[ssb118-Artemis] Ensign Kel Solas - Set to Charge

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Xander Fulton

May 2, 2024, 11:49:12 PMMay 2

((Security Center | Deck 08 | USS Artemis))

Solas looked over the duty roster Ensign Savel had showed him, carefully considering their options.

Kel: Why don’t we stick here and assist with weapons maintenance? I feel like maintaining our arsenal might be important if we get any surprise visitors.

Savel: Very well, I will list us as the ones to complete this assignment. 

Solas nodded appreciatively as Savel tapped on the console to attach them to the assignment in the computer.

Kel: Our opportunities to work with phase rifles at the academy was somewhat limited so now may be as good a time as any to get more familiar with them. The question will be whether the ones here are better or worse than the ones we had at the academy.

Savel: I believe you will find the rifles stored in our armory to be of a higher quality than those kept at the Academy.

Savel led the way to the Armory with Solas following close behind. He opened up the doors with  l his access code and let Solas in. Inside there was already an armory tech creman working, and  looked a bit caught off guard by their presence.

But Ensign Savel quickly moved past him and Solas kept close behind. The senior ensign lead him to a weapons rack that was already open, and brought one of the rifles from the rack and to a workbench in the room.

Savel: This, as you will be familiar, is a Type 3 Phaser Rifle. A newer configuration that was introduced in 2400. It took time for Starfleet to deliver the weapons to every ship in the fleet and the ships focused on scientific exploration were close to the last on the list of recipients. 

Solas took a step forward and scrutinized the rifle. 

Kel: i think I can count on one hand the times I’ve had one of these on hand. I’ve usually had to make do with a hand phaser. 

Savel: You will find that some essential functions of the weapon have changed. For instance, there are no longer incremental power settings. They have been exchanged for a simple selector switch that toggles between stun and kill. It prevents the need for complicated decisions during stressful situations.

Solas frowned as he turned the long instrument over in his hands. Wishing he could’ve had one on hand when dealing with Jem Hadar. 

Kel: I assume the Stun setting on a Type 3 rifle is at least as powerful as a type 2’s maximum stun?

Savel: Response 

Solas turned the weapon over a bit more before pulling up the status panel. He imeediatelt frowned at the information displayed. 

Kel: Well that’s interesting, this one appears to be mostly discharged. The battery might need replacing. 

Savel: Response



Ensign Kel Solas

USS Artemis-A

Security Officer


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