Lt.Cmdr. Jashkaa - Don't Flirt With Me, You Won't Enjoy It

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Genkos Adea

May 18, 2024, 9:27:28 AMMay 18

((Counselor's Office - Deck 7, USS Artemis-A))

Jashkaa had taken a stroll around the deck, as was her custom after a particularly difficult session. For instance, the Vulcan down on deck 11 had been very insistent that crying at regular intervals was merely a logical expression of excess water, and would not have it that perhaps there was a deeper issue at play, like the recent death of her wife. She rounded the corner of the deck to see an officer stood in front of her office door. The man in question smiled and bowed slightly his head as he crossed his arms in front of him casually.

Silveira: Counselor Jashkaa, I presume?

Jashkaa: Indeed, Lieutenant.

He raised an eyebrow, straightening himself, shifting his smile with a grin and Jashkaa could practically hear the slight “awooga” noises going on inside his mind. She often had that effect on straight, male humans. And curiously, bisexual Bajoran women.

Silveira: The picture on the roster doesn’t do you justice, Counselor. ::He raised his hand, extending it to her.:: Vitor Silveira, your friendly Chief Tactical Officer.

Jashkaa took his hand firmly in hers, and was relieved when he did not bring it to his lips like some old-timey “gentleman”, but instead pumped it warmly three times. She found the custom curious, but as a counsellor, one must bend to the whim of the patient.

Jashkaa: And what can I do for you, Lieutenant Silveira?

Silveira: I am here to schedule a session.

Jashkaa raised an eyebrow - finally. She had been after the man for a while, as she had read the many, many incident reports that mentioned his name and had been on at Doctor Adea to send him her way. She tapped the panel next to her door and looked at her schedule, immediately cancelling the appointment with the oedipal Aurelian from Ops.

Jashkaa: I have an opening right now, perhaps you’d like to fill it?

Silveira: Response

Smiling as the human deftly avoided the verbal trap she’d set for him, she opened the door to her office and stepped inside.

Jashkaa: Take a seat, and please remember. In this office, I am Jashkaa, and you are Vitor. No sirs, no ma’ams and certainly no ranks. Understood?

Silveira: Response


Lt. Cmdr Jashkaa


As simmed by

Commander Genkos Adea MD

First Officer

USS Artemis-A


"You know, I'm really easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like bullies and I don't like threats, and I don't like you, Culluh. You can try and stop us from getting to the truth but I promise you that if you do I will respond with all the 'unique technologies' at my command." - Kathryn Janeway

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