LtCmdr. Talos Dakora - Future Legends

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May 17, 2024, 5:00:44 PMMay 17

((Quark’s Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holo-Suite Arcade - Deep Space Nine))

Talos’ lucky streak had crashed and burned. At least… he thought it did. He still wasn’t entirely sure how the game worked. Either way, the stack of latinum that he’d been accruing all night had dwindled to what looked like just enough for the remainder of the night's drinks.

That would be plenty.

Dakora: Still got enough for drinks. Can I get you anything?

Adea: If anything, I should get you something - I lost you all that latinum.

He grinned, just a bit dopily. The kind of grin that one could only pull with the aid of one-too-many drinks.

Dakora: Iss’ok. ::He leaned in a bit, like he was telling a secret.:: I live on a Starship. I don’t need money.

As the crowd that had gathered around Talos rapidly dissipated and found some new source of amusement, Genkos led the way back to the bar.

Adea: Well howsabout I get you a drink and you get me one, then we’re even?

In that moment, after the rush of all the winning (and the losing) and the several drinks already doing their thing to his neurology, Talos was certain he’d never heard a better idea.

Dakora: Perfect. ::He set one of his few remaining strips of latinum on the bar with a clink.:: Amazing.

A blur of pink, fuschia, and orange seemed to appear out of nowhere nearby, and again Talos smiled as it resolved into the shape of Hallia Yellir wearing a dress that was even louder than his shirt– if admittedly more tasteful.

Yellir: Doctor! Commander! Is this seat taken?

Adea: Not at all, Hallia - please, join us.

He set another strip on the bar excitedly.

Dakora: Now it’s a party! 

Genkos motioned for her to join them at the bar and soon they were all seated at Quark’s Bar– THE Original Quark’s Bar– like one of the legendary figures who had done the same. When he thought about some of the stories the three of them had shared over the years, it felt oddly appropriate.

Yellir: Hope the Dabo tables have treated you both well— sounded like an absolute riot over there! 

Adea: I don’t play, but poor Talos here was on a hot streak… until I blew on his dice… ::he paused:: That wasn’t a euphemism. 

Talos whirled his head around to Genkos and raised his eyebrows.

Dakora: Oh, uh, none taken!

That didn’t sound right, but no one reacted to it, so he just rolled with it.

Yellir: Always have to be careful on a hot streak,  they’re speedy to humble a winner that knows the odds. 

Genkos caught the bartender’s attention with a raised hand as he nodded at Hallia’s words.

Adea: That reminds me - I owe you a drink Talos, and Hallia, would you like anything?

Talos held up the little fruit-shaped vessel with the small umbrella jutting jauntily out of the top that he’d downed several of at this point to the bartender.

Yellir: Response?

He pushed his latinum farther across the bar.

Dakora: You’ve got mine and I’ve got yours. Everyone wins.

It didn’t take long for the drinks to appear in front of them. 

Adea: It appears that I need to catch up, and so… ::he picked up the single glass that he’d ordered. It was barely bigger than a Brikar’s thimble (if they needed thimbles) and contained a clear liquid.:: Chin chin. ::he threw back his head and the liquor and immediately started to cough:: By the four, what was that..?

Talos smirked, retrieving the oversized shot glass and giving it a sniff.

Dakora: Holy strokes…Woof. ::He faked a gag.:: I don’t know, but it smells like it should get you caught-up quickly. ::He shook his drink demonstrably:: Mine aren’t that strong, but it’s a numbers game, dearies. 

He made a show of trying to count on his fingers, giving up somewhere around six with a shrug.

Yellir: Response

Adea: Response

With their stools swiveled away from the bar, Talos studied the rising crescendos of excitement that blossomed and collapsed at the various gambling tables. He turned to the others.

Dakora: Have you two managed to stay out of trouble this shore leave? 

Yellir/Adea: Response

Talos shook his head and sipped through the curly straw of his fruity drink.

Dakora: We’ve had one group take a field trip through an old Bajoran minefield. ::He glanced down at the floor and shook his head.:: I hear they’re still cleaning chunks of Ensign out of that medical transport…

Yellir/Adea: Response


LtCmdr. Talos Dakora
First Officer
USS Artemis-A
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