Ens Chevalier - Walking down the street in my new LaFreak

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CPT Arianus

Feb 11, 2024, 6:41:46 AM2/11/24
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com

(( Leera’s Basement - AKA “The Nerve Center” - Medara, Betazed ))

: You guys go with Nieran and get changed. I’m going to see if I can figure out what’s next.

s if Jaseb could hear the commander from afar, he was fixated with his eyes on the girl staying behind the crowd. She was so familiar to him, yet he couldn't be sure of her. Was it really her? The one he had never known, and yet he was the first to know about her. Wait. The commander was saying something to them. What was that?

Chevalier: What? Yes, sir. ::nods::

Savel: Response?

Dwayx: Come on, you lot. Let’s go.

Jaseb looked at Dwayx and nodded in his direction. Following him and Savel, they moved to stairs and then up and up, around some type of array. Jaseb gave the array a brief look and thought. It looked familiar, he saw it somewhere, sometime, somewhere, sometime, but he couldn't actually include it in that feeling of familiarity. Not that it matters,
they will obviously spend more than enough time here to be able to ask about his purpose in the future.

Dwayx: Starfleet, huh? ::He cast a glance back in your direction.:: I don’t suppose your arrival indicates a renewed liberation effort by the Fleet, does it?

Chevalier: I'm afraid not, not right away. ::looks at Dwayx with resolve:: But don't lose hope. You are important to the Federation war effort and they will come to your rescue. You just have to hold on a little longer.

Savel: Response

Jaseb watched Dwayx frown. He didn't seem to be pleased or comforted by their answers. But they were what they were, honestly, neither Jaseb nor Savel knew how the war was going on a whole galactic scale, and how the Federation was holding up and what possibilities it had.

Dwayx: ::He chuckled sarcastically:: I didn’t think so. But it was a nice thought.

It seemed as if they had reached the end of the staircase and had indeed reached its top. Building they entered
was a surprisingly cozy house, the sheer size of it was both impressive and somewhat unexpected. Everything inside was untouched, alive, like the owners just left for work and as if the war out there didn't even exist. Jaseb slowed as they walked through the hall, watching the pictures on the walls. He recognized Leera, their guide through the underground, and Dakora's mother. That made one of those children in the photos with her their commander. Jaseb stopped with one picture and tried to guess who was the commander, when he was just a small spawn. It took just a second, but he was quite sure, he recognized Talos Dakora.

How sweet and innocent the commander was as a kid... Oo

Satisfied with himself, Jaseb quickly caught up with Savel and Dwayx, who were already raiding the nearby closet under the stairs. With close look inside, he could saw the crates with man
clothes, marked with the name “Vostro Dakora”...

Commander's brother or father? Let's see... Oo

Dwayx: Help yourself. But don’t dawdle. This isn’t a fashion contest.

Savel: Response

Jaseb leaned his rifle against the wall of the closet and rummaged through the crates and clothes, which none caught his eye. Everything was too big, settled, it was too boring and soft for longer wear. It was third, maybe fourth crate, when he found another name on it - “Hanek Dakora”. As he opened that crate, it was like he found a hidden treasure.
He took a black shirt and cargo pants, which were lying on top of folded clothes in a crate, and he quickly measured both of them according to his proportions.

It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty close to perfect, so he quickly took off all his service clothes up to the underwear and revealed his soft skinned ectomorph body. Without shame or thought, he changed clothes on the spot, and threw his service uniform back into the crate where he shuffled it to the bottom. Last touch was a white hoodie, which found where he shuffle uniform, so he dressed it too and finally he was satisfied with his new look.

Mr. Savel, ready to go? Did you find your glance? ::smiles at Savel::

: Response

Jaseb nodded to Savel's response and took back his rifle. Now, when they changed clothes and more or less fit into the local reality - at least at first glance – came another more pressing question.

Chevalier: What comes next, Mister Dwayx? Have you some operations ongoing or planned, we can jump into?

: Response


Ensign Jaseb Chevalier
Operations Officer
U.S.S. Artemis-A
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