakora: Gila, listen to me. ::He frowned.::  What you faced wasn’t a simulation or a training exercise. It was a manifestation of the no-win scenario. A test of character and resilience that even the most experienced Officers struggle with. I’d be more concerned if you weren’t convinced that it had all gone wrong.

Tentatively, Talos tried to offer the Mizarian Doctor a slight smile, but she still wasn’t quite there yet.

Sadar: The worst part is... I can't tell what's worse. That I tried to stop it, or that I failed in doing so…

Dakora: In those moments, there are no right answers, only choices we must make and live with. You were caught at the intersection of what you believed was right at the core of your being and your sense of duty to your fellow Officers.

He settled back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as he did.

Dakora: And for what it’s worth, my words here would’ve been the same whether you had successfully intervened or not.

Sadar: Response

Talos cleared his throat as he sat up a little straighter. When he spoke, his voice had taken on a slightly more official tone.

Dakora: Since there is no precedent for a disciplinary hearing or court-martial relating to events that happened in a timeline fabricated by a petulant Demi-God– to which all evidence of seemingly does not and has never existed–  It seems I’m obligated to reject your submission for disciplinary hearing. ::He paused, meeting her eyes with the slightest hint of a sad smile.:: And subsequent court-martial.

Sadar: Response

Leaning forward and pushing the PADD back across the desk, Talos continued.

Dakora: I also do not accept your resignation at this time. ::He cocked his head.:: You’re a valued member of this crew, Gila and we need you. I understand the weight of what you’re going through, believe me. But I’d like to ask you to take the duration of shore leave to reconsider. At that point, whatever you decide, you’ll have my full support.

Sadar: Response

Settled back in his chair, he rubbed the stubble on his chin for a moment as he prepared to dole out advice that he really should follow himself.

Dakora: I’d like for you to make time to see Counselor Jashkaa, as well. ::He frowned.:: I know Hiro is gone, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about her from other members of the crew.

Sadar: Response.



LtCmdr. Talos Dakora

First Officer

USS Artemis-A


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