((Palace of Culture, Tecra, Meranuge IV))
In her mind's eye, Jiah saw gentle waves lapping a sandy beach. The gentle hiss of water on sand mingled with the whistling cry of jolakta gulls and laughter of playing children in the distance. She could almost feel the contrast of hot sand and cool surf on her feet and smell the delicate hint of sea weed on the air.
Then she opened her eyes. The fragile calm she'd regained from this mental vacation shattered instantly as the reality of the situation settled back into place like her mother in law settling into a spindle-legged lawn chair: it was almost enough to buckle her knees. The crater, ruined buildings, and sheer absence of so much that was thought to be reliable, stable, and lasting was unsettling to say the least.
As she approached the group of Federation offworlders though, her dour mood lightened ... slightly. They'd been busy and done good work in her absence. The four strangers were earnest it seemed in their offer to help as much as they could, and from the dust on their clothing and faces, Jiah believed they were ready and willing to work just as hard as any Da'al on the response team. This evidence was enough to inspire a pang of guilt in her stomach for the brusk manner she'd been so quick to adopt before.
oO What's done is done, Jiah. Assume the best until you have reason not to. They're here to help. Oo
She approached listening rather than butting in on their progress. (True leaders, her father had said, don't need to dictate every action.)
Silveira: Considering that marked with the Medical seal I say it goes in the triage, right?
Adea: Right on the money, Lieutenant.
Kag/Jovenan: Response
Kleebohn: You've all done excellent work in such a short time. ::noticing the non-Da'al crates:: What are all these?
The larger male present oO What was his name again? Silvery or something? Oo pointed to a stack of substantial crates, giving a vague overview.
Silveira: Those crates have hardware and equipment. ::He pointed to one with the Ops symbol:: Those have food supplies, field rations, things like that.
Commander Adea oO At least you remembered ONE name with confidence, Jiah Oo smiled, and invited input - another of her father's indicators of good leadership.
Adea: Which need to go to..?
Kag/Jovenan: Response
Jiah looked around, searching for a suitable location for the supplies.
Kleebohn: Perhaps the space between the command tent and triage ... "shelter" might be generous. At any rate, that would be a good distribution point.
Silveira: We can set up a distribution line if you can spare a few extra arms Miss Kleebohn. Or anything else we can assist on.
Kleebohn: Certainly. I know at least one person who will be thrilled to be out of the command tent.
Adea: It would be much appreciated.
She turned to the command tent, put two fingers to her lips and whistled loudly, gaining the attention of every Da'al there. She called for Utrior and Ayli to join them.
(( OOC - anyone can write for these two as you deem appropriate. I've only given them names for immersion sake, and I feel bad for Utrior ))
Kleebohn: Four more hands for you. ::to the now-arriving Da'al helpers:: Please assist the off- our guests however you can.
Adea/Silveira/Kag/Jovenan: Response
She wiped sweat and dust from her brow before she hefted a smaller crate, handing it to Ayli. The commander was a genial sort with a serious side. He carried a cane, which Jiah found intriguing for a people so technologically advanced, but decorum forbad her from asking about it. Regardless, it spoke of a layer of experience with suffering and familiarity with loss and pain she hadn't bothered to notice before. He was a good selection for this particular mission because of it, and Jiah again chastised herself for her rudeness before. Perhaps she should try again with the man looking for his family. It was part of her job after all. Looking around though, she finally noted his absence. Jiah was about to ask about this, but Commander Adea beat her to the topic.
Adea: That gentleman, Tornahd - he says his family are missing. Have you had any happy reunions?
Kleebohn: I wish I could say yes. Unfortunately we've delivered more confirmations of bad news than good to those in his position.
Adea/Silveira/Kag/Jovenan: Response
Kleebohn: Tecra is ... was ... has been an important center of our culture. It's something of a hub where members and representatives of every faction and belief try working together for the good of all Da'al.
Adea/Silveira/Kag/Jovenan: Response
Kleebohn: Before the collapse of the previous government, Tecra was seen as a middling city - frequented by merchants, mid-level politicians, and vacationers on a budget. Once the Interim Government was established, Tecra began to grow in its importance. Those who met in this provincial capital gained a stronger voice in the capital city. I genuinely thought we were making progress. Then the meteorite.
Adea/Silveira/Kag/Jovenan: Response
Kleebohn: That's right, but with the city in its current state ::indicating the devestation with a wave of her hand:: I don't know how far back that progress has been set.
Adea/Silveira/Kag/Jovenan: Response